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Questions tagged [paragraphs]

{paragraphs} are distinct text divisions that begin on a new, usually indented line. In TeX, a paragraph is ended by the \par command or at least one blank line. If your question is about the \paragraph or \subparagraph sectioning commands, use {sectioning} plus {sections-paragraphs} instead.

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3 votes
1 answer

Paragraph indents dissapeared suddenly

At some point my paragraph indents dissapeared... I cannot recall when. Why is this happening? Here is a MWE that does not work for me MWE: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{report} \usepackage[document]{...
lukygee's user avatar
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Avoid the space given by parskip if it goes on a new page

So, all along the code of my thesis I put blank lines between every mathematical environment, so it starts a new paragraph every time there is an equation. I did it because, since I'm using the ...
Marco Olivieri's user avatar
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is it possible to add a stepwise counter for assigning a number to each text block?

Basically I want to have a number assign to each paragraph in the document at document level . That means not having to define a script at paragraph level. No each 'paragraph' in the document has \...
bonCodigo's user avatar
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\ExplSyntaxOn problem with new paragraph [duplicate]

I use the below code to highlight a list of words. It works fine as long as all the text is in one paragraph and no LaTeX command such as \href is used. Is there any way to fix this problem? \...
nakisa's user avatar
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3 answers

referencing "modified" paragraph numbers

For legal documents I need the paragraphs numbered in the format section.paragraph. So e.g. the third paragraph in section 12 would be 12.3. I don't need subsections. The paragraphs are all indented ...
Landvogt's user avatar
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Indent all paragraphs (except the first one!) with eledpar

Who knows how to indent all paragraphes in the greek and latin text, except the first one? There're two facing pages with foot- and sidenotes (eledpar). Thank you. %LuaLaTex \documentclass[a4paper,12p]...
Raphael Blasberg's user avatar
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Shift a box to another line

I have a question. I'm creating a TOC from scratch. Some lines are too long, and to solve this, I came up with something like this (obviously, this is much more simplified than the actual code). The \...
gxono's user avatar
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1 answer

How to remove \marginpar from automatically numbered paragraphs?

New member, first question: I have found Fully automatic numbering of paragraphs to be very helpful. I would like to not include numbering on \marginpar , \paragraph , and \subparagraph etc In the ...
22fergy's user avatar
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1 answer

Adjust left margin of whole paragraph

\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage[skins]{tcolorbox} \usepackage[letterspace=150]{microtype} \usepackage{geometry} \geometry{ a4paper, left=1.5cm, right=1.5cm, ...
lmkerbey's user avatar
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Insert arbitrary-row-size multi-columns in revtex4, for the purpose of inserting figures more freely

Are there equivalent commands in revtex4 documentclass, like the multi columns inserted in the arbitrary place in the beamer like the following? Naively, I expect something like this so we can insert ...
wonderich's user avatar
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6 votes
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Number sentences in paragraphs, as a range

I need to typeset a critical edition of a small philosophical work. Editorial and typesetting rules require to number sentences at the beginning of each paragraph. That is easy for 1-sentence ...
gsl's user avatar
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1 answer

Latex paragraph indentation missing

I am using \setlength{\parindent}{1cm} and \setlength{\parskip}{0cm} in preamble for consistent paragraph indentation, however when rendering file in pdflatex I have no indentations visible in my ...
TomaszG's user avatar
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Is there a way to avoid new paragraph?

Is it possible to avoid a paragraph/line break in the compiled document between different paragraphs of code? Something like \noindent but specifically for the paragraph break: lorem ipsum dolor sit ...
joaocandre's user avatar
2 votes
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Format \paragraph titles

after many attempts, I can't do this in LaTeX (XeLaTeX or Pdf Latex): \paragraph{} vs \paragraph{toto} I want 1/ continuous paragraph numbering 2/ a symbol after the title IF it's non-empty : \...
Frédéric Jaëck's user avatar
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Display multiple paragraphs at the right side of an image separated by vertical line

What I am trying to do I'm trying to typeset the following using LaTeX. The image shown below was created using Inkscape. Some important details: Paragraphs, which are shown on the right side, are ...
Rodrigo Morales's user avatar
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Automated parskip after formulas

