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Questions tagged [tikz-styles]

{tikz-styles} are predefined sets of options that organize how graphics elements are drawn. It is thus possible to program specific styles and reuse the styles on different objects. The {tikz-styles} tag can be used in parallel with {tikz-pgf}.

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How to change the style of one border(edge) of a rectangle node, especially overlapping edges of two adjacent nodes?

I want to draw a picture similar to Fig.3.9 in <Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment, 3rd Edition>, like this And here is mine using Tikz, basically I use matrix of nodes to draw tables....
gpanda's user avatar
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1 answer

using chapter style in latex (book)

I want to replicate the following chapter style using LaTeX I wrote a code, but I was only able to make it work for the beginning of the document and not as a style \newlength{\mywordlength} \...
Yael Mibe's user avatar
1 vote
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Custom table of contents in beamer

I am working with the following code as a starting point. It produces a beamer document where the items on the contents page are numbered, and each item number is inside a square. I would like to use ...
wrb98's user avatar
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Generate math plots and put them properly inside tikz node

I will appreciate if I can get suggestions on how to modify the following code to generate the same plot as the provided figure. I'd like to generate the same SED plot inside the box as well \...
Dalek's user avatar
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\input not loading tikzset definitions from standalone

I made the following tikz as a standalone .tex and wanted to \input the file into another. It compiles as a syandalone but it wont load the tikz boxes and arrows when imported. \documentclass[tikz]{...
David Barcene's user avatar
3 votes
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TikZ: filling rectangle with random dots trouble

Based on Poisson disc sampling implemented in luatex, my idea is to replicate the microscopic figure of a colloidal solution, that is, to create rectangles whose concentration of points increases from ...
user3204810's user avatar
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How to draw clustered lattice and tight binding models in LaTeX?

I would like to draw lattice models such as these In LaTeX, however, I'm not sure where to start from. Is there a way to draw these things without going point by point, line by line, etc., in TikZ? ...
SO_32's user avatar
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Tikz-graphic: Change the direction of the naming of the edge and the size of the numbers in the index

How can I change the direction of the naming of the AGE and the size of the numbers in the index for the following code? I modified one of the answers to a different question to get the result: Answer ...
Emad kareem's user avatar
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Smaller scopes within "matrix of nodes"

I'm using matrix of nodes to space out a generation in a family tree. \documentclass[border=5pt,usenames,dvipsnames]{standalone} \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{...
motaylormo's user avatar
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2 answers

Modification of exam `answer plot` to allow drawing partial opacity when `\printanswers` is uncommented

Following up on this question and this question regarding "answer plots" for the exam class, I am running into an issue. I have a region shading at less than 100% opacity. If I try adding ...
EthanAlvaree's user avatar
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Designing a curved grating, i.e. a specific dashed arc?

I am trying to recreate this diagramm on tikz: Until now I have managed this: with this code: \begin{figure} \centering \begin{tikzpicture} % Define the radius \def\R{2} ...
Matis's user avatar
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Update tikz style of a named node type to be a box with two colours

Right now I have a node type that looks like this (pictured with wires coming out): but I'd like it to just have two colours -- white on the left and orange on the right (no shading). I've read about ...
Adina Goldberg's user avatar
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semiconductor supply chain flowchart

I need to recreate a flowchart as faithfully as possible to the one depicted in the image. Unfortunately, my knowledge of LaTeX is still basic, and with the lines of code I have written, we are not ...
Yusef Hamdellah's user avatar
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semiconductor value chain flowchart does not fit in the page

I created a flowchart which looks like the Image I left atacched.I tried these codes but the flowchart does not fit in the page, probably because I set specific margins in my document. \documentclass[...
Yusef Hamdellah's user avatar
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Robust alternative to TikZ scope fading of text

I'm trying to fade a diagram containing a block of text, so that the left is invisible and the right looks normal. The §23.4.3 of the TikZ manual contains an example that looks like it should do ...
richard's user avatar
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Regular and Non-regular Polygon list

I need help with my code. As you can see, the compilation is incorrect: But I'd like some like this: \documentclass[a4paper, landscape]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{shapes....
Lenin de Castilhos's user avatar
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2 answers

draw humanoid using tikz graph

I am trying to make a similar plot using tikz libray in latex but so far I was only able to generate three humanoids. However, they are not scaled to fit properly in the plot and I can't place them ...
Dalek's user avatar
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Tikz: arrow with multiple styles

I am trying to draw an arrow as in the following picture: In the past, I always solved this problem by simply splitting the line in three parts, adding two coordinates, and drawing three different ...
Manlio's user avatar
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How could I generate transparent sheets over each other using tikz library

I want to generate a figure using tikz similar to the following picture. Here is so far my attempt. I don't know how to generate these transparent sheets on top of each other and align nodes properly ...
Dalek's user avatar
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2 answers

Semiconductor value chain flowchart process

I need to create a flowchart which looks like the Image I left atacched.I tried these codes but the outcome is not even close to what I want. thank you in advance. \tikzstyle{process} = [rectangle, ...
Yusef Hamdellah's user avatar
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International trade equilibria with sanctions [duplicate]

I need to insert this diagram about international terms of trade in my project but since it is a png file when you get to zoom in the image looses its definition. I was thinking to use {tizkpicture} ...
Yusef Hamdellah's user avatar
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How to make tikz trees with children that grow down then right?

by default tikz grows trees in a centered manner, such that children grow as: o / \ o o / \ / \ o o o o How can I grow the trees such that they grow down, then right? Such that:...
Reginald's user avatar
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Using line length as part of a TikZ style calculation

Because I am going to make a lot of figures where the same spring is in different states of compression or extension, I spent some time developing a dynamic style for springs. This style takes 4 ...
Erlend Magnus Viggen's user avatar
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Filling a specific area with tikz

I am trying to fill a specific area in my tikz picture but didn't manage to do it correctly. It is a wave shape so it makes it a bit tricky to fill since it's not perfectly sinusoidal (on purpose). ...
Waxler's user avatar
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Providing an Authentic Finish to a TIKZ Gold Plate

I am under the assumption that the RGB color formula for pure gold is (255,215,0). Consider the code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[sfdefault]{cabin} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{tikz}...
DDS's user avatar
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3 answers

Problem in block diagram

I have to make schematic flowchart of a fever model. here's what i want to create Here's what i have tried so far \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{shapes....
Maryam's user avatar
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Uncertain Sankey or tikz style hatch

I'm making use of the Sankey package, but I would like to display uncertainty of the flow. There is some research on this form of display (see doi: 10.1016/j.cola.2019.03.002). I'm picturing hatch ...
mankoff's user avatar
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How to code so that the dashed gridlines look like the second picture

how do I code in latex so that I obtain the second picture below? I’d like the dashed gridlines specifically to be like the second picture. This is my attempt (first picture): \documentclass{...
Curious cucur's user avatar
5 votes
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TikZ: How clip to complement of a region?

How can the red vertical arrows drawn in this TikZ picture be clipped to the outside of the curvy region X, that is, so that only the portion of the arrows below the region's boundary are actually ...
murray's user avatar
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How do I draw 90 degree angle arrows and background

I am trying to recreate this graph How do I draw axis-aligned arrows and how can I draw a background? \documentclass[9pt, landscape, twocolumn]{extarticle} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{...
juan19.99's user avatar
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How to make two nodes of same width? minimum width not working as expected!

I have to make rectangle "Data Members" of same width as the rectangle "Data Methods". I tried changing "minimum width" tag but is not affecting anything. How can I make ...
pba's user avatar
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Drawing an "atlas" map

I'm working on a math paper and I'm aiming to include an infographic that illustrates the decomposition of a particular space into five sub-areas. My idea is to represent the space as a circle, with ...
HUO's user avatar
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How to bring to front the "fit"ted rectangle?

I want to have 4 rectangles (with color X) and an bigger rectangle covering these 4 (with color Y). But, when I "fit" the bigger rectangle, I am losing the other 4. \begin{tikzpicture}[ ...
pba's user avatar
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How to draw Pascal's Triangle mod 3 with Tikz

I am writing about a math problem in which Pascal's Triangle is being studied (mod 3). Therefore I took the code from another thread in which the first n lines of Pascal's triangle were calculated. ...
Paul Laurent-Levinson's user avatar
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How to make text appear in front of fill when using tikzmarknode?

I've produced the following output: Here's the MWE: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, bending, tikzmark, positioning, fit} \tikzset{arrow/.style={red, -{...
Atex's user avatar
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Parallel Lines arrow indicators not following line direction?

I'm trying to draw a parallelogram in tikz and show that it is made up of two sets of parallel lines. Here is a section of part of my code: \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (A) at (0,0); ...
Duncan Chrystal's user avatar
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Tikz: Grouped Plot with Secondary y-axis

I have been working quite some time on a grouped error bar plot, but I've hit a wall: one of the variables (Variable 2) comes from a logistic regression, so its value/coefficient isn't directly ...
John's user avatar
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Colored ellipse in TikZ

I am trying to find the color scheme of the figure below in my code: The code I have written is given below: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{caption} \begin{document} \begin{...
felix's user avatar
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Write a macro to draw a double line with different color for each single line by tikzpicture

I am trying to draw a double line with different color by tikzpicture like this: \begin{tikzpicture} \draw[red] (0, 0 + .01) -- (1, 0 + .01); \draw[blue] (0, 0 - .01) -- (1, 0 - .01); \end{...
Chenqi Meng's user avatar
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Adding angles to triangle and labelling them inside?

I'm trying to draw an equilateral triangle in tikz and want to include the angles inside and label them within the angle showing they are 60 degrees each but am now sure how to do this... here is my ...
Duncan Chrystal's user avatar
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completely in red instead of shattered style

i want to mark the area under my graph. I want to have it hatched, but it is completely red. does anybody know how to fix it? thanks! \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[ width=\figurewidth, ...
Andre's user avatar
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4 answers

How to draw a heptagon with node at the right positions

could you help me I'm struggling to get a heptagon, here's the best code an AI generated but it failed to obtain a proper heptagone. Thanks. \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.7] % Define the heptagon ...
needhelp's user avatar
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Tikz patterns rendering incorrectly when viewing in adobe

When viewing my output in Tex studio the 45 deg line pattern renders as it should as shown here: When viewing in Adobe or Sumatra I get the following: Zooming out doesnt make it any better, only ...
vali.b's user avatar
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How to draw a round corner non orthogonal line in TikZ LaTeX?

I want to draw a round corner non-orthogonal line in TikZ LaTeX a depicted here! Any suggestions?
Nick Cooper's user avatar
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A 3D shape and text inside a TikZ box

I have made this so far but I m not able to add those spheres or cubes under that TikZ box and write inside of them. Also I couldn't create the arrows. \documentclass[ border=1cm]{standalone} \...
BROK's user avatar
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Create a flowchart in latex

How to create a flowchart like this in latex? So far I have not been able to achieve anything close to this. My code is as follows. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{...
Novel Sapien's user avatar
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how to create infographic box with arrow using tikz

I would like to draw a box including an arrow which is