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Questions tagged [section-titles]

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How to make the title "Chapter 1" in class memoir sans-serif and `light_blue`?

I have a tex file \documentclass{memoir} \usepackage{xcolor,hyperref} \hypersetup{ colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue, filecolor=blue, urlcolor=red, citecolor=magenta, bookmarksopen=true, ...
Akira's user avatar
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To remove the section title at the end of the article

The problem is shown in the picture. I want to remove the title section 1.1 above the next section. I don't know the reason in this book class template as I am new to TeX. Below is the code in the ...
Hexarhy's user avatar
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How to highlight the chapter, section, subsection with different colors?

So, I'm making short notes for physics and I'm writing the my notes in twocolumn and the documentclass is book. i want to highlight(or have some different color at the background) the chapter, section ...
physics_physique's user avatar
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lua-widow-control and titles

Consider the following MWE \documentclass[a4paper]{report} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{lua-widow-control} \begin{document} \chapter{Hola} \lipsum[1] \lipsum[1-2] \lipsum[3][1-13] \end{document} ...
Mane32's user avatar
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How can I suppress the word 'Chapter' (book) and have number and title in one line? [duplicate]

I am using the book class and I want the title of the chapters to be printed without the word 'Chapter' or 'Kapitel', respectively. I already succeeded in suppressing the word itself with the help of ...
kosdeg's user avatar
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How do I get the section title within a chapter in the report document class to be on the same page as the chapter title? [duplicate]

I am writing a report about my research data so far and am using the report document class. I've made each part of my report a different chapter and to make it more manageable I have created a ...
biochemstudent's user avatar
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Subtitle, but over section name?

I'm trying to write a small subtitle, but I want to place it over the section name: I use the documentclass report. Thanks in advance!
Mohammed Itani's user avatar
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How to left-align section titles in Revtex4-2

I'm using the following setup for an article: \documentclass[prd,amsmath,superscriptaddress,twocolumn,eqsecnum,nofootinbib]{revtex4-2} \interfootnotelinepenalty=10000 \pdfoutput=1 \usepackage[utf8]{...
ConfusedCabbage's user avatar
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Cross-reference to addsec

How can I make a cross-reference to a section that is included in the table of contents using addsec? Here my example: \documentclass{scrartcl} \begin{document} \tableofcontents \addsec{Title I}\...
Ulrich's user avatar
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Section number and title spacing in references [duplicate]

I am using the following code to reduce the space between the section number and the section title: \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage[noabbrev, ...
BlackFog's user avatar
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Modify section name in pdf navigation menu [duplicate]

I'm using hyperref to create a navigation menu in my article. The problem is that my subsection titles contain various mathematical fonts (like \mathbb and \mathcal) which don't render in the ...
andres's user avatar
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How to remove unwanted space before math when using polyglossia in Russian?

I'm using polyglossia to create a document in Russian. If a sectioning command such as \section or \paragraph is immediately followed by an equation or other display-math, then there is unwanted extra ...
РЯБКИН's user avatar
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May the top margin text be shorter than the title text? [duplicate]

Some times the text in the top margin matching a section, or subsection, title, is too long. Is there a way to use There is a long and winding road as subsection title, and the long an winding road ...
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
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How to correctly use a cite command in a chapter/section title? Error Message: Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode):

I'm using a \textcite{key} command in my section name/title in order to describe there the studies made by this specific author. However, I'm receiving the warning message "Package hyperref ...
Aline's user avatar
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The Legrand Orange Book Template: unumbered chapter* title get numbered

I'm having a problem with the unumbered chapters (chapter*) of my book. I was getting what can be seen on the following picture: The box around the chapter is open on the right side, what I don't ...
cProg's user avatar
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How does one change the chapter/section style in amsbook class?

