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Questions tagged [threeparttable]

The package threeparttable supports typesetting tabulars that include "table notes". Tabular environments can then include three parts: (1) caption, (2) tabular, including note markers, (3) notes.

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4 answers

latex threeparttable issues

I am using \threeparttable to create a table in latex. The problem is with this command the caption of the table is automatically splitting into half or random width and not in a full sentence width. ...
Binay's user avatar
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3 answers

cline over multicolum and \cellcolor

I want to fix this cline over muticolumn-\cellcolor envirnoment. I have read some previous similar questions but I cant still fix it. I have used \nicetabular, hhline, threeparttable... but nothing ...
Ander de Marcos's user avatar
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Aligning Footnotes in a LaTeX Table

I am working on a document that includes a table with specific model descriptions as footnotes. I've been trying to format these footnotes so that they are clear and professional, but I'm facing some ...
HAITHEM's user avatar
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Aligning the Summary Statistics and Correlation Matrix

I am trying to create a table in LaTeX that displays summary statistics and a correlation matrix, similar to the table shown below. However, I am encountering some issues with formatting and aligning ...
HAITHEM's user avatar
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How to remove extra column at the end of the table

I want to have a 4 column table using package \usepackage[flushleft]{threeparttable}. The table is based on the codes below. \begin{table} [h] \caption{Main results after endogeneity correction} ...
ycenycute's user avatar
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2 answers

Horizontal Alignment of Columns in a tabularx environment

How could I center the columns in the following table using tabularx based on numbers and not all symbols in a cell. Right now it is centered taking into account the stars, but I would like to center ...
Trevor Andrew's user avatar
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Centering multi-page, long table in landscape pages

I am trying to vertically center a multi-page, long table (with some cells having long text) in the landscape mode. I use xltabular and threeparttablex to make this table. Although the table can be ...
tabiety's user avatar
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Table and subtable numbering skipping

First time posting so apologies if any mistakes/ommitted info I have some regression tables that I am trying to put as separate subtables within a table that spans over two pages, while using \...
JacobG's user avatar
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How to use make4ht for threeparttable with siunitx to make an odt

I am trying to work off my previous request here: htlatex breaks down when using siunitx For context, I am trying to convert a manuscript written in .tex into a .odt file using make4ht. I am using ...
Miloop's user avatar
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How to Ensure Footnote Width Expansion in Two Side-by-Side Tabulars Spanning the Full Page Width (with table*) of a Two-Column Document?

The footnote within my table appears constrained to the width of the first tabular section, and I'm seeking a way to extend it to occupy the entire width of the table. My document is formatted in two-...
alexyshr's user avatar
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Labels and notes separated in threeparttablex after customization

I tried to adapt a solution by Donald Arseneau to work with threeparttablex but failed. The original solution addressed that an (in my opinion) excessive amount of a note had to fit on the same line ...
Fredrik P's user avatar
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Text spilling into adjecent cells in threeparttable despite specifying column width

I am trying to make this table, but the text keeps spilling into the adjacent cells despite specifying the column width. Here is my MWE: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{microtype} \...
Miloop's user avatar
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5 answers

Tablenotes not aligned with textwidth

I have the following problem. I use threeparttable and tablenotes for my notes. Unfortunately, the note is not aligned with the text width: How do I get this fixed? \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, ...
themaneater22's user avatar
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Wide threeparttables that stretch out into the outer margin in two-sided memoir document

I have a threeparttable in a memoir document that I would like to at most stretch from the text block's inner margin to the outer margin of the margin notes. I would further like for the table to ...
Fredrik P's user avatar
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Threeparttable - overfull hbox

When utilizing the threeparttable environment, I frequently encounter Overfull \hbox warnings, even when the table's content does not extend beyond the specified line boundaries. A MWE is provided ...
tigerjack's user avatar
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Adjusting two "three part tables" side by side in a document

I am trying to put two "three part tables" side by side in a document using this TeX code: \documentclass[10pt, a4paper]{article} \usepackage[a4paper, total={7in, 10in}]{geometry} \...
codebpr's user avatar
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Page break in threeparttable with subtables

My Table includes multiple subtables along with tablenotes at the end and they spend in two pages. I'm try to do page break and I refer to this post, but it was a page break for footnotes only. Here ...
ppp's user avatar
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How to get notes in tabularray / tblr?

