Questions tagged [superscripts]

{superscripts} are smaller characters appearing set slightly above the normal line.

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1 answer

\mathrel used in-line and in sub/superscript

I would like to define a \mathrel symbol composed of some text. For instance I would like to do something like \DeclareMathSymbol\myrel{\mathrel}{???}{rel} or perhaps another macro/custom symbol in ...
D.R's user avatar
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is it good practice to have a text over a symbol which contains both super- and subscript?

My problem involves the Greek letter $\Psi$ which is a sum of two parts - a volumetric (vol) part and a deviatoric (part). I have to associate a superscript $h$ and optionally a subscript $a$ to $\psi$...
Simon's user avatar
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Custom limit locations

How are big operators defined? Starting with something like the above, I want to place the lower limit in a displaymath-size symbol below it and the upper limit to the right side (essentially middle ...
Gupta's user avatar
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How to change the superscripted bibliographic citation number to a normal size number in specific cases?

I am using this journal template where all bibliographic citations are superscripted such as: This is true.4 With the corresponding script being: This is true.\cite{paper_4} However, I would like ...
papaya's user avatar
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beamer how to control subscript vertical position

subscript and superscript position depend in the presence of both. How can I control only the position of subscript (or superscript) vertically without added both? I'm using Beamer, although the same ...
gvd's user avatar
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biblatex autocite superscript is pushed out into the page margin

I am currently writing a tex document, for which I used the superscript autocite style like so: \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[...
Feirell's user avatar
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Lower the superscript of a hat variable

I have an inline math expression involving a superscript and a hat: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{amssymb,amsmath,amsthm} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \begin{document} \...
Migwell's user avatar
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\DeclareMathSizes changing font size of regular superscripted text

The font I'm using in Math Mode is displays a little to small for me when dealing with exponents. So, I'm using \DeclareMathSizes to change the superscript math font size, like this: \documentclass[...
Niklas's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

`\left` `\right` not working properly with `\mathchoice`

I try to define \norm which gives \left\|#1\right\| in display math, while \|#1\| in inline math. I then use \mathchoice to implement this, but the final command doesn't work properly: the position of ...
JRen's user avatar
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Why does (my user-defined) command for superscript (inverse) fail next to a prime (quotation) symbol?

Minimum working example (I will refer to the lines based on the first letter A-E): \documentclass{article} \newcommand{\inv}{^{-1}} \begin{document} $A^{-1}$ $B\inv$ $C'^{-1}$ % $D'_1^{-1}$ % fails % $...
Benjamin Wang's user avatar
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biblatex-musuos: edition as superscript in front of year with crossref

I have a question related to this one: biblatex-verbose: edition as superscript in front of year I'm using biblatex-musuos and that solution works for it as well, but only for normal entries. Child ...
MrBubbles's user avatar
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Persistent subscript placement with ot without superscript

I have hit a problem regarding the consistency of subscripts, specifically while superscripting at the same element, i.e. $a^{b}_{m+1}$ It seems that the subscript doesn´t have the same placement if ...
Christopher Memhave Petersen's user avatar
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How to make a superscript number outside the hyperlink box?

This is a minimal working example (in XeLaTeX): \documentclass[12pt]{ctexart} \usepackage{circledsteps, hyperref} \usepackage{lipsum} \begin{document} This is \hyperlink{1}{the first link}. \lipsum[1]...
Jonathan's user avatar
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double dot above r [duplicate]

I'd like to type the double dots above $r$ as in the last line of the snippet. How ?
user2925716's user avatar
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Parse subscript and superscript in command

I am using quite a lot of notation in my text. Thus, I decided to write some commands such as: \newcommand{\struct}[1]{\mathsf{#1}} The typical use is as follows: Let $(\struct{A}_n)$ be a sequence ...
Tomáš Hons's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Minus sign not aligning with fraction

When I use subscripts and superscript with \frac the numerator and denominator looks very tight, \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{mathtools,amssymb} \begin{document} \[e^{-\frac{(x-\...
zmkm's user avatar
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Vertically align super and subscript in columns

I have a symbol that always has two upper and two lower indices, so think of it like two index columns. I'd like to have them aligned with each other. \newcommand{\cg}[5]{{\scriptstyle{#1}}^{#2 #4}_{#...
infinitezero's user avatar
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(Luatex makes) newtx superscript number font different from text number

The newtx package somehow uses a font with noticeably greater weight for superscript (footnote) numbers. How can I force it to use the same one as in the text? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{...
bongbang's user avatar
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Can anything be done to add superscript letters to words, without messing up PDF Search functionality?

