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Strike-through text paragraph containing equations

I have several paragraphs of text that contain equation environments and in-line equations. How do I cross out/strike through these paragraphs using ulem package? I tried the suggestions in this ...
Medulla Oblongata's user avatar
3 votes
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Strikethrough text and formula in LaTeX

I would like to strikethrough a combination of text and formula in LaTeX (to get the output in Image 1) and also strike out an aligned/multiline equation (like the output in Image 2). I would ...
Vahid's user avatar
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How do I create a horizontal "strikeout" of a symbol in the first row of a tikzcd diagram?

Suppose we have the following code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{cd} \makeatletter \tikzcdset{diagrams={% this will allow math mode to be deselected /tikz/matrix of ...
Arbuja's user avatar
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Nicer way to cancel whole fraction

I attempted to utilize \cancel{} to strike through entire fractions. While it functions okay for fractions that occupy a small space, it appears slightly awkward for larger fractions. The angle of the ...
Terrarium's user avatar
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StrikeThrough (st) command drops the Unicode letters

The \st command drops the Unicode letters coming at the end. I use LuaLatex most of the time on TexLive 2020. Here is my MWE. \documentclass[a4paper,openany,14pt,oneside,]{extbook} \usepackage{soul} ...
Lars Malmsteen's user avatar
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{soul} and {xcolor} packages not working

I would like to strikeout a paragraph with some different text colorings in it. As I learned here: Strikeout - when which package ? ( ulem vs soul vs ...) the \st command in soul strikesout whole ...
D.R's user avatar
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How to place a slash (/) over the letter ð?

How can I type the letter ð with a slash across it? I have tried the solutions proposed in How can I place a "slash" -- / -- through a letter in this way? but they do not work for the letter ...
user278663's user avatar
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Adding strikeout to a \newenvironment command

We have defined a new environment to allow us to mark large blocks of text: \newenvironment{deletedParagraphs}{\par\color{red}}{\par} That environment works great to color the text red, but now we'd ...
davidparks21's user avatar
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Striking through multiple column and row in tabular [duplicate]

I am trying to create a table that has multiple strikes through columns and rows, similar to this table I have tried this solution Striking thru a tabular row in LaTeX but it can't produce multiple ...
I. Farhan's user avatar
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Strikeout of a table row and caption two tables separately

First question. I want to organize these two tabular as subtables (a) and (b) of a main table and share a single caption. Second question. I want to cross out the second row of the first subtable ...
mattobrasil's user avatar
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Strikeout numbers from an enumerated list

I would like to have a simple enumerated list like \begin{enumerate} \item First item \item Second item \end{enumerate} where I strike through "(1)" and "(2)" but not the ...
Christina V's user avatar
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Define new command to strikethrough all text in an \item

I would like to strikethrough all the text in an \item. Since \item takes a variable number of arguments, I don't know how to do that. I have tried: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ulem} \...
John Johnson's user avatar
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Uniformly oriented cancelling lines across math or texts

How do I cross out maths to show they vanish with evenly oriented diagonal lines (i.e., all lines parallel?) I don't like how the crossing lines appear due to size of the expressions. It doesn't ...
SolidMark's user avatar
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Strikeout in fraction equation [duplicate]

I am having trouble getting the strikeout to work in this equation. I'd appreciate your help.
tina's user avatar
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Whole Page Strikethrough with Variable length

Context: I'm working on recreating the AANZFTA CoO in LaTeX, which contains a list of varying length. I use longtblr to make it travel across multiple pages, and use a fancyfooter for the declaration ...
Chris Macdonald's user avatar
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How to strikethrough diagonally, from left top to right bottom?

