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Questions tagged [tabularx]

{tabularx} is a package that defines an environment tabularx, an extension of tabular which has an additional column designator, X, which creates a paragraph-like column whose width automatically expands so that the declared width of the environment is filled.

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3 votes
3 answers

Creating good tabularx

try to create "Datenblatt der Schule zur Weitergabe an die Polizei", maybe someone else knows it. In this document I created the table below. The table looks good for me, but i know i make ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Understanding tabularx hsize specifications for extendable columns with relative sizings: Why ">{\hsize=.5\hsize\linewidth=\hsize}X"?

According to the official tabularx documentation, to size extendable X columns relative to each other, a preamble argument like this can be used: {>{\hsize=.5\hsize\linewidth=\hsize}X >{\hsize=1....
KIAaze's user avatar
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How to frame certain cells with tabular?

I want to frame certain cells in a tabular table with a red border. In this example all cells with a F. I make a dirty hack and put the table in a tikz node and draw then red lines, but I hope there ...
ikreb's user avatar
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spreadtab & odsfile : TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [parameter stack size=20000]

I'm trying to use the package spreadtab to make a template for the \includespread command provided by the odsfile package (, but I get this ...
bricebou's user avatar
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Extra Row with csvreader in tabularx

I have problems with the formatting of a tabularx environment when I import data via csvreader. When the table imports data via csvreader an unnecessary extra row is started at the end of the import. ...
Brainless's user avatar
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How do I make my table span the entire textwidth without affecting the height

For the purpose of my dissertation, I have been trying to create a table of summary statistics for my dataset. The code for my table is as follows \begin{table}[h!] \centering \caption{\...
Jalinne's user avatar
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Issue with tables [closed]

I am currently writing my thesis, and, as expected, MS Word has caused several issues. The main problem I’m encountering is related to tables. The issues I’m facing include text in some cells ...
meletkis's user avatar
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Define first row color prior to tabular begin

I've got many tables throughout my document that I would like to be colored like this, with the first row in a dark grey, then the even rows in white and the odd rows in a light grey: Currently I'm ...
Epithet's user avatar
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How to use long table in latex on overleaf my table is not going on to second page, Its only on one page and truncating

\begin{document} \begin{table}[H] \caption{Comparative Analysis of most prominent literature work\label{tab1}} \newcolumntype{x}{>{\centering\arraybackslash\hsize=5\hsize}X} \newcolumntype{z}{&...
Qasim0787's user avatar
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Undesired pagebreak in a list of tabularX

I am writing a list of articles, with their title and abstract, using tabularX. I would like them to be in a continuous list, breaking page whenever there is no space. I mean, I do not want each item &...
user331022's user avatar
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Image vertical alignement with tabularx

I have two (02) columns in a table, with width as linewidth so I used tabularx. First column has mixed text (Arabic and French), aligned to the left. Second column has an image. I would like to have ...
Khaled Sofiane LAMANDÉ's user avatar
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beamer titlepage how to organize authors in a table which spans slide-width

Hi I'm working on my first beamer presentation in view of my PhD defense, I've plenty of time and started to experiment, I quite like the design and style of LaTex presentation; however, I'm not yet ...
Matteo's user avatar
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2 answers

Siunitx: spread table content accross page

I create a table where numbers are included, and since the numbers were not aligned properly with each other vertically, I decided to the sunitx package to tidy up the numbers. This is the code I used:...
Saïd Maanan's user avatar
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overlapping in footer, try tabularx in footer

I have a document (twopage) in which the left field is overlapping with the middle field. One solution is to put an \hspace{...} before the middle field but works for odd pages only. I'm trying to ...
user1850133's user avatar
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Merge column does not work using multicolumn

I use this code, but merging the column does not work exactly in the 4th row. \begin{table}[ht] \centering \caption{An overview of source of uncertainties, uncertainty propagation, and ...
Heri's user avatar
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Should an array eat up an explicit \mskip at the end of a column if tabularx is loaded?