I am creating a PDF Bible for personal use; it includes both footnotes (which are superscripted numbers appended to the end of certain words), and margin cross-references (which are superscripted ...
RichWalt's user avatar
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Matrix super script interferes with subscript

I'm using a simple $\boldsymbol{X}_{\tau(t)}^+\boldsymbol{X}_{\tau(t)}$ equation. However, the subscript of the left matrix gets "pushed" downwards because of the superscript. Is there a way ...
Itay's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

A prime in parentheses

I would like the prime in $\mathfrak E ^{(')}$ to look like the normal prime in $\mathfrak E'$. Also I might like smaller parentheses around the prime.
D.S. Lipham's user avatar
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biblatex \cite as superscript brackets

I have a question according to my citation and the bibliography: How did it got printed in the text is: A[18] instead of A^[18] also A[18][20][19] results not in A^[18-20] with [18] J. Hua, X. Li, Y.-...
Katrin's user avatar
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Is there a way to prevent \mathchoice from resetting the bounds of its contents (with respect to superscript/subscript placement)?

I have a series of norm macros that I want to expand to \left\| ...\right\| in display math but remain as \| ... \| in inline math. Each norm has a subscript unique to the macro: \newcommand {\...
COTO's user avatar
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i Needed to solve the problem plz help [closed]

\usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{equation} RresT (u) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{\RresT (u)= \Bigg\{ 1, \text{ if Pos. {Arcs_{v_{\xrightarrow[]{}}u \ (u)} > Neg.Arcs_{v_{...
Faiza Omer's user avatar
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\textsuperscript does not work

I am writing my thesis using a template and have a problem with the function \textsuperscript. For whatever reason it is not working and instead it writes "germanb". I mean, if I write in ...
Pedro Alencar's user avatar
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Allow consecutive subscript

Apparently, LaTeX does not like x_a_b. This is an issue when I want to type \game{1}_Z as depending on the way \game is defined, it may finish with a subscript like Game_1. I tried to define \game ...
tobiasBora's user avatar
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Increase horizontal spacing of (all) superscripts

I am using a TrueType font with XeLaTeX and unicode-math, and I noticed that, because italic letters are very slanted, in math formulas superscripts are too close, sometimes they touch the letter. The ...
Massimo's user avatar
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How can I combine superscript, math symbols together? For instance, Trex1−/−

I was using this command to have my output "Trex1−/−", where -/- will be in a superscript and TREX emphasized/italic. My command is \emph{Trex1} $^${\num{-}}$/$ $^${\num{-}} I get error ...
Tomalika Ullah's user avatar
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Conflict between subscript and superscript under summation

I would like the subscript of my sum to look better: $$ \sum_{d \mid p_j^{m_j}} f(d) $$ creates the output but i would like the exponent m_j to be further down and closer p_j.
Silenus's user avatar
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How to make this superscript position lower?

I have seen this symbol in a textbook. I tried \overline{\mathbb R}^+, but the plus sign position is higher than as in the picture. Could you elaborate on this issue?
Akira's user avatar
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Centering sub/superscript of operator after scaling

I would like to make the sub-/supperscript smaller 10% and use package scalerel to do that. Everything is fine until I find out that the sub-/superscript in operators are also scaled but they are not ...
Nuec Tah's user avatar
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Lowering superscript to match elements without tilde

Consider: \[ \mathrm{A}^{+}\tilde{\mathrm{A}}^{+} \] \[ \mathrm{Aa}^{+}\tilde{\mathrm{Aa}}^{+} \] Is there a simple way to lower the final plus-sign, so that it aligns with the first three? (This is ...
user8463's user avatar
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How to italicize superscripts and subscripts in math mode?

