Questions tagged [shading]

The shading operation consists of letting a background picture be rendered with different gradients of colors or light/dark. The {shading} tag is related to questions in which a shade operation is required.

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2 answers

How Can I Decorate a Parametric Curve?

I'm trying to draw a special parametric curve, but my results are not good enough, because I'd like to decorate it. So, I've tried this: \documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage{pgf,tikz} \...
Karl's user avatar
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Tikz: Shading a rectangle diagonally,

I'm trying to draw a 3D picture with some shading to make it look a bit prettier. So far it's just a cuboid, and I discovered the shading command. Here is what I have so far: \documentclass[...
thosphor's user avatar
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Coloring a world map

I'm trying to create a graphic with tikz on latex/overleaf of a world map based on regionally disaggregated data, so I want e.g. all countries that belong to Eastern Europe to have the same colour, ...
dorokal's user avatar
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Incorporating Multiple Title Color Shadings into a Document

Consider the following code: \documentclass{book} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{pgothic} \newcommand\titleshading[3]{ \newcommand\xoffset{0.3} \newcommand\yoffset{-0.25} ...
DDS's user avatar
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Filling optical spectrum curve with color gradient

I have some difficulties creating a plot where the area between the curve and the x-axis is filled with a gradient. I want to plot an electromagnetic spectrum and I want the color gradient to ...
Sim Son's user avatar
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Tikz: Shading a path – fade-no-fill.sty does not work as previously (Oct 2020)

I have coloured some paths in a radial drawing of a network graph with a colour gradient. A picture of my document compiled in January 2020 shows what it should look like: To achieve this effect I ...
Hotschke's user avatar
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Distort a complex shading

I am trying to recreate an image in TikZ. What's below on the left is the original, and what's below on the right is my work thus far. Here is an MWE that will generate my present result: \...
Shady Puck's user avatar
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Tikz diagrams and node placements

I'm designing a diagram for a 1-D potential well. I'm struggling to correctly place my a label below the right hand line. I resorted to drawing an invisible line and positioning the node at the end. ...
Roberto_1986's user avatar
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Shading Under a Line

I am trying to shade the area under this graph: \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.5,line width=1pt] \begin{axis}[ color= black, xmin=0, xmax=1250, ymin=0, ymax=1250, axis equal image, axis x line=...
akenny430's user avatar
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overlapping shadow with tikz

Hey i have the follwoing code in my document: \begin{tikzpicture} \shade[inner color=blue,outer color=white] (3,0) circle (1); \draw[fill=white] (3,0) circle [radius=0.7]; \shade[inner color=...
RCV's user avatar
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Adjust size of shading in node

I defined a shade according to: \pgfdeclarehorizontalshading{spindiff}{0.5 cm} {color(0 cm)=(gray); color(3 cm)=(black); color(7 cm)=(gray)} \pgfuseshading{spindiff} Now I want to use the same ...
Roald's user avatar
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how to extend shaded to full page width?

I use "shaded" to indicate the reader that the text is about something special. This works fine but i can not extend the box to the full page with. How is this possible? I use LYX and i can imagine ...
drofluga's user avatar
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Customize the size of the shaded box

I am using \begin{shaded} from \usepackage{framed}. The problem is I am using it for examples which come inside \begin{itemize}, the shaded box's margin does not begin with the \item margin instead ...
JHS's user avatar
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Shadings in head

I am currently trying to code in beamer the following image. So far I got the three beamercolorbox but I can't get the shaded background. Here is the aspect I want: \documentclass[xcolor=dvipsnames,...
Rufus's user avatar
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Changing the Text Color in a Shadowed Title

I am trying to add some shading to a title by modifying code presented in Drop shadow for text in PGF/Beamer Consider the MWE \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{xcolor} \newcommand\...
DDS's user avatar
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move shadebox to leftside by using mdframed?

