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Questions tagged [tablenotes]

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\TblrNote don't show up in tabularray-table

It's as simple as that: my \TblrNotes in an tblr-environment don't appear in the pdf, luaTeX doesn't even complain, which it did when the document was longer (warning (pdf backend): unreferenced ...
Alexander Wittmann's user avatar
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Table notes spanning two pages

I want the table notes to begin on page 1 and being continued on page 2 (just like the table itself that is continued on the next page). If the table notes are too long for the first page, then the ...
Fidler's user avatar
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How to typeset talltblr's remark and notes like the last spanned row

I need to typeset table notes and sometime even reference them in a table body. So i tried to use talltblr environment for floating tables. The MWE is: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[a5paper]{...
akj's user avatar
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How to get table notes appear on pages where they are marked, in tables panning over multiple pages?

My table is panning over multiple pages. I placed a marker for a table note on element at intersection of 2nd column, 30th row (assume marker appearing on the second page) and my table note for that ...
Hemang's user avatar
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How to get notes in tabularray / tblr?

I've tried getting notes inside of the tbrl environment, but it just adds the superscripted letters inside of the table. It doesn't add the actual contents of the notes below the table. Now this can ...
m0n74g3's user avatar
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Longtable notes

can someone please help me with adding the table notes in the following long table? I want the table notes underneath the bottom line of the table and have all information kept on one page. Notes want ...
Snow 's user avatar
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Squeezing of table size as well as the text and number inside

I have a table \begin{table}[H] \centering \caption{$M=0$, $\N_=0$} \begin{threeparttable} \begin{tabular}{llllllllllll}\toprule \multicolumn{6}{c}{\textbf{$ a=0.9 $}} &...
supragyan priyadarshinee's user avatar
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How to use \floatfoot in a xltabular?

I have a long table, and I used the xltabular package. I use \floatfoot{} for writing notes below each table. However, when I use \floatfoot{} in a xltabular environment, the note is simply ignored. ...
Seyed Mohammad Sina Seyfi's user avatar
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Rmarkdown citation fails in tablenotes environment

Rmarkdown citation @bibtexkey fails when used in the tablenotes environment. Is there a way to fix this? Bibtex source for the two citations in the upcoming MWE of the table @Article{Lundberg2017, ...
mugdi's user avatar
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how to center tablenotes in a threeparttable

Given the threeparttable \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{booktabs,threeparttable} \begin{document} \begin{table}[htb] \centering \begin{threeparttable} \caption{caption} ...
Lukas's user avatar
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Citation in a table-note does not make footnote

So I am a bloody beginner with Latex and run into a very specific problem. I have to cite with footnotes and copied some solution from here and now I can merrily cite with \autocite and my footnote ...
Delicoius_Cookie's user avatar
4 votes
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Table notes outside table margins

I am using threeparttable to generate a table with notes. However, the a referring to the note is placed outside the table, see picture below. How can I make the note appear inside the table? \...
kraagje's user avatar
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Replicating threeparttable's tablenotes in tabularray [follow up]

Simon Dispa's excellent answer to my last question went a long way in replicating the para, flushleft variant of threeparttable's table notes. But the formatting in threeparttable (after some ...
Fredrik P's user avatar
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How does one keep a constant indentation for multiline items in tablenotes of a threeparttable?

Here an illustrative MWE: \documentclass[fontsize=11pt]{article} \usepackage{blindtext} \usepackage[flushleft]{threeparttable} \usepackage{booktabs} \begin{document} \blindtext \begin{table} \...
Euclides's user avatar
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Aligning note text to the left in a regression table produced by R (etable) [closed]

My R function (etable) provides me with the following latex table: \begin{tabular}{lcc} \tabularnewline\midrule\midrule Dependent Variables:&Earnings&Employment\\ Model:&(1) & (2)\\ \...
RobustTurd's user avatar
2 votes
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Alignment in tablenotes

I have a table: \begin{table}[H] \captionsetup{font=small} \caption{Experiment Results} \begin{threeparttable}[H] \renewcommand\TPTminimum{\linewidth} \makebox[\linewidth]{%...
TaihouKai's user avatar
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center tablenotes