In the below image, I don't want "Chapter 1" to be displayed, only the name that I give the chapter (i.e. here "First Chapter"), as well as making the section headers not bold but ...
Richard's user avatar
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Section name in PDF reader side bar

i have a problem with the section names in the PDF reader side bar. I'm using the hyperref package. Inside my appendix I'm adding sections this way (MWE): \documentclass[12pt, a4paper,...
Lukas 's user avatar
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Beamer section title alignment

I'm making a latex beamer with theme Metropolis. If a section name becomes long, it automatically add a line break to keep the length of the section title constant. \section{Bayesian Estimation for ...
Irohas's user avatar
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Using the apxproof package, how can I have appendix section headings begin with the word 'appendix'? I.e., 'Appendix A.'

I would greatly prefer sticking with using the apxproof package as otherwise I would be forced to migrate all of my proofs in my document manually. If I can redefine the numbering somehow to add the ...
FakeAnalyst56's user avatar
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Changing section name in table of contents

I used the code \usepackage{titlesec} \titleformat{\section}{\normalfont\Large\scshape}{Problem \# \thesection}{0em}{} and \section{} to create a section called ("Problem #"+section number)...
Stephanie Yao's user avatar
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Beforeskip of @startsection has no effect

Consider the following MWE: % !TEX TS-program = pdflatex \documentclass{book} \usepackage[showframe]{geometry} \catcode`@=11 \renewcommand\section{% \@startsection{section}% {1} %Level {\z@} %...
tush's user avatar
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Including document title and part number in chapter heading, multi-line section titles

I'm attempting to replicate a particular Word template format used in my workplace in LaTeX (extbook class) but am having trouble replicating the desired Chapter and Section heading formats, shown in ...
Bells12's user avatar
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title of a section breakes an is on two pages

I use \usepackage{titlesec} to create some nice titles. For sections I use this setup: \titleformat{\section}[block] {\normalfont\sffamily}{\bfseries\thesection}{.50em}{\titlerule[0.75pt]\\[.8ex]\...
montarenbici's user avatar
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How to get a colon between Appendix A and the section title

My appendices were merely labeled "A", "B", "C" etc.. I found this answer very helpful in changing them to "Appendix A", "Appendix B" and so forth. I ...
Philip de Bruin's user avatar
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how to use `\texorpdfstring' correctly and properly

I am using math symbols in \section or \subsection. Therefore I need to use \texorpdfstring inside of \section or \subsection to show the math symbols properly. For example, my code \section{Proof of \...
liaoming999's user avatar
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Custom section style using titlesec

Is there a way to modify the section label to anywhere else? For example, in the image below I would like the title to be right where it says "title here" This is the titleformat: \...
luth's user avatar
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`{` in the definition of a macro?

I know that using article to obtain chapters is idiotic, but the code to improve is long and depends on this. In the following code I define a new macro \Section*, but I must remove curly braces from ...
Przemysław Scherwentke's user avatar
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Customizing Section Header in Koma-script: Getting warning "Usage of deprecated command \ifstr"

I'm using Koma-script package for the LaTeX document. For customizing section header, I'm using the following code: \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{scrartcl} \usepackage[margin=1.0in]{geometry} \...
Celestial-Voyage's user avatar
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Beamer - How to change section and subsection text color

I would like to have a yellow text instead of a white one for the section and subsection text. Using \setbeamercolor{section}{fg =yellow} doesn't change those colours \documentclass[t,compress,squeeze,...
Nelou's user avatar
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Full section header printing on first page of section rather than short header

Edited I am new to LaTeX and I have just compiled my thesis using twoside (previously I had used oneside). I had to use \sectionmark{} to shorten some of the section titles so they fit in the header. ...
martianmeteo's user avatar
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KOMA-script: set police style within section titles

Using Lualatex in conjunction with KOMA-script and a custom police (Heofler Text), I had to manually specify which file corresponded with BoldItalicFont. However, this is not taken into account within ...
jfk's user avatar
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Hide section contents via option to \section, \subsection, etc

Often, when I am editing a document, I have long sections that I am not working on at the moment. I want to hide such sections from the output document so that I can focus on the relevant part. I know ...
Paul Wintz's user avatar
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Create an appendix title frame with just a title in beamer class

I want a section frame for the appendix, but only with a centered title, my normal title page and the baseline of all other frames with author, title, date and slide number shall remain unaffected. \...
sp8cky's user avatar
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Change chapter title size in Dissertate (or prevent long chapter title pagebreak)