My codes are follows: \documentclass{book} \usepackage{xcolor,mdframed} \usepackage{showframe} \begin{document} \setlength{\marginparwidth}{2pc} \newenvironment{codebox}{% \color{blue}% }...
MadyYuvi's user avatar
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Bullet corner frame using tcolorbox

Here I am using tcolorbox package, I want to set the bullet/dot need to expand based upon the box spanning as per requirement. Here I attached the screen shot and highlight the area in red color which ...
Rajesh Kumar's user avatar
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Parameterize node circular sector shaded

I want to parameterize node creation in a foreach. The creation prozess was solved in: Cut part of radialshading out as node shape circular sector I think the substitution in the foreach has a ...
gizeh's user avatar
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Beamer frametitle shading

I use the code below to reduce the height of the frametitle box in beamer. But this also makes the frametitle shading I had disappear (gradient from red to black) that is now uniformly red and not ...
Pierre-Philippe Combes's user avatar
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Drawing shaded regions bounded by arcs with tikz

I am trying to create a tikz image based on the following screenshot: I can figure out how to draw a pyramid, but I have so far been hopeless at drawing the red shaded regions. Here is the minimal ...
Student's user avatar
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How to conditionally shade / color a table row using datatool?

I have been trying to shade an entire row in a table conditionally on the value of an specific entry in that row. I was trying to adapt the "stripy table" example in datatool, but it seems that I am ...
dudu's user avatar
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Why is the frame title height reduced, when using shadow outer theme?

I want to have a horizontal shading in my frame title, so I can put a logo on the right side of the title. To have this in my frames, It seems that I have to use shadow outer theme. the problem is ...
Yousef Ahmadi's user avatar
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Shading in a rotation without a canvas transformation

I'm currently working on a magnifying glass as an object without making use of the spy library. It is written as a \newcommand since I have to use it to some extense. My problem is the shading for the ...
Rainer's user avatar
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Difference between two Riemann sums with tkz-fct

tkz-fct is great for plotting Riemann sums, but I don't see how to plot a shaded area of the difference between the sup and inf Riemann sums. I'm particularly interested in a plot with both convex and ...
Dominique's user avatar
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opacity and shading of an ellipse

I am making a picture of the tidal force effects on the Earth. My current picture is decent but I would like where the bulging occurs on the edges to be little bit darker in blue, but I don't want ...
dustin's user avatar
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Tikz shading: understanding the position of color placement

This is a follow-up question to another one I asked here. I feel like that other question still needs a proper answer, and hopefully this current more specific question will help achieve that. The ...
sg1234's user avatar
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Drawing a Bloch sphere with planes along z-axis in TikZ/PGF

I would like to draw a Bloch sphere that has planes at a certain z value (that can be specified). For example something like this: I don't need the shading to be similar, only for the plane to be ...
Sid's user avatar
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How to set slanting shaded box and also hyphen box using tcolorbox

Good day! Hi everyone, here I am using tcolorbox package I have two types of box styles, one is slanted shaded type and another one is without slant and hyphen border around it. I highlighted box one ...
Rajesh Kumar's user avatar
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How do I get a definition and theorem environment like these?

I tried using the mdframed package but I failed, how can I get that output?
Fe3C's user avatar
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Title does not appear in frame title when vertical shading (gradient) is applied

I am trying to apply vertical shading to the title frame but I am unable to get the title into the frame. Thanks for your help. \documentclass{beamer} \definecolor{lightgreen}{RGB}{140,238,144}...
Alan's user avatar
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Fading in two directions with unshaded middle - Faded rectangles create "lines at boundaries"

I'd like to do some fading of my background page from the middle to top and bottom - so far as good. My Problem is that I don't want to start the fading immediatly (e.g. the upper third is faded, the ...
twister's user avatar
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How to fill this region in tikz

How to draw this figure in tikz The two closed curves shown can be any irregular closed curves (they may or may not look exactly like in the picture); also, the area around the point x can be a ...
Subhajit Paul's user avatar
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Apply polar transformation to a shaded rectangle

Update How can I get the shade to vary in the theta direction of the transformed figure rather than left to right? I was hoping the left to right shading in the original rectangle would become a ...
Dipole's user avatar
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ImageMagick fails to convert PDF files containing functional shading [closed]