I have a problem in aligning the table notes to the left (at the height where also the table begins) and in forcing the text to be tiny (use it for a cheatsheet). Do you have a solution? % page setup ...
Elia's user avatar
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Line break of table notes after first column in a long table

I am creating a long table using xltabular in landscape format using landscape. I add table notes using the tablenotes environment: \begin{landscape} \begin{xltabular}[l]{X X X X} ...
nohomejerome's user avatar
5 votes
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Adding footnote to the table leads to the error: ! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup

By making tables I am using packages siunitx, nicematrix and makecell. These three packages applied simultaneously seems to be sufficient for solving my problems with tables - like this one. I am ...
forrest's user avatar
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Unwanted line breaks in threeparttable's tablenotes

I'm generally quite happy with the behavior of threeparttable, but there sometimes appears unwanted line breaks in the table notes even though I'm using the para option. For instance, in the below MWE,...
Fredrik P's user avatar
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threeparttable: How to change font size of threeparttable's table notes when also using flushleft?

I want to modify the font size of tnotes in threeparttables based on this approach of user egreg. Minimum Working Example (MWE) of functional approach: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{booktabs} \...
Dave's user avatar
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Section header and rotated table on same page

I have a table which has to be rotated given its size. Moreover, in my document it is the first table in the Appendix and hence has to follow the section header. Sidewaystable does not allow to have ...
tk79's user avatar
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Add table borders around notes created with package 'threeparttablex'

I need to create a table with notes having the borders like this: I use the package threeparttablex and it works perfectly for me. The only issue is that I do not know how to keep borders around the ...
f-hollow's user avatar
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item tablenotes problem

Hi can someone please help me to fit the footnote for this table, here the attached code and my output table: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[margin=2cm,a4paper]{geometry} % set page parameters ...
haithem's user avatar
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Cite equation using tables notes

I'm trying to find a way to cite my equation as a note under the table here the code \documentclass{article} \usepackage[margin=2.5cm,a4paper]{geometry} % set page parameters suitably \usepackage{...
haithem's user avatar
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Threeparttablex \tnote's overlap / overlay with cell content

I'm experimenting with threeparttablex for some long and wide tables. I'm using roman-numbers (NB Based on the comments I updated the MWE to use letters, but the issue persists) for the \tnote marks ...
Meikal's user avatar
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Slight misalignment of table notes when using TableNotes in combination with longtable with tiny font size

I have a tiny problem. I have the following longtable often over various pages (the one here is just a MWE) and I am using threeparttablex to add notes. All fine with the tiny size notes placement and ...
Euclides's user avatar
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Strange line break in tablenotes (of ThreePartTable)

I'm using the threeparttable and tablenotes packages to create footnotes for tables. I've found that to get the design I want (hanging symbols, not superscript), I can simply use the para option and ...
likethevegetable's user avatar
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Avoid indented lines in footnote

I have a small problem with a longer text in a footnote. With a long text and multiple lines, every new line is indented. How can I avoid this irregularity? Here is a short example: \documentclass[ ...
Auk's user avatar
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Footnote marker hanging beside text (which is all flush left of table)

I'm using the threeparttable package to produce footnotes directly beneath my table with the tablenotes environment. My regular footnotes (using KOMA-script) have the footnote marker hanging in the ...
likethevegetable's user avatar
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Making table notes aligned with the table width

I am using the threepart table environment to create tables. I use tablenotes for my table notes. However, the table notes cross the table width. How do I contain the notes within the table width. I ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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three tables side by side with Table Threeparttable Resizebox and build in Tablenotes

I am trying to make a table with three subtables side by side using the threeparttable environment within a table environment since I would like to have build in table notes and I need a resizebox. ...
Trevor Andrew's user avatar
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threeparttable: How to write tablenotes in \Alph letter format?