When using the Dissertate template/class for a dissertation, longer chapter titles cause formatting issues (chapter titles get moved onto the page after the chapter number, which looks awful.) How ...
cataclysmic's user avatar
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Extract current section titles to be included in a URL

I'm writing a URL that contains &sections= part. I would like to add a macro after &sections=, so that whenever the URL is opened, the current section title will be filled in dynamically. I ...
Carrie's user avatar
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Adding * to some section numbers

How to add * to some (i.e. not all) section numbers? — Before 2.1 Differentiation 2.2 Integration After 2.1 Differentiation 2.2* Integration — The documentclass is jlreq. I don’t want to use a ...
Htmm's user avatar
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Run-in section in memoir

I'm trying to achieve run-in sections with memoir. The "section title" within the book I'm typesetting is actually the first word of a sentence, just in italic, but it goes into the TOC and ...
Iacobus1983's user avatar
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Asterisk in front of section in TOC

There is this question Add an asterisk in front of section label in TOC asking to find a way to put an asterisk (*) in front of the title of a specific section in the table of contents. The goal is to ...
Flowt's user avatar
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How to change the layout of section titles

I put the title of my examples in a single table cell to create a look of half a box around it with the following code \newtheorem*{example}{\begin{tabular}{r|}example\\\hline\end{tabular}} How can ...
user283579's user avatar
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math notation in the `\section` part doesn't work [duplicate]

I'm getting error while I'm using this command in XeTeX: \section{Henk Barendregt book on $\lambda$-calculus} How can I fix it ? Command Line: bibtex.exe "lane2" Startup Folder: C:\Users\...
user2925716's user avatar
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Issues on length and position of tikz boxes in titlesec

I'm currently using the following code to produce a certain style of section and subsection. I'd really appreciate some help fixing the following issues: Firstly, I'd like both the red section number ...
wrb98's user avatar
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force \ref and math mode to respect letter case when in \section

I have a strange problem: I have the following section heading: \section{Proof of Result~\ref{{theo:2d.PDF}}} However, the stylefile provided by Wiley WileyNJD-v2.cls changes the ref in the section ...
user3236841's user avatar
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titelsec + tcolorbox: How to put a box around the whole title line?

I've got 2 elements in my document that I like to combine. First a box that wraps around a whole text line: \usepackage[most]{tcolorbox} \newtcolorbox{frameT}{enhanced, colframe=black,colback=purple!2....
Leon's user avatar
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Problem with table of contents, number of section overlap with their name [duplicate]

I have a problem with the table of contents, the section numbers overlap with their names, because I use a larger font for sections and subsections. Does anyone have an idea how I can improve this, or ...
Michał Szymankiewicz's user avatar
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Hiding sections, but keep references

I'd like to selectively print parts of an article. What I want is to hide the part between the "XX", without changing anything else. How can I do it? The following is what I'm trying: \...
user304539's user avatar
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Double Chapter Headers with Memoir package

I'm working on type setting a chaptered text, using the memoir package. I'm getting two chapter headings when I use the /chapter{chapter title goes here} command. It's a pretty plain layout, and I'm ...
klreeher's user avatar
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error accessing new \integral command, I think it is due to syntax

error: Missing \endcsname inserted.{\frac{1}{2}}{\sqrt{e^{x^2}}}}{\theta}$} \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{...
Emilio Conforme Parrales's user avatar
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Section Title: Colored Box with and without Label

I have to reproduce in LaTex the graphic layout of an academic journal. As for the section title rules, I get the desired result with this code:: \documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} ...
fusion3k's user avatar
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Beamer cambridgeUS section and subsection not enough space

I'm writing a latex Beamer file, and I got some problems when setting the section & subsection. The space is not enough to display my text. I want to increase the scope to include the text, rather ...
Ivan's user avatar
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How to remove beamer section buttons in CambridgeUS

I want more space to write sentences, so I need to delete the link button of the sections (black box). However, I need to keep the section title, only delete the black box area. How can I do this? ...
Ivan's user avatar
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