I've tried getting notes inside of the tbrl environment, but it just adds the superscripted letters inside of the table. It doesn't add the actual contents of the notes below the table. Now this can ...
m0n74g3's user avatar
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How to increase TableNotes width to full table width for a longtable in landscape mode?

I am trying to expand the width of my table notes in my longtable which is in landscape mode with the TableNotes command from the threeparttable package. Previously, I have tried it with \begin{...
9Morgan8's user avatar
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Latex Table Does Not Appear Where I Put It Although There Is Enough Space

I have the following problem: I want to insert a table in the appendix of my paper. I used the command /newpage to start the section of the appendix in which I want the table to appear on a new page. ...
Luca's user avatar
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Continue table on next page

Want to continue a table to the next page. Following is the code of the table \documentclass[acmsmall]{acmart} \acmJournal{CSUR} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{arydshln} \usepackage{multirow} \...
Yogesh Sharma's user avatar
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Table lost when inside shaded frame

I try to have a table inside a frame shaded environment. The MWE actually works fine, but when I try to compile it in the document I'm writing, I get the error: LaTeX Error: Float(s) lost. I tried ...
aaragon's user avatar
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Equal spacing only between some columns of a table

I am trying to make this table look nicer, I've tried the >{\hsize=.85\hsize} trick, but can't get it last part to be short. I am almost sure there is more elegant solution. Basically I need the ...
G. Bay's user avatar
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How to get table note labels to appear in normal but not superscript text using the threeparttable package?

I want the notes in my table to appear in normal text and one after the other without the classic line break. In the tablenotes environment I used the online and para options, but it didn't have the ...
Daniel Valencia C.'s user avatar
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tex long table exceed margins using scientifc workplace 5.5

i have table that exceed paper margin there is the code and the output this a code that i use related to the scientific workplace 5.5 and here is screenshot of the output \begin{table}[] \begin{...
Hachmi Ben Ameur's user avatar
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Squeezing of table size as well as the text and number inside

I have a table \begin{table}[H] \centering \caption{$M=0$, $\N_=0$} \begin{threeparttable} \begin{tabular}{llllllllllll}\toprule \multicolumn{6}{c}{\textbf{$ a=0.9 $}} &...
supragyan priyadarshinee's user avatar
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Table construction

I want to build a table that should look like as shown below \begin{table}[h] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ |c|c|c|c| } \hline \multicolumn{1}{c}{$ \...
user444's user avatar
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How to split a table in two within a page or continue table on next page

Have a long table that I want to split in several pages, or, alternatively, break into two within the same page. I am quite new to LaTeX, so struggling a little to make longtable work \begin{...
M Tanner's user avatar
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Making space between two tables

How can we make space between two tables, arranged in columns, where each table contains four columns? I have two tables with three columns each, but want four columns.
supragyan priyadarshinee's user avatar
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Automatic Line Break in Headings

I would like to have an automatic line break in the title of a table or figure if the title is too long so that the title has a justified alignment and the two line are exactly the same length. If ...
Trevor Andrew's user avatar
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Table notes not showing \textnotes

The symbol I added as notes \textdagger and \textasteriskcentered does not appear in the table or in the table footnote. \begin{table}[] \centering \caption{Resultado das simulações para 32 amostras/...
Dragnovith's user avatar
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Align numbers in each column in a Summary Statistics table

I am struggling to vertically align all numbers in each column. Now the numbers in rows "Earnings(RMB)" and "Spouse Earnings(RMB)" stand out. Thank you! What I have: \documentclass{...
Valerie Li's user avatar
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I have labelled a table, but it says that the reference is undefined

I have referenced an appendix table in the main text. Depending on where I put the label, I either Get an error message saying that the reference is undefined (and the main text reads 'Table ??') ...
afreelunch's user avatar
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Adding notes with threeparttable, but not as an item