Consider \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tabularx} \begin{document} $ \begin{array}{ll} x \mskip100mu & x \end{array} $ \end{document} Before reading further, ask yourself, how far ...
AlMa1r's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I use threeparttable package with tikzpicture?

I made a tikzpicure graph however I want the caption to be aligned with the border of the graph similar to what would be done when using a caption for a table with \begin{threeparttable}. This is the ...
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4 votes
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How to change position of data values in the column of table

How can I change the data values underneath the angle of incidence heading from being center and change to left. Currently this: I want this: This is the code I have \documentclass[10pt,twoside]{...
user avatar
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How can I center data values in the column in a table environment

I have a data table and I want to center the data values underneath the heading "Angle of incidence", so rather than the numbers 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 being situated left I want them to be ...
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Caption in tabularx environment

can someone explain me, why the gap between the caption and the table is so huge? \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{scrartcl} \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{...
tro_latex's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get partial vertical lines in table? [duplicate]

Consider the following MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tabularx} \begin{document} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.15} \begin{tabular}{c|c|c|} & $m_1^C$ & $m_2^C$ \\\cline{2-3} $m_1^...
EoDmnFOr3q's user avatar
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Fit tcolorbox to table

I am trying to make the tcolorbox to fit its content, a table, and not to span to textwidth . I've look through a lot of questions (1,2,3,4) but nothing seem to work, i tried tabularx too. Unless I ...
G. Bay's user avatar
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Incompatibility with \vspace and \multicolumn in table-tabular enviroment?

I have problems with vertical space options when using tabular environment, i.e. \vspace does not work at all at the last line (after \bottomrule), but it does in the middle! (after \midrule. It has ...
Anibal Marrero's user avatar
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Handling with tabularx and tikzpicture

The goal is Generate a centerd-aligned single cell tabularx large as document width Insert a tikzipicture MWE: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{mathtools} \usepackage{...
user3204810's user avatar
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Suppress column already defined warning, tabularx, array

How can I suppress the column is already defined package warning caused by repeat uses of \newcolumntype with tabularx? (and therefor by extension the array package). I am intentionally redefining the ...
Bob's user avatar
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Problem with multirow and long text

I am having a problem with multirow in my table. I have very long text in some of the cells. Here's the MWE: \documentclass[conference]{IEEEtran} % Essential packages \usepackage{cite} \usepackage{...
Kenneth Ligutom's user avatar
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csvsimple filter not working with tabularx

It is needed to compile the following basic code using a filter for tabularx and csvsimple: \documentclass{report} \usepackage[spanish,mexico,es-noshorthands]{babel} \usepackage{tabularx,booktabs} \...
ABV's user avatar
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How to use bold horizontal and vertical lines in a specific row of table?

I need a Table as shown in the attached image file. Could you help me to generate this table according to the image file. Thank you in advance. \documentclass[]{article} %\usepackage{booktabs} \begin{...
relinquere's user avatar
6 votes
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Spacing and vertical lines on a tabularx

I made a table with tabular with the following code: \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \begin{document} \begin{table}[ht!]\centering\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline Regulator&$K_p$&$T_i$...
User's user avatar
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4 answers

Shading part of a table

I'm working on a table using multirow to make the word "Region" span two rows in the first cell. However, I think the way I'm applying the shading is causing the text to get cut off, with ...
Fernando's user avatar
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The arrows from my list item overflows out of the cell for some reason, but other lists contained within cells do not have this problem

Is there a way to fix the problem mentioned above, also I am using overleaf. I also have over 2000 lines of code for the document, is that a problem too \begin{tabularx}{1.3\textwidth} { |...
CatC.'s user avatar
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Table content is right aligned instead of left?