I understand that English people generally want to delete paragraph indentation everywhere... This is not the french custom, and I there is very few tips on how to add indentation in LaTeX. Hence my ...
Louis Lascaud's user avatar
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Avoiding page break inside all paragraphs with \filbreak when also using \\

I am writing some song lyrics. If possible, partially empty pages should be preffered over page breaks inside paragraphs. Using \widowpenalties 1 10000 and \raggedbottom didn't work. Until now, I was ...
Filip Ž's user avatar
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Drop Cap is causing text to be pushed out on certain lines of text

I would like the text to stay flush but it looks like the superscript along with the dropcap to be pushed out. I don't know what I need to fix that. Also, I'd like the paragraph to wrap around the ...
DonnyRodriguez's user avatar
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Customized output when referencing autonumbered paragraph

I have a customized paragraph that I use to define skills and autonumber them. When referencing the paragraphs, the output should be custom text plus counter number (e.g., S1, S2 etc). But currently, ...
mike's user avatar
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Why does specific text refuse to begin with a new line

My first post so I hope I did this correctly. Here is the MWE for this problem: %Abridged Drug Book \documentclass[12pt,letter,twoside]{book} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage[text={7in,10in},...
John Gillen's user avatar
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Paragraph gets under the figure despite being above in code

I am trying to make the paragraph to be above the figure yet it is put below. Why ? I have tried different figure options with no success. \paragraph{Poniżej jest porównanie obrazów przed i po ...
Szymon42214's user avatar
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How do I reset the paragraph numbering after a new chapter?

I'm writing an academic assignment and the paragraph needs to be reset after a new question. After the first question, the paragraph continoues to count with D. , but I need to start with A. again. ...
DidiG's user avatar
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Paragraph numbering in the margin + line numbering (using reledmac)

I would like to have the paragraph number in the right margin (preferably without a full stop after it; and without indentation of the text) At the same time, I would like to have line numbering that ...
FondueCat3000's user avatar
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How do I correctly include the titles and sections in this document without the titles being the first word of the parageraph for the section

I have a main text that calls other texts in, and for some reason, despite the main.tex specifically saying no indentation, the tex file indents the first line of every section after the first section....
Alex Poyser's user avatar
2 votes
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Trigger code in para/begin hook for a precise paragraph

I made a simple system of multiple levels paragraph counters using the para/begin hook: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{expl3} \usepackage{xparse} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \...
Antony Geedies's user avatar
3 votes
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Too many sections in a chapter cause large vertical spaces between paragraphs

I am trying to write a chapter which has a lot of sections. At a certain amount of sections in a chapter (exact number depends on top/bottom marings) the paragraphs in the text are split by very large ...
pbit24's user avatar
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Right shifting a paragraph

Have been working on shifting the PAR. part as a shifted paragraph to the right by a certain amount (0.8cm in this instance). But the whole paragraph is not getting shifted as intended. Would like ...
Veak's user avatar
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Scratching a paragraph, or a specified amount of text in latex

I want to figure out how to scratch(draw an oblique or diagonal line across the text) out some number of lines(in particular, a paragraph). Does anyone know of a simple command to do this? I am ...
Parish's user avatar
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Why picture appears above text even when I added it below the text [duplicate]

I wrote following code and I added picture below the text but it appeared above it. can anyone please suggest fixes, Thanks. \subsection{Bloch sphere} Bloch sphere is graphical representation of Qubit....
Shakeel Ur Rahman's user avatar
4 votes
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Tcolorbox automatically indents the text after the equation

I have a problem I do not know how to solve. I am using tcolorbox to create equations which are colorful with a frame. However, after the equation the text that follows is always indented, even though ...
Andris Erglis's user avatar
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2 answers

How to stop LyX from indenting the start of every paragraph?

I can select the paragraph > Right-click > Paragraph settings > Uncheck "Indent Paragraph" > "OK". But now new paragraphs still have the same indentation. How do I stop ...
user182601's user avatar
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Correct line spacing when changing font size without causing the end of the paragraph

Consider the following code: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{lipsum} \begin{document} \lipsum[1]% \begingroup% \tiny\color{red}% \lipsum[2]% \endgroup% \lipsum[3]% \end{...
Vincent's user avatar
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Can you make certain lines wrap around early and have a hanging indent beyond the regular indent?