I'm pretty new in LaTeX, but I was surprised when in math mode subscripts and superscripts weren't italic. How can I solve this issue? Here's my code: $(Z(\bm{\mathrm{s}}\textsubscript{1}), ..., Z(\bm{...
FranzGoogle's user avatar
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Write punctuation after citation using superscript style with biblatex

I am using the superscript style in biblatex and it writes the citation number after the punctuation. How can I force to locate the punctuation (point or comma) before the citation number? Please see ...
ceordonezv's user avatar
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Different superscripts in a list

In a previous question from mine (see here) I asked about adding superscripts to numbered lists in order tho acknowledge authorship of some exercises. I accepted campa's suggestion of defining a new ...
Patricio's user avatar
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Adding a superscript to a numbered list

I've defined a theorem-like environment called ex for exercises for my students. Some of them are taken from other authors and I'd like to give them credit. In order to do that, I was thinking of ...
Patricio's user avatar
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Is it advisable to always include an empty group to avoid double superscript error for math accents?

This very helpful answer describes a way to avoid a double superscript error by including an empty group: ${{}\dot{y}^a}^\top$ My question is: is there ...
Ralf's user avatar
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A macro that detects the subscript of the argument

I'm not good at TeX programming. I've looked for the method that detects the subscript or superscript of the argument in macro. Existing relevant answers using the xifthen package (Detecting subscript ...
Hermis14's user avatar
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How to put a symbol above another

Following this question, I'm having problems when using the accepted answer on subscripts. \[ A_ {z {_{y}^{x}} {_{x}^{y}} } \qquad {z {_{y}^{x}} {_{x}^{y}} } \] I don't know why, when in a ...
Gilgamesh's user avatar
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A problem typing (') in LaTeX

What is this? I'm just trying to write ' Entry: Output: My code: \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[margin=1.5cm]{geometry} \usepackage{helvet} \renewcommand\familydefault{\sfdefault} \...
cufcuf's user avatar
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Super Script and Hyphenation Problems

I am using LuaLaTeX compiler with KOMA-scrbook class. I need to define a command with superscript text, but I do not know why LaTeX disable the hyphenation of words with superscript text. \...
TheEndofTheWorld's user avatar
11 votes
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Curly braces with subscript and superscript

I'm looking for a way to write something like this: \lbrace A_i\rbrace _{i = 1}^{n} My goal is to put a subscript and a superscript near the right curly brace. How can I do it? The subscript and the ...
Gennaro Arguzzi's user avatar
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Achieve consistent symbol height independently from subscript and superscript

Consider the following: \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \fbox{\(+\)}, \fbox{{\(+_L\)}}, \fbox{{\(+^R\)}}, \fbox{{\(+^R_L\)}} \end{document} it produces: As you can ...
Clément's user avatar
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Parsing formatted arguments with expl3

I want to parse subscripts and superspricts using expl3 for which I used \def before: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{expl3} \ExplSyntaxOn \cs_new:Npn \l__parsing_parse_superscript:n ^#1 {...
Michael's user avatar
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Problem with superscripts in limits [duplicate]

Problem My problem concerns the position of the variable n, specifically when used with limits as shown in the following output. The fragment x \in \mathbb{C}^{n} works as desired. but when this ...
dantopa's user avatar
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Underline math symbols and letters on same height

i'm looking for another option than \underline for underline math symbols as well as regular letters on same height. What I want is to change the underline of the first two symbols to the red ...
Micha's user avatar
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missing superscript glyph

I am using XeLaTeX TeXLive on Debian and Minion Pro for typesetting a commentary with many footnote series (with bigfoot). Minion Pro lacks "c" superscript, so realscript replaces it with ...
dsv87's user avatar
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Superscript in citation and bibliography (using interact document class) [closed]

I am using a template for a journal paper (Taylor & Francis), it has \documentclass[]{interact}. I want to use the superscript citation as shown in the next figure: I am using also the following ...
Lee's user avatar
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Ugly fractions including exponents in superscript

Consider typesetting the following expression in LaTeX: \[ a^{\frac{\mathrm{e}^{\lambda x}}{1-\mathrm{e}^{\lambda x}}} \] The output is as follows: This looks quite ugly. I think the issue is that ...
wrb98's user avatar
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How to lower the superscript in a math mode manually

I am using amsmath package, and I would like to print $\dot{\overline{P}}^{A}$ such that the letter A was at the same height as in $\overline{P}^{A}$. The order of upper symbols matters (\dot must be ...
Maverick's user avatar
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