While this answer already has a diagonal strikethrough solution with \cancel, this is actually, in a matrix terminology meaning, "anti diagonal", i.e. from lower left to upper right. What I ...
Neo's user avatar
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Strikethrough and line breaks

I need to use \sout{} from the ulem package for longer passages of text and in combination with other macros. However, this removes all linebreaks and the text is kept on a single line. Is there any ...
Tuetschek's user avatar
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Strikethrough lines in minted

I want to strikethrough some line in a minted enviroment, for example line 3 in \documentclass[usenames,xcolor=dvipsnames]{beamer} \usetheme{CambridgeUS} \usecolortheme{beaver} \usepackage[utf8]{...
david's user avatar
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Colored strikeout in subscript in mathmode

In order to strike text in red in math mode, I found this solution quite useful. However, it fails when I want to do it in subscript, since the command does not detect that the size of the text is ...
tobiasBora's user avatar
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How do I strikethrough in \text{} inside inline math mode

I want to strike out the word "prime" in the given below text. How can I do it? $\mathfrak{P}:=\{\text{set of all prime ideals contained in} \ A\setminus S\}$.
Saikat's user avatar
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How to get xcancel to work inside highlight?

\documentclass[oneside,9pt]{memoir} \usepackage{soul} \usepackage{cancel} \usepackage{ulem} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{xcolor} \makeatletter \def\SOUL@hlpreamble{% \setul{\dp\strutbox}{\...
mshaffer's user avatar
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Beamer: strikeout with onslide produces "perhaps a missing \item"

Following the recommendation in In beamer, how to strike through an item after displaying, I wrote this: \documentclass[14pt,aspectratio=1610]{beamer} \usepackage[normalem]{ulem} \renewcommand{\...
sds's user avatar
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Strikethrough command in LaTeX [closed]

I am trying to have as strikethrough text using base LaTeX command and up till now there is no solution available except the use of some packages, i.e, ulem and cancel. Is there any other way to get a ...
rumaisa_niazi's user avatar
5 votes
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How do cross out text in math mode?

Since \sout does not work in math mode, what can I use instead? I don't want the diagonal strikeout like with cancelf
Hao S's user avatar
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How to strike through in mbox and in begin{Large}?

Here is my input here. I want strikrthrough all these lines (1)(1)+2(1)+(-1)2+ (-2)1+0(1)+(1)3+ 1(2)+(-1)(1)+0(4) \documentclass[10pt,letterpaper]{article} \usepackage[left=8mm,top=6mm,bottom=...
kile's user avatar
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How to add a strikethough or slash over the "Cal" of "CalParam"

There are two types of parameters: calibrated and non-calibrated. I use "CalParam" as a shorthand to denote a calibrated parameter. To denote a non-calibrated paramter, I want to add a strikethrough ...
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How to create arrow over multiple cells in longtable environment?

I need to build a table like the image. I have built the table easily but can not get the arrowed lines properly.
Tamoghna Bhattacharya's user avatar
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Strikeout a paragraph containing text and an equation environment

As shown in this answer, we can strikeout text like abc $x=y$ using \st or \sout from the ulem and soul package, respectively. However, both approaches don't work if the text contains an equation ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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How do I strike out line inside an algorithm?

Package I am using: \usepackage[linesnumbered,ruled,vlined]{algorithm2e} My latex code: \begin{algorithm}[H] \label{alg:my-alg} \DontPrintSemicolon \caption{My algorithm} \SetKwInOut{Input}{Input}\...
Topa's user avatar
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Using \cite in \sout causes errors

When I use \cite[something with spaces]{ref} inside \sout{...} I get errors. For the article document class it helps to replace spaces by ~. That doesn't help, however, for the elsarticle document ...
sigvaldm's user avatar
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Strike out an arrow with a small oblique segment like with \nrightarrow

I'm looking for a way to strike out an arrow in the same style (or idiscernible) as predefined struck arrows, with short, slightly-oblique segments, like for instance \nrightarrow. Using \not or \...
Grayswandyr's user avatar
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Strike out over graphics

I have a document with a graphics and I want to replaced this graphics with another as part of a revision. To make this clear I want to show the old version of a figure next (or below) to the new ...
alfC's user avatar
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Strikethrough a \cref-generated cross-reference

I'm looking to strikethrough a cross-reference generated with \cref. I thought a basic example like the following would work: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{cleveref} \usepackage{soul} \begin{...
Matt's user avatar
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How to strike through or cancel using different colors in the same line

For example, suppose I had an equation x = 2 + 1 - 2 - 1 (obviously toy example) I want the +2 to cancel out with the -2, +1 to cancel out with the -1 So in Latex I would want something like Is there ...
Fraïssé's user avatar
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Strike a paragraph of text

I want to strike obliquely one or more paragraphs of text, to indicate cancellation, like in this picture: I would need to strike also if the paragraph spans in two pages. I tried the cancel package,...
slurpolo's user avatar
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How to strikeout an flalign block?