Question I would like to make a GIF animation out of a series of functional shadings. But it seems ImageMagick cannot even handle one shading. Did I miss any option of ImageMagick? Or are there any ...
Symbol 1's user avatar
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CMYK Shading with relative coordinates [duplicate]

I am trying to in a way automate the shading issue described here: Drawing a box with shading in pgfplots The general goal is to put a working code part in my style definition using append after ...
baghira's user avatar
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Inconsistent shading [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How can I avoid compiling twice? I am shading first page using following code. \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] \shade[left color=white,right color=orange!60] (...
manish's user avatar
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Beamer - Shaded Background in Block environment

i would like to have a shaded coloured block title background in my beamer presentation. I could not figure out how to set the shading. Any solution? \documentclass[]{beamer} \usepackage{lmodern} \...
Paul's user avatar
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How to increase space above & below \tcolorboxenvironment for theorems?

The following source uses the \tcolorboxenvironment{theorem} environment (from the tcolorbox package) to shade the background of the theorem environment, where thmtools has been used to define the ...
murray's user avatar
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Shading with polar curves when using tikzfillbetween

I am currently trying to depict a portion of a ring which got distorted at one point. To this end, first I am plotting two curves into polar coordinates, then I am using tikzfillbetween command ...
Yacola's user avatar
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How do you make a radial fading on top of a background image?

I have three objects that I want to superimpose on each other: Some text upon a background picture using a circle to create a radial fading from white to transparent so that it is possible to read the ...
Paul H's user avatar
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radially increasingly opaque overlay ellipse with text

Say I have a pattern on which I'd like a radially shaded (from transparent on the outside to white on the inside) so that the background pattern fades to white around the text. How would I achieve ...
rubenvb's user avatar
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Gradient colour fill with light and shadow effect on 3D objects

I wonder if it is possible to obtain a gradient colour fill to replicate the light position by means of TikZ. For example in these images (taken by a book) it is evident, that the light effect from ...
Richard's user avatar
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beamer > beamercolorbox > Text with Shadow or Glow

This is a "fun" project. I want to create a beamer presentation with a fancy title frame. The goal is to have a black title frame with "bight colorful" text on it that looks like ...
Dr. Manuel Kuehner's user avatar
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Hi, fairly new to LaTeX, I have a few problems with a graph that I am trying to draw in tikz pictures with pgfplots. They are listed below

Problems: 1) I want to remove the pesky grid lines from the bar plot. 2) I want a separate bar plot some distance from the others with the labels n and n+1. Similar to picture 1 ...
0.5772156649's user avatar
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how can use shade function to color a quarter disc?

I'm trying to draw a quarter disc, I want to use the shade function to make it colorful, but what I get is just a little colorful arc, how can I color a quarter disc \documentclass[border=30pt]{...
moradov's user avatar
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How to avoid stroke around pgfplots fillbetween with shading?

If I shade an area with, e.g., pgfplots \addplot[shade, top color=cyan] fill between ..., the boundary of the shaded area has a very thin stroke around it. How do I avoid drawing any stroke around the ...
Taylor R Campbell's user avatar
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how can i shade the area

\documentclass {article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[spanish]{babel} \usepackage{parskip} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{geometry} \geometry{top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=4.5cm, right=4.5cm} ...
Guillermo LP's user avatar
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Tikz gradient with 3 or more colors using pgfdeclarehorizontalshading

I am trying to get a gradient to work with 3 distinct positions by using \pgfdeclarehorizontalshading. I have read the docs here and it seems rather straightforward that the different colors should be ...
sg1234's user avatar
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How to shade overlaps of multiple circles?

I am trying to create in tikz an image like this illustration of the winset of the Q in two-dimensional space (drawn in Inkscape). The code below draws the circles as nodes, since that seems to be ...
William's user avatar
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Shading parts of a graph

Although the header looks similar to this question, we could not find anything related to what we want in that answer. we would like to thatch shade a portion of a graph ( graphs with vertices and ...
baharampuri's user avatar

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