Questions tagged [notes]

about adding temporary notes into a document as reminders to edit parts of the document or to provide information to collaborators.

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Beamer presentation notes with allocated time [closed]

EDIT: See improved code in bottom of this post I've succeeded in getting a beamer pdf presented on dual screen (projector and laptop) with \setbeameroption{show notes on second screen=right} and Dual-...
Jonas Hansen's user avatar
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Using TikZ with DokuWiki [closed]

I am using DokuWiki to write my notes. The one thing that I am missing is the ability to plot. I would like to use TikZ to fill this need, but I have been unable to get exactly what I want. I am using ...
Daeden's user avatar
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\pdfmarkupcomment works in MWE, but doesn't work in my thesis [closed]

I have no idea why, but \pdfmarkupcomment doesn't show anything in my document. I tried to create MWE and it highlights text perfectly. I guess some of the commands interfere with pdfcomments. Could ...
damluar's user avatar
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add notes in beamer for all pages [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Run macro on each frame in beamer I'm creating a presentation using beamer, and I want it to put the slides in the odd pages, and in the even pages put the notes. But I want ...
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beamer with notes displayed while giving a presentation [closed]

What are people currently using to have notes available while giving a presentation? This post shows how to have a notes section for taking notes (audience oriented). I guess the presenter could ...
Vinh Nguyen's user avatar
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How to add notes ABOVE a table in latex?

I need to write a paper with the style of Jounal of Finance. I am having problems when trying to create a table with notes at the beggining. Here I attach a picture of how the table should look like: ...
chora's user avatar
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How to add a title and note to this table?

I am trying to add a title and a note to the following table: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{longtable,pdflscape} \begin{document} \begin{longtable}[{l*{6}{c}r}] \hline & Gov. ...
Rollo99's user avatar
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Adobe-like notes on latex

I'm writing my dissertation on latex, and this involves several reviews from my mentor, of course. I currently use the package soul to highlight changes from the previous versions and comments, but I ...
HericDenis's user avatar
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Long text below two figures

In my document I would like to include two figures side by side (this part I know how to do it). Below these two figures, I would like to include a long text, in footnote size, which is the ...
MG Fern's user avatar
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Problem with alignment inside a table and its notes

to explain my problem, please look at this table: 1) I want to bring the red part closer to the middle, so that the three columns are more centered. 2) I want to align the blue part in one vertical ...
Malganas's user avatar
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Add a (foot)note in my bibliography

I would like to add a footnote, or any other kind of note, to my bibliography. I have references from 2 different .bibtex files, and I need to make a distinction between the two. Currently, I put a * ...
JNevens's user avatar
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Beamer 2-up with projected frame above and notes below

How can I create a printout of my beamer slides 2-up, with the displayed frame on the top half, and the following \note{} frame on the bottom half of the page? If there is no \note{} page, the bottom ...
Liam's user avatar
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Beamer presentation WITH NOTES. Warning!! "destination with the same identifier has been already used, duplicate ignored" [duplicate]

I hope this question is not a duplicate; I have seen people observing this same warning, but in a totally different context, like here and here. The difference is I do not use hyperref for anything, ...
DaniCee's user avatar
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Changing fontsize on individual beamer note pages

I am writing a presentation in which certain slides are heavily commented upon and others not so much. As I am using \pgfpagesuselayout{2 on 1}[a4paper,border shrink=5mm] (and thus displaying notes on ...
AYT's user avatar
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Include presentation slides numbers on beamer notes

I would like to include the number of the presentation slide in the beamer note slide, so I would have a reference if I decide to generate slides and notes separately. In the MWE below, I have three ...
Looper's user avatar
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Beamer note page: Wrap text around slide preview

I want to have a more compact nodes page: I want to have the preview of the current slide at the top right and then the text wrapping around this preview. This is similar to https://tex.stackexchange....
bonanza's user avatar
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Is there a package for concise notes?

I'm thinking of creating concise pages of notes, mainly text, in the form of multiple layers of bullet points. Is there a package that I can give bullet pointed notes and it crams them as tightly on ...
superbriggs's user avatar
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Fill in the Blank Notes Using Censor

I am creating fill-in the blank notes for my class using the Censor package, a solution I found on this forum here. What I can't figure out is how to make the blanks for my students to fill in longer -...
Sarah Root's user avatar
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beamer notes on animated pages

I have animated slides and I am trying to generate notes to go along with them. Unfortunately, I get the notes after the last animation in the frame and not with every animation. I would like to get a ...
ozsu's user avatar
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Adding two notes streams at the end of a section

I would like to add two streams of notes at the end of each section of a document as in the example below, i.e. one \alph (italicized) and another \arabic. I can easily insert one stream using the ...
John's user avatar
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how to include a preview of next slide in Beamer's speaker notes?

The default style for Beamer's speaker notes includes a little thumbnail of the current slide. Is there anything I can do to get a thumbnail of the next slide? (I don't need to see the current slide,...
Dan Drake's user avatar
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Powerdot - create both slides and notes via command line

I would like to create both slides and notes from a powerdot presentation easily. Currently, the options in the preamble of the file need to be changed and the file saved to produce the different ...
Laura's user avatar
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Beamer onslide delayed and missing notes

I am having troubles with the use of \onslide<+-> and beamer notes. For the following snippet \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage{pgfpages} \setbeameroption{show notes} \setbeameroption{show ...
bonanza's user avatar
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Beamer - compile two sets of .pdfs one with and another without notes

Is it possible to simultaneously prepare two sets of Beamer slides - one with and another without notes? Kind regards, Syed
Syed hasan's user avatar
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Beamer - Title page is perturbed when adding notes [closed]

I'm working on a Beamer presentation in which I want my notes to be along with a small preview of the current slide only (bigger than the default). I worked on the following MWE, which seems to work ...
DaniCee's user avatar
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Beamer outside notes word wrap problem [closed]

I am adding some notes to my slides. My notes are very long (about 3 lines in the slide), and when I use \note[enumerate]{\item ... } stuff, (it is note outside frame) the text in the note slide does ...
joon's user avatar
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5 answers

Align sentences beneath each other. Like ruler in word!