I am trying to strikeout an entire flalign block. This post shows how to strikeout an aligned block using the cancel package, but I'm not able to get it to work for the flalign environment. Any ...
Jeff's user avatar
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How to avoid or compensate horizontal and vertical shifts in a tikz' struck out node?

The following MCE below points out that, for a tikz' struck out node, the line width causes both horizontal and vertical shifts. Is it possible to avoid them? Or, at least, to know exactly the ...
Denis Bitouzé's user avatar
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highlighting strikeout text with ulem shifts the line downwards

I'm trying to highlight a text with a strikeout word by defining a new command as explained in the docs of ulem. Unfortunately, that moves down the strikeout line a few points, which looks strange ...
Mathias Walter's user avatar
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strikethrough math formula in the math mode

Is there a way to do strikethrough math formula in the math mode? I had known this: \usepackage[normalem]{ulem} \sout{ ...} and \usepackage{soul} \st{...} are useful but they can not be used in ...
wonderich's user avatar
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How can I include the section number of a deleted section in the deletion formatting applied by latexdiff?

I have a document marked up by latexdiff and then edited to make it compile. The current output for a deleted section is similar to this: How can I include the section number in the deletion markup? ...
cfr's user avatar
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How to avoid shifts for content which is "strike out" (from tikz shapes.misc library)?

In the following MWE, the strike out content is shifted horizontally and vertically. How avoid these shifts? \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage{mwe} \usepackage{tikz} \usepgflibrary{shapes.misc} \...
Denis Bitouzé's user avatar
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Trying to strike out a column in a matrix (array)

So using the last answer from here, as I am using an array not any matrix. I am using MathTex for Libre Office Writer. FYI. Normal Matrix: \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} 3 & 3 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 &...
Drew's user avatar
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cancel package and tables

I have a "friend" who needs to do some kind of strikethrough or cancel but for a whole row or column (or both) of a table at a time. It should ideally be something supported by MathJax, so various ...
kcrisman's user avatar
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acro acronym not recognized inside the soul package's strikeout command

I'm finding that if I use an acro acronym inside a soul strikeout command, I get errors about the acronym not being defined. Here is my Minimal Working Example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{...
user36800's user avatar
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fun style cross-strike-out

I want to cross out (strike out) words or letters in fun ways for poster-sized text for children. ulem and cancel produce rather formal/sterile-looking cancellations, as do tikz-based combinations of ...
Tim's user avatar
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Strikethrough different color than the text [duplicate]

Using the cancel package, you can cross expressions in various ways. However, what I can do to cross a symbol, with the strikethrough a different color, say red.
Gustavo Ito Loayza's user avatar
15 votes
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Customizing latexdiff default (UNDERLINE) output styling

I'm using latexdiff to highlight the differences between two versions of a tex document, using the default style which is UNDERLINE. This style formats added text in blue with a wavy underline, and ...
JJ Salamon's user avatar
10 votes
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Active ! Character Hangs within TikZ

The MWE below makes the ! active in math mode using the solution from Make Characters Active via Macro in Math Mode and uses the tikz \hcancel via Diagonal strikeout starting too low and ending too ...
Peter Grill's user avatar
4 votes
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Polish letter disappears when striked out with soul package [duplicate]

I am trying to typeset something in Polish. Unfortunately one letter mysteriously disappears - but only when it is the last in a word. When I add a character ('a' in the example below) right after the ...
tnorgd's user avatar
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How to strike out an entire group of text

I am using the command \sout{some text} to strike out a word or a sentence; However, I wanted to know if it is possible to strike out a group of text without having to use the braces { and }. ...
VieuxSinge's user avatar