I like to add simple notes text under a table. The threeparttable seem to be attractive because it fits the table well. But it is only working with item notes. What is the correct way to adding table ...
YuvalOS's user avatar
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tnote in caption of figure using three parttable

I watch the threeparttable file which can deal with footnotes in captions. And I tried: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{threeparttable} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \begin{figure}[h] \...
Y. zeng's user avatar
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Incorrect label type using threeparttable and cleveref

I'm having an issue with the threeparttable package label type, causing cleverref to not be able to refer correctly to the table. Compiling on Overleaf produces the following warning: "cref ...
user7794764's user avatar
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Input table inside tikzpicture de-centers table? Beamer

I am inputting a table inside a \begin{tikzpicture} to be able to use the coordinator calculator so I don't have to specify it everytime. I am having a headache since it is un-centering the table. ...
Joao Francisco Pugliese's user avatar
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How to format table notes with longtable + threeparttablex?

With threeparttable and the regular tabular environment I was able to achieve the formatting of a custom note (flush left, spanning the entire width of the table, no label, while keeping the table ...
dufei's user avatar
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how to center tablenotes in a threeparttable

Given the threeparttable \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{booktabs,threeparttable} \begin{document} \begin{table}[htb] \centering \begin{threeparttable} \caption{caption} ...
Lukas's user avatar
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How to customize table note alignment in threeparttable(x)

I would like to build upon Heiko Oberdiek's threeparttable solution here and ask if it is possible to keep the indentation for the numbered footnote items while flushing the items without anything in ...
dufei's user avatar
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Changing behaviour of the 'tablenotes' environment

Is there a way to declare in the preamble so that the tablenotes environment has: Single spacing between the item-lists. The size is \scriptsize. \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article} \usepackage[...
Miloop's user avatar
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Table notes outside table margins

I am using threeparttable to generate a table with notes. However, the a referring to the note is placed outside the table, see picture below. How can I make the note appear inside the table? \...
kraagje's user avatar
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table isn't aligned centering when use ccaption and threeparttable

I'm using a template to write my thesis. This template uses ccaption to make bilingual caption, but I found that I can't make table centering when I use threeparttable together. Here is my mwe \...
Syvshc's user avatar
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Could someone explain threeparttable's para setting?

The para setting in threeparttable (excerpt below) uses what David Carlisle calls "an interesting collection of penalties and glue" that I must sadly confess is beyond me. Could someone ...
Fredrik P's user avatar
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Replicating threeparttable's tablenotes in tabularray [follow up]

Simon Dispa's excellent answer to my last question went a long way in replicating the para, flushleft variant of threeparttable's table notes. But the formatting in threeparttable (after some ...
Fredrik P's user avatar
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Getting rid of magic number when aligning tables and threeparttables in beamer

I've been trying to make regular tables and threeparttables line up in beamer for a while now. And I have been making progress: in the below MWE, the tables line up perfectly. But there is still a ...
Fredrik P's user avatar
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Landscape multi-page tables using tabularx

I am wondering how to split a large table with many columns (54 now but could go up to 90) to: fill multiple pages reprint the first column containing labels on each page reprint tablenotes on each ...
Wolfe79's user avatar
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What is the vertical space between tabular and tablenotes environments with threeparttable?

What vertical space is inserted between tabular and tablenotes environments when we use the threeparttable package? I'm trying to build a tablenotes environment that looks similar to the one from ...
Fredrik P's user avatar
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How does one keep a constant indentation for multiline items in tablenotes of a threeparttable?

Here an illustrative MWE: \documentclass[fontsize=11pt]{article} \usepackage{blindtext} \usepackage[flushleft]{threeparttable} \usepackage{booktabs} \begin{document} \blindtext \begin{table} \...
Euclides's user avatar
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Align decimal numbers with different digital numbers

I am trying to create the following table, and I have two problems regarding this table: 1- The numbers before and after the "." in the table are different numbers. I am trying to use the ...
Lernst's user avatar
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