Consider the following Minimum Working Example (MWE): \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage{threeparttable} \begin{document} \begin{table} \begin{threeparttable} ...
Dave's user avatar
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Several problems regarding tabularx in threeparttable

\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1.25in, left=1.25in, right=1.25in]{geometry} \usepackage{colortbl,threeparttable,tabularx,multirow,booktabs,makecell,tabularx,ltxtable,...
Kent Vk's user avatar
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Aligning table notes to the left in three part table

I have some trouble with the table notes of my table. For some reason, my table notes do not align to the left (probably because my table is quite wide). Is there a way to widen the table notes such ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Fixing my table notes

I am still learning the ropes with Latex so forgive me if this is a straight forward question. I would like to have table notes below my table. However, the default is to center the table notes. I ...
Asaf Cohen's user avatar
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footnote for an item in tablenotes

I would like to have a footnote for an item in tablenotes. The following code does not show the footnote ( in the bottom of the page and is not received any error. \documentclass{...
Benben's user avatar
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How do I align tablenotes in a threeparttable

Edit: Now I realize there is a issue with very long notes, specially because I am working with A5 paper. Using Mica's solution: Having the tablenotes flushleft however works just fine. Two questions ...
G. Bay's user avatar
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Issues with footnotes using wrapping parbox with longtable, threeparttable and tablenotes

I have an issue with footnote not showing up when I wrap the threeparttable/longtable with a parbox. If I remove the wrapping parbox from the code below, the footnote show up under the table, as I ...
Joakim's user avatar
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Make table notes as wide as `\textwidth` while preserving table's own width

I use the threeparttable package to make tables, for the following reasons: It allows me to conveniently make table notes that may refer to specific text in the table; The table notes are tightly ...
tvk's user avatar
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Combining sidewaystable, adjustbox and threeparttablex

I need to have a table which 1) is sideways 2) is rescaled to fit the page 3) has tablenotes. I'm trying to combine sidewaystable, adjustbox and threeparttablex to do so, but I encounter three ...
LDeclercq's user avatar
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Tablenotes are not justified below the table

Sorry, this could easily be a silly question, but I've been spending hours to figure it out what I am doing wrong and still not have an answer. I have a very long table, and I would like to put it ...
gabribaba's user avatar
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Align columns at decimal point using siunitx wherein each cell contains superscripted table-notes

I am using the threeparttable package to typeset a table with some footnotes. I would like to align the entries in each numerical column using the facilities provided by siunitx. However, when table ...
Dr Krishnakumar Gopalakrishnan's user avatar
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Tablenotes and Captions at the bottom of Longtable

I am trying to put a note at the bottom of the following longtable. Unfortunately, this is the result I get. \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{booktabs,amsmath,bm,siunitx} \begin{document} {...
madrac's user avatar
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Need single spaced table notes with double spaced entire document

I am using a class file specified by my university which sets the line spacing for the whole document to double. However, I want the notes underneath my tables to be single-spaced which are currently ...
TRa's user avatar
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Why do the lines in this longtable misalign?

I run latexmk -pdfxe on this MWE \documentclass[landscape]{article} \pagestyle{plain} \usepackage[hmargin=1cm, vmargin=2cm]{geometry} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{array} \...
Bart's user avatar
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\parnotes upsetting columns width in tabularx environment

I am trying to user\parnote within the tabularx environment to add table notes, as shown here. I have noticed, however, that the table notes with \parnotes changes the alignment/ width of the columns ...
BCArg's user avatar
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Adding table notes over the length of the page [duplicate]

I have a very narrow table and having tables notes below that doesn't look good. I need to spread the notes over the width of the page. Im posting my current code herewith. Any help is much ...
Chana's user avatar
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How to center table with long notes?

I would like to ask how could I center a Table in the page that contains a lot of notes. I define notes as part of the Table. The code I applied is the following, but the outcome doesn't look nice. \...
user7137145's user avatar
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Let \tablenotes in threeparttable appear as justified text block

I'm using the para option to typeset table notes as a single justified text block, which often works, but not always. The attached code produces this: There is a break between "b" and "c". It seems ...
sheß's user avatar
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