Questions tagged [polyglossia]

Polyglossia is a replacement for {babel} for use with XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX. It provides multilingual support for most languages and handles automatic script changing using the {fontspec} package.

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Section numbering in Devanagari in polyglossia

Am using Polyglossia to generate Sanskrit documents. Simple document (article). but with small sections. The section numbers generated are in arabic font and not in Devanagari. How to solve this?
Srinath's user avatar
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How to use polyglossia to translate a document?

Question How can I use polyglossia package to translate my document from one language to another? The documentation and all examples online I have found show polyglossia package being used to product ...
Robert Kusznier's user avatar
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Why error is coming when using listings in polyglossia package?

The complete file is here. MWE: \documentclass[11pt,fancy,authoryear,twoside]{elegantbook} %-------------------------------------------------- %Bengali Font in Document %--------------------------...
Sofia's user avatar
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Why doesn't chapter number show when elegant book class uses polyglossia package?

When elegantbook class (3.11) uses polyglossia package it does not show chapter number at header? MWE: \documentclass[11pt,fancy,authoryear,twoside]{elegantbook} \usepackage{lipsum} %-------------...
Sofia's user avatar
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Biblatex reference list not translated to Bahasa Indonesia

Currently, I am following a tutorial on overleaf about bibliography generation. I tried to use Bahasa Indonesia language in my next document, so I load polyglossia package and set the main language to ...
masrosid's user avatar
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Chapter number is not showing in elegantbook class for Bengali

MWE: \documentclass[11pt]{elegantbook} %-------------------------------------------------- %Bengali Font in Document %-------------------------------------------------- % For a bilingual document \...
MKS's user avatar
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Ancient greek variant not working in polyglossia package

I'm using the polyglossia package to set ancient greek as secondary language. The code works fine when I just type \setotherlanguages{greek} However an error appears when i change it to \...
Urel's user avatar
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LaTex Urdu with Aeraab Issue

I need help in URDU Script. Some Aeraab works fine, but some pronunciation symbols dislocate from their actual position. The working example is, \documentclass[paper=a4, 12pt, oneside]{article} \...'s user avatar
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RTL numbering in urdu language table of contents section number and references

I am writing a book in Urdu using polyglossia package. Urdu text goes from right to left but numbers are written from left to right. The number format is correct everywhere except in the section ...
Waqas's user avatar
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Define different fonts for different scripts

I'm trying to define different fonts for different scripts, Latin and Greek. I'm currently using Linux Libertine O as my main font, which includes support for Greek, but I would like to try using a ...
igm2103's user avatar
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Arabic Biblatex with English Title

I am writing a book in Arabic and I am citing English books. I am having issues with citing the Arabic and English books together. Therefore, I decided to translate the English book title and add a ...
OOzy Pal's user avatar
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Polyglossia changes the bold letters from algorithms

I compile the tex document with XeLaTeX. When I put on my premable this \setdefaultlanguage{greek}, table of content and algorithms special words loses their bold letters and I got an output like that....
Padelis's user avatar
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Can you help me to correct this tex files ? "About chapter format"

\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{report} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{pgfplots,tikz,enumerate,array,fancyhdr,enumitem,fancybox,graphicx,amsfonts,...
Vrouvrou's user avatar
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tufte-book & Tectonic (XeTeX) & bidi / polyglossia don't get along

I'm trying to write a document with tufte-book. Most of the document is supposed to be in English but I wish to write some text in Hebrew. I am able successfully compile documents with more common ...
Doron Behar's user avatar
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Problem placing numbers after Vedic accents in Tamil

I am having a problem placing a number after a vedic accent in Tamil. The minimum map file is ********************************************************************** LHSName "tamv" RHSName &...
Sundar's user avatar
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Awkward title page with Polyglossia in Beamer with Madrid theme

Using Polyglossia with Madrid theme produces an awkward title page heading. MWE1 - Working fine without the Madrid theme: \documentclass{beamer} %:Language \usepackage{fontspec} \setsansfont{Arial} \...
Morzen's user avatar
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The use of polyglossia changes Chinese font selection

I just switched from babel to polyglossia, and surprisingly found my san-serif Chinese font changes. Consider the following example: %! TEX program = xelatex \documentclass{article} \RequirePackage{...
Jinwen's user avatar
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polyglossia and \selectlanguage in the preamble causing Chinese characters disappear

Consider the following example (compile with xelatex): %! TEX program = xelatex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ctex} \RequirePackage{polyglossia} \setdefaultlanguage{english} \setotherlanguage[...
Jinwen's user avatar
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Foreign-Language support in \part, \Section, etc

I have a document with a lot of different languages, some of which appear in \part{}, \section{}, etc. blocks. For example, the following MWE: \documentclass[12pt,a4paper,oneside]{scrbook} \...
user242047's user avatar
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Chinese text in English scrbook with luatexja-fontspec and polyglossia

I have the following document: \documentclass[12pt,a4paper,oneside]{scrbook} \usepackage{fontspec} \makeatletter \usepackage{csquotes} \usepackage{luacode} %\usepackage[UTF8]{ctex} \usepackage{...
user242047's user avatar
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How to write numerals of equations by the digits of a non-Latin-based language?

I am typesetting a document in Persian using polyglossia. Thanks to fontspec under XeLaTeX, I can copy/paste Persian digits in the text, but when I do the same for equations, compilation render ...
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Polyglossia breaks when changing default language from English

I am trying to rework my CV a little and decided I'd just use a plain old article format. When I made the CV itself with lualatex, fontspec, and polyglossia it worked fine with \setdefaultlanguage{...
Plergux's user avatar
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Inconsistent list label-dots with Arabic using polyglossia

I am using polyglossia to write document with Arabic and English. I have an enumerate field. The problem is that if the last word prior was English, the dot is placed on the right instead of the left ...
Mahshrp's user avatar
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Problem with ref and box of theorem

Dear all I have a problem when \label and \ref as it is in this minimal example please help me \documentclass[12pt,a4paper,openany]{book} %------------------------------------------------------- \...
Nora Nour's user avatar
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Polyglossia and Makeidx

I am trying to index Arabic documents. The idx file generated is: \indexentry{الوعي|hyperpage}{\RLE {١}} \indexentry{المسؤولية|hyperpage}{\RLE {٢}} When I run makeindex, I get this error in ilg file ...
OOzy Pal's user avatar
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Package polyglossia Warning: No hyphenation patterns were loaded for `spanish'

The initial error: How to solve this error on macOS? Package polyglossia Warning: No hyphenation patterns were loaded for `spanish' (polyglossia) I will use \language=\l@nohyphenation ...
Alex Arévalo's user avatar
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How to change the tablename and reflect also when using cleveref?

I have the following example document where I'm using polyglossia and cleveref. The default name for table in spanish is cuadro. How can I change it into tabla and propagate this change to cleveref? ...
LEo's user avatar
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Error when using polyglossia, french and make4ht

A memory error occurs when using the package polyglossia, setting french as default language and compiling with make4ht. Here is a simple code to reproduce the error: \documentclass{article} \...
LEo's user avatar
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Simplest way to write Greek and English text in the long-term and for all OS

I have written LaTeX documents with lots of greek text and also interspersed with English sentences some time ago. Including bibliography. I used babel and pdflatex for this. Now I am trying to show ...
bliako's user avatar
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Polyglossia and hyperref interference when using french language

I have a warning when compiling the following code: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{polyglossia} \setdefaultlanguage{french} \usepackage{hyperref} \begin{document} a \end{document} ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Set font for numbers in Polyglossia

\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \newfontfamily\englishfont{CMU Serif} % English font \newfontfamily\thaifont[Script=Thai]{TH Sarabun New} % Thai font \usepackage{...
Ken's user avatar
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Biblatex with LatexBangla [duplicate]

I have a document (Texstudio in OSX) written using the LatexBangla package (XeLaTex system). But I am unable incorporate a bibliography in English written using biblatex (biber). The minimal code is ...
Grobber's user avatar
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Persian/Farsi polyglossia font error

I am getting this error: Package polyglossia error. The current latin font PersianModern(0) does not contain the "Arabic" script!(polyglossia) Please define \arabicfont with \newfontfamily ...
AML's user avatar
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How to get just the visarga symbol in Devanagari

This is my code \documentclass[letterpaper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \usepackage{footnpag} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{polyglossia} \usepackage[total={6.5in,8.75in},top=1.2in,left=1....
Sundar's user avatar
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How to forbid a certain character from starting a line of output text? Specifically concerning Tibetan text

I am typesetting texts in Tibetan, and I am trying to replicate a traditional Tibetan typesetting convention (they mostly used handwritten manuscripts or xylographs/wood-block prints). There is a ...
Paul's user avatar
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Numbering appears from right to left in mixed language

I'm having trouble with section numbering appearing in a reverse order and reversed parentheses in formulas for a file mainly written in English, with some Hebrew at the first two pages. I've tried ...
HadarM's user avatar
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Fix sexam package

This package is a modified version of the "exam" package, compatible with the Arabic language (via XeLaTeX/polyglossia) for exams In the link there are the package files, but no one worked. ...
Mamoun Mohammed's user avatar
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How do I change languages for text in math mode?

So I have a document with Hebrew as its main language and English as the secondary language. Hebrew is used for regular text and English is used for both regular text and text inside math formulas. ...
cth's user avatar
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how can I use math environment for a non English language?

I am trying to print in for Sanskrit language but math environment does not print Sanskrit in fractions. I am using this $\dfrac{/जी.श}{५}$ and have tried other shorthands too. Sanskrit text is ...
Marmik's user avatar
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Polyglossia support for Mexican Spanish variant broken?

EDIT: Thanks to the issue linked by @moewe, I found out that the Mexican and Spanish versions of the Spanish Polyglossia module are identical except for a single word ("tabla" vs. "...
Gil Williams's user avatar
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Lualatex + amsthm + polyglossia + CharisSIL = error

The following \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsthm,polyglossia} \setmainfont{CharisSIL} \newtheorem{defi}{Definition} \begin{document} \begin{defi} Harmless definition \end{defi} \end{...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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xelatex+polyglossia+hebrew: how to avoid parasitic blank space

This is a problem I have for many years now, maybe you can help me solve it. I use the latest version of polyglossia (v1.50a), fontspec (v2.7i) and xetex (3.14159265-2.6-0.999992 (TeX Live 2020)). For ...
yannis's user avatar
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table of contents font changes to bold when it is declared as regular

I am trying to create a table of contents and I use Devanagari font. I declare the font to be Shobhika Regular, but in the table of contents environment it changes to boldface. How to prevent this ...
Sundar's user avatar
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Change French chapter name with polyglossia

After reading polyglossia documentation here is what I ended with \documentclass{book} \usepackage{polyglossia} \setmainlanguage{french} \begin{document} \gappto\captionsfrench{\renewcommand\...
Jérôme LAURENS's user avatar
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Trouble in writing Myanmar and English

When writing Myanmar Text as a main font, English output is bad. I'd like to get English output as default font.
Aung Yadanar Oo's user avatar
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How to correct the polyglossia example with arabic so the formatting is not lost?

I have created a minimal example to reproduce the behavior I'm experiencing. I have defined a template (mytemplate.cls) with a specific formatting for title: \ProvidesClass{mytemplate} \LoadClass{...
LEo's user avatar
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Why does hyphenation orphan combining accents?

While testing a package I was writing to map Greek beta code to Unicode, I discovered a bug in both Babel and Polyglossia, running under either XeTeX or LuaTeX. The packages will happily insert a ...
Davislor's user avatar
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arabic tcolorbox for definition

I have an error with this tex files, how to improve it ? Runaway argument? { ! Paragraph ended before \tcb@theo@label was complete. <to be read again> \par l.79 \begin{...
Poline Sandra's user avatar
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selnolig Turns en and em Dashes into Hyphens if polyglossia is loaded Before the Fonts

Consider the following code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{polyglossia} \setmainfont{Stix Two Text} \usepackage{selnolig} \begin{document} -- --- \end{document} Of which ...
TivV's user avatar
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How to -- properly -- underline the ordinal masculine and feminine?

There are languages, Portuguese being one of them, where the ordinals (masculine and feminine) are always supposed to be underlined. About half of fonts do not provide underlined-ordinals, leaving up ...
TeX Apprentice's user avatar

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