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Questions tagged [tables]

{tables} is about the tabular environment and related packages such as {array}, {booktabs}, {tabularx}, {tabu}, {tabularray} and {longtable}. For questions about the table environment (i.e., about floating or positioning), use {floats} instead.

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eliminating separation lines between rows of table

I simply want to create a full-page-width single-column table with black background. But somehow there is this white line between rows (wme1). I tried to create newline instead of new row, the white ...
Codelearner777's user avatar
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Table doesn't center even with \centering [duplicate]

I am trying to centre a table andd make it fit on the page. I have tried to use \centering to no avail. Currently my page looks like this: Here is the corresponding code: \documentclass{article} \...
Peter Petrov's user avatar
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centered text across multicoulmn table with auto line break

I'm using xltabular and I have a table with multicolumns and multirows combined. Everything is fine so far except for the multicolumn cells with one text in it. I want that to be centered, and it ...
Ludwig Loth's user avatar
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Make customised list of figures

I am supposed to make a compliance report and have to submit a lot of documents as images within the document along with hyperlinks in the first page .I have been using word for a long time and now ...
N Gopalakrishnan's user avatar
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Specifying Column Width

I have been looking for codes to specify column widths with alignment provided. That is when I met the code {tabular}{|wc{2cm}| what is wc?
Lucas's user avatar
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vertically center the contents of a cell in a tabular, where the cell width is unknown

How do I vertically center the contents of a cell in a tabular, where I don't know the width of the cell. The array package offers an m{<width>} column type, but I can't get it to work with ...
Jasper's user avatar
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Specify caption placement above table in hvfloat

I'm having trouble displaying captions above rotated tables using hvfloat. I've tried all the various package options (capPos=b, t, etc.) and messed around with other settings. Any suggestions would ...
Reuben Long's user avatar
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Long table to fit in two pages

I have the following table which is too long and needs to be split on 2 pages, but currently it is not split. I suspect that tabular inside tabularx causes the issue. How to fix this? \documentclass[...
Vika's user avatar
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Help with Adapting a LaTeX Template for scrlttr2

I have a LaTeX template originally created for \documentclass{article} that displays CSV data in a table. I would like to adapt this template to work with the KOMA-Script class scrlttr2 since I need ...
IH Pro's user avatar
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Vertical Alignment of Plots and Tables in Tabular Array

I want to display a plot, a table, and some text side by side and vertically centered. Here is my attempt using the tabular array package. Here is what I have \documentclass[11pt]{article} \...
DSM's user avatar
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How to make my latex code to be continuously showing my big table in the next pages

\begin{sidewaystable*}[htbp] \centering \caption{Summary of VEP-based BCI Studies} \label{tab:reviewed_papers} \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{% \begin{tblr}{ colspec={ccp{2cm}p{3cm}p{...
Sayat  Otarbay's user avatar
5 votes
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How to simplify input to a table with many columns?

While preparing a table on musical modes I came accross this situation: entering the 7 pitches as one column looks bad after compile, once accidentals occur finally I had to provide 7 columns instead ...
MS-SPO's user avatar
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In a tabular with p-column, line spacing after multi-line cell too short with the array package

With the following MCE, the line spacing after the multi-line cell (“Lorem 2” → “Ipsum 2”) is the same as after mono-line cell (“Lorem 1” → “Ipsum 1”): \documentclass{article} % \usepackage{array} \...
Denis Bitouzé's user avatar
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Formatting Tabular with Text, PGFplots and tables

I am trying to make a table with entries labeled a) - l) with tables, text, and plots as entries. I am having trouble getting the text and labels to be top aligned. I've figured out how to do this ...
DSM's user avatar
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How to align rows within cell in Latex?