Essentially, I want to be able align the non-bold sentences underneath each other. In word I would use a ruler. As you would if you ignored all the underlines Canonical Ensemble: System with fixed ...
Azhir Mahmood's user avatar
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How can I draw geometric figures using latex?

I wanted to draw the following figure using Latex I am not sure which packages should I use. Any pointers towards the solution would be of great help
newbie's user avatar
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ConTeXt: Marginal notes overlap

I'm working in a ConTeXt document, with right marginal notes. I have a code I don't understand completely, but it almost do what I want. The problem is that although I am setting options stack=yes and ...
Miguel's user avatar
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How to put notes under table in LYX

I'd like to ask how to write notes under the table (in float) in LYX? I found the following, but it is strangely written (how can a table be at the same time out and in the float???): 'Table inside ...
Nathalie's user avatar
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LaTex for taking notes? Clicking Enter generates a \newline?

I've just started using LaTex and I'm thinking about using it to take notes during lectures (don't know if it's a good idea to begin with). Is there a way to use the enter button as a shortcut for \...
Phersephatta's user avatar
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List all theorems that were not restated

I have a longer book written in memoir using many theorems defined by ntheorem. I would like to check if I correctly restated all theorems (done with the help of thm-restate) in later chapters. \...
markus23's user avatar
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Beamer overlay notes: last note missing

I'm trying to get notes to appear sequentially on the notes page in sync with bullets on the main slide. For some reason the last note text never appears: Here's a minimal example: \documentclass{...
kabZX's user avatar
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Subtitle in table

I have a table of the form \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} % \begin{document} \begin{table} \begin{center} \caption{\centering How many people \\ \scriptsize Average over a thousand ...
fox's user avatar
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Latex with free draw support for note taking

I'm self studying math and computer science and am wondering how people like to organize their notes. This is because sometimes math is very symbol heavy and hard to write out, but sometimes it's ...
Nakano's user avatar
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Beamer Change Formatting of Notes

I use the documentclass beamer and would like to have all my notes of the PDF in bold and red (- or a better solution on this problem). Situation: I have notes once in a while when they seem important ...
Suuuehgi's user avatar
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math box with notes

I wanted to create a function for maths notes that makes this result but in an easy way, like the function \underset{}{} where you place between the brackets what you want to appear below the text, so ...
alvarito mendez's user avatar
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\insertshorttitle with frame titles and \setbeameroption{show notes on second screen}

The MWE below does not work when \insertshorttitle is used as the title of the frame if \setbeameroption{show notes on second screen} is active as well. W/o either it works fine. \inserttitle does not ...
stefanct's user avatar
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How to place a common footnote below two panels?

I do have a problem putting a common tablenote - which is important for both panels - below the following table: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \usepackage[a4paper,...
Jogi's user avatar
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Beamer with notes on the left, have navigation links working both on slides (right) and on notes (left)

Following the answer to this question, and given a suggestion in one of the comments, I am trying to have working navigation links not only on the slides on the right, but also on the notes on the ...
DaniCee's user avatar
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Biblatex-chicago notes sorting same year

I'm sorry if this has already been answered elsewhere, but I couldn't find it. I would like to get Biblatex-chicago-notes to sort my bibliography when there are several works published the same year ...
Frank Ejby Poulsen's user avatar
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Adjust page margins for note page with beamer

I have to rebuild a PowerPoint template with beamer and one convenient part of my solutions is to set a value for the top margin. Unfortunately this effects the note page as well. Is there a solution ...
Alex's user avatar
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Figure notes mess up centering

I have quite a long figure which I need to adjust to fit to textheight. When I want to include some description below, the figure stop being centered and indents the text. I tried this suggestion to ...
Papayapap's user avatar
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Ibid is not working locally with biblatex-chicago

I'm using the notes style of biblatex-chicago, but stangely Ibids are being printed on Overleaf, but not my local installation (TeXlive with TeXstudio on Windows 10). Footnote 2 is "Chaney, 50&...
Jon Arnold's user avatar
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How to use \note[itemize] for frames with overlays

I'd like to have notes on each slide of a frame I use overlay options like itemize[<+->] or \alert<2>. The following codes make the notes appear in the end. Using \note{itemize} inside the ...
Alex's user avatar
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Margins, forest package, text on page and node centering

I'm trying to draw a figure describing a timeline and would like help with 2 aspects of it 1) I'm trying to add some notes to a forest made in LaTeX. I have modified margins and resize boxes in order ...
jpugliese's user avatar
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Way to hide all fixmes in latex document

I'm using the fixme package for a paper. Is there a way to produce a PDF without any fixmes? This paper has a lot of fixmes, so I can't go enclosing each one in a comment or adding a flag that I ...
Ivan Perez's user avatar
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Beamer presentation with notes [duplicate]

I would like to have some notes for my presentation so that I would be the only one to see them on my computer. So I used the show notes option of beamer. However, I need a software to read the ...
KB303's user avatar
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Using \uncover in latex beamer class with notes

I am preparing a Latex Beamer presentation with notes and using the uncover option. When I compile the PDF with the "show notes on second screen" option notes only appear for the uncovered last ...
timeinhardt's user avatar
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shrink page to allow optional annotations or margin notes

I am working on a lab manual that will have a student version and an instructor version. I'd like the instructor version to be like an annotated copy of the student version, perhaps with the content ...
peteman's user avatar
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