I want to modify this LaTeX code to create a hanging indent effect when the line wraps to the next line. I want this to break at around 75% of the textarea and start wrapping around to the new line ...
Mark Pampuch's user avatar
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reledmac : \pstart and \pend with quotation env

Here is a MWE : \documentclass[twoside]{book} % \usepackage{polyglossia} % \setdefaultlanguage{sanskrit} % \newfontfamily{\devanagarifont}[% Script=Devanagari, Ligatures=TeX, ]% {Adishila} %...
lalitaalaalitah's user avatar
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latex generated pdf with multi line text puts newline after each line

I have multiline text in an \item of {itemize} or in {section} and creating a pdf of the document. When I copy the text from the pdf, there is a newline character at the end of each line. I am ...
Furqan136's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

vertical space after a list but only before a new paragraph [duplicate]

How to insert a \parskip after lists, but only before a new paragraph? In the example below, the desired output would be no vertical space after the first list and vertical space after the second list:...
Ernest A's user avatar
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How can I let floats interrupt my text, but only at paragraph-resolution?

I'm writing some text, with a float at some point. I don't mind where my float is placed exactly, but - I do mind if it breaks up individual paragraphs into two pieces, before and after the float. I ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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How to change vertical alignment of text in a paragraph

I am trying to format a line of text that has two different sized fonts such that the vertical alignment of the smaller sized text is based off the larger sized text. In one instance I'd like the ...
atommclain's user avatar
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Unwanted new line between paragraphs

I have a .tex file in which I defined the below code: \section{Introduction} \paragraph{} This is an example \paragraph{} This is an example which is shown like this: How can I avoid to have the ...
Paolo Gasparro's user avatar
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How can I ensure the next things is always at the start of a new line?

I have an environment that needs to ensure that its body always starts on a new line, but that doesn't add extra blank space when doing that. What I have works well, except with a few corner cases ...
BCS's user avatar
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paragraph not showing numbering [closed]

I am using \paragraph in a command named \kom. Looking at the documentation, \paragraph{this} should introduce a numbered paragraph, but it does not. What is the reason for this ? \documentclass[...
user avatar
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Aligning latex3 boxes side by side

I'm building a token list by adding dynamically generated boxes to it inside a map-function, but the result only looks correct when it's inside a paragraph or a table cell. When they are the first ...
meide's user avatar
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How do I add vertical margins to a paragraph (selectively, so not applying to all paragraphs)?

For some typesetting, I want to add vertical margins (top and bottom) around certain paragraphs. I already found the package changepage and their environment adjustwidth to set the horizontal margins (...
clel's user avatar
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Suppress vertical space at beginning of macro when there is no preceding paragraph

I want to create a variant of the itemize command for Beamer that spreads the items vertically. This should increase the space between items as well as to preceding text. With other words, I want a ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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Do the \parindent and \noindent cancel each other out?

I was reading through the \maketitle command provided by the default article.cls class and it has the following code: \newcommand\maketitle{\par \begingroup \renewcommand\thefootnote{\@...
Nathaniel Boynick's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Should one ever use \bigskip?

I am wondering whether one is ever justified in using \bigskip in LaTeX (specifically in overleaf)? I have recently drastically reduced my use of it, due to my teacher's recommendation. But I tend to ...
Ben123's user avatar
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How can I make sure that the tables and figures don't divide the paragraphs?

According to the rules for written work at my university, a table or figure cannot divide a paragraph. In the following MWE, the table doesn't fit on the first page and is therefore placed on the ...
Daniel Valencia C.'s user avatar
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How to correctly separate paragraphs with a blank line

I want to end a paragraph with a blank line and start a new paragraph. When I use first paragraph\\ second paragraph I get an underfull hbox error. When I use first paragraph\par second paragraph ...
simulate's user avatar
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How do adjust line recoil/margin of a paragraph in LegrandOrangeBook [duplicate]

The document has always the first paragraph coming with no margin (no recoil). I wanted an uniform look for all paragraphs in the document. Any tips?
Jason's user avatar
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Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph within nested minipages

I am generating a PDF using a .tex file of similar name. Generating the PDF with pdflatex generates a number of Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 539--542, with each set of line ...
MTecknology's user avatar

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