My text of the columns is right aligned. I tried the \newcolumntype{L}{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X}` and \usepackage{array} but nothing is working. \documentclass[12pt, letterpaper]{article} \...
nadeem's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Adjust image width to occupy the entire width of a tabularx cell regardless of the width of the column

What I know I know that it is possible to set the width for specific columns when using the tabularx environment. See minimal working example below. The preamble argument for the tabularx environment ...
Rodrigo Morales's user avatar
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Table with multiple different colored cells

Following some of the answers like color only a cell of a table and Color merged and regular cells in a table individually and some others I tried to do the following: One cell must have different ...
user3582228's user avatar
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{tabularx} | Vertical Alignment in Tables comprising pictures

Again I'm struggling with constructing the simplest of tables. The scenario: I'd like to generate a very basic table, where the very first cell shows an image. The adjacent cell's text, though, should ...
Univac93's user avatar
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How do I align a column on a decimal point in an xltabular environment? [duplicate]

I have a landscape, long table with different column types specified, as in tabularx. I am using the xltabular package, as it seems the perfect combination of longtable and tabularx that I require. ...
bmcb's user avatar
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Table Question: How do I stop the color in a cell from blocking a cline?

I have a table with four columns that group into two larger columns. I am using the package tabularx. When I input \cline{2-5} to place a line above those columns, it is visible when the table is ...
Mitchell Redd's user avatar
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How can I draw inner vertical line centered in tabular?

I want to centered drawn inner vertical line in tabular. Example code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{multirow} \begin{document} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline \multirow{2}{*}{R} & \...
alper's user avatar
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longtable too much blank space [duplicate]

i'm using longtable but i got too much space , I don't want that , I don't want any space between rows \begin{longtable}{|p{6cm}|p{8cm}|} \hline \textbf{Cas d’utilisation } & S’inscrire \\ \...
d3ridi's user avatar
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Horizontal Alignment of Columns in a tabularx environment

How could I center the columns in the following table using tabularx based on numbers and not all symbols in a cell. Right now it is centered taking into account the stars, but I would like to center ...
Trevor Andrew's user avatar
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How to delete unused column table?

I write latex with IEEEtrans with TexLive version 2022. I would like to have a table in the middle of two columns as follows (combined cell T3, combined cell T4, and text width) Here is the code: \...
Nicholas TI's user avatar
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tikzpicture doesn't fit into table due to "?" symbol inside the object

I'm trying to get a table in a diagram to look decent, but the object\tolabel seems to overflow the radius of the circle, which makes the table look unaligned. If I change the last object for another ...
Javier Castro's user avatar
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Position of the text within a table

how can I get formulas or texts to be positioned centrally within the cell of a table? Here is my code: \documentclass[10pt,letterpaper]{article} \usepackage[lmargin=1in,rmargin=1in,tmargin=1in,...
wayne's user avatar
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Tabular table too wide for page [duplicate]

My table is to wide and won't fit in the page. Any help making make it sure it fits? Here is what I am working with: \begin{table}[H] \begin{center} \caption{Interaction term coefficients and ...
YouLocalRUser's user avatar
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draw brace on tabular table without remember overlay

I have found this great post enter lAdd a curved arrow and a bracket to a table, But I want I want is put the tabular into the same tizkpicture environment and remove the remember overly, which need ...
lucky1928's user avatar
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Add row split line between cells right on multirow cell

I would like to add horizontal split line between D,E,F,G cells. I have try add \hline at the end, but it will split the whole line. The multrow cell C should not be splited. \documentclass{standalone}...
lucky1928's user avatar
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issues with overfull \vbox and tabularx figure arrangement

Hi there I was looking into a clever way to present five figures in LaTex. I found this post which I believe it's quite useful in my case since I can present an enlarged version for one of the ...
Matteo's user avatar
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How to change column width for particular row of table

How can I set this layout? I have made this but it did not work \begin{table}[H] \caption{Current state-of-the-art approaches in UAV fault detection techniques.\label{tab:2}} \begin{tabularx}{\...
Zineb Adaika's user avatar
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Behaviour of newline in tabularx package

I want a table with two columns; the left column should be left-justified, the right right-justified, but with possible manual line breaks in either column. I am using a tabularx environment \begin{...
SvenForkbeard's user avatar
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Unknown errors ocuur in front page

I am actually using the template from my University, which you can find it attached at the end. However, I constantly get the errors from the logs. It occure ant the last one \end{minipage} line. ...
Zijin Cheuk's user avatar

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