I am a kind of new user in Latex and there is a problem I am trying to fix. Here is my latex code for that; \begin{tabular}{p{3cm} p{8cm} p{6cm}} {\rmfamily\scshape \textnormal{CONTACT \newline ...
mzkrc's user avatar
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incompatibility in formatting table

--Hello, i try to generate a table like the picture (see attachment) but i can't do it correctly and it seems some bugs occured due to incompatibility between \hhline and \multirow. below my code: ...
Laurent MANCHON's user avatar
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Text wrapping in longtable not working

I have the following problem. I'm creating a table using the longtable package since it will have more rows than the ones I'm upoading here in the example. However, some text as in the second row ...
Technox's user avatar
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specify total width of table

I want to specify the total width of this table without specifying individual column widths, is there any simple solution? \begin{table}[ht] \centering \def\arraystretch{1.5} \begin{...
hovjr's user avatar
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Long, sideways table breaks down on second page?

I am working with a long table placed sideways using the longtable and pdflscape packages. While I have no trouble with the table formatting while it remains on the first page, it sort of breaks down ...
4815162342's user avatar
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Long, sideways table without using lscape

I am trying to create a sideways table to span over multiple pages, but without using the lscape package. The reason for this is, I do not want either the header or footer on my document to also be ...
4815162342's user avatar
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How can I break a horizontal line at a double vertical line in the tabular environment?

In the tabular environment, \hline \hline breaks vertical lines in the table. I want to create this behavior in the reverse direction: I want an \hline that breaks when it encounters a double vertical ...
Sam's user avatar
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Create a mixed multi row and multi column table [duplicate]

Please help me create a table like in the image. I have been looking for similar questions but there is no answer.
Minh Vu's user avatar
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Is there any way to automatically split too wide table on two pages (side by side; without rotating)? [duplicate]

I need to break too wide table on two pages (portrait orientation). Is there any way to do this automatically in LaTeX?
Xen Xheng's user avatar
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How make this table? And which package more helpful for these tables

I need help creating this table, I don't know which package to use and how to start it… Thnx in advance!
DESHu's user avatar
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Put 3 tblr side by side

Currently, in my document, I put the 3 tables one above the other. I would have liked to try to put them side by side. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images \...
Nicolas's user avatar
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How to align columns on 2 table on top of each other

I am using overleaf I have 2 tables, they have the same column names (content is different) due to shorter text in the 2nd table the columns seems shifted. is there a way i can align columns the same ...
asmgx's user avatar
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How make this Complex table structure?

I can’t visualize, how make this table ? Is anyone know about this ?
DESHu's user avatar
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Complex table to make

I'm trying to reproduce this array in LaTeX but I don't have exactly the same thing. What I tried : \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \...
Fractal's user avatar
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Bar-type conditional formatting within tabular

Within the tabular environment, I wanted to achieve (coloured) horizontal bars whose lengths correspond to the cell value. The idea is analogous to a conditional formatting option in most spreadsheet ...
RL-S's user avatar
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How do I make my table span the entire textwidth without affecting the height

For the purpose of my dissertation, I have been trying to create a table of summary statistics for my dataset. The code for my table is as follows \begin{table}[h!] \centering \caption{\...
Jalinne's user avatar
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Sideways table and caption rotation in between text without creating new page

I would like to have a referenceable table in my appendix/section where the appendix title is at the top, followed by a small explanatory text and both (normal/upright orientation) followed by a ...
Ben's user avatar
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Aligning columns with multicolumn header

I'm trying to set up a table with multicolumn headers of variable width, some of them pretty long. My code looks more or less like this: \begin{tabular}{|cc|cc|} \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Very, very,...
Fernando Martin's user avatar
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Remove lines from a table

For this my code how can I remove the lines that I highlighted in the attach photo? \begin{table} \centering \caption{Different types of datasets with data type Int32.} \label{tabadf} \begin{tabular}{|...
stella's user avatar
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How to embed enumerated lists, algorithms, pseudocode and flowcharts in a tabular environment

good day. I want to add listing (bulleted and enumeration), algorithms, pseudo code and flowchart in a tabular environment. For example \documentclass[a4paper]{article} % Package used for input and ...
user3056542's user avatar
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Adding a note to Longtable & landscape

I'm new to latex and my tables are still quite messy. I have a few question regarding the following table. I need to add a note below the table. Unfortunately I only succeed in adding a note at the ...
Marie Benedetter's user avatar
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Long Equation Exceeding Table Margins

I've encountered an issue where a long model specification equation exceeds the table margins. Below is the table I'm trying to create: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[margin=2cm,a4paper]{geometry}...
HAITHEM's user avatar
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Reducing white/empty space from the right of the page

How can I remove the right space in this page? And how can I increase the size of the table to be fit with the text? \RequirePackage{fix-cm} \documentclass[smallextended]{svjour3} % onecolumn (...
stella's user avatar
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Formatting horizontal line and text overlapping in table for revtex

\documentclass[reprint,amsmath,amssymb,aps,onecolumn]{revtex4-2} \usepackage{graphicx}% Include figure files \usepackage{dcolumn}% Align table columns on decimal point \usepackage{bm}% bold math \...
Anshul Bokade's user avatar
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Can't generate large document because of too little memory (error: "TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=5000000]");

I was trying to generate a document containing some very large tables. With a program written in C I generated a logarithm table which is about half a million lines long (this is the length of the ...
Stefano Belli's user avatar
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Missing \endgroup inserted (tabular) and not in outer par mode [duplicate]

I structured the first set of figures after the second one. The second set works. The first set doesn't. Why not? Sometimes the error I get is "not in outer par mode"; sometimes it's "...
StatsSorceress's user avatar
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How can I rotate a table when generating a PDF from markdown with pandoc? [duplicate]

I want to generate a PDF from a Markdown file using a Latex template and pandoc with lualatex as latex engine. The md file contains text and a rather large table. I want the table to be printed on a ...
jvk's user avatar
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Automation of custom tables

I am using the same format for all latex tables in my book, and I would like to type less everytime. I would like to create a newenvironment in order to type \begin{mytable}{|c|c|c|} 1 & 2 & 3 ...
FacuO.Z.'s user avatar
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Symbol between two columns in a table

Wish to make a table with columns presenting values and their standard deviations alongside them. For this I was planning on having a \pm symbol right in the middle between the two columns. I tried ...
stuck's user avatar
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How to draw a partial line on a table excluding a cell

I tried to create a table using the \cline command to exclude a cell containing a multirow, but the line is too thin and when I download the PDF it is not visible at all. What can I do? \begin{table} ...
Matteo De Leonardis's user avatar
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Issue with tables [closed]

I am currently writing my thesis, and, as expected, MS Word has caused several issues. The main problem I’m encountering is related to tables. The issues I’m facing include text in some cells ...
meletkis's user avatar
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How to make the column width of table fixed?

I would like to make the column width of table fixed, with a text in the middle of the middle cell. Neither of the two ways I tried in the minimal working example works. (the first one achieves fixed ...
Ypbor's user avatar
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Table with nested rows and columns

I am trying to reproduce this table but I am encountering difficulties. What I tried : \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{array} \begin{document} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|...
matheux's user avatar
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Adding a Horizontal Line in One Cell of a Table

I'm making a schedule for my class and I'm having the damnest time getting a horizontal line to separate the two days of the week within one cell of the table (above the line is the first day of the ...
Jon's user avatar
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How do I enter a tiny vertical space above the first row in a table?

Consider the following MRE where you would notice that it's difficult for the average reader to see the bars above Q and k. \documentclass[11pt]{article} \begin{document} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline ...
user326459's user avatar
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Rearrange subtables side-by-side, by using table and tblr

I have the following table, created with table and tblr: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tabularray} \usepackage{subcaption} \begin{document} \begin{table} \centering \caption{ } \subcaption{...
Ommo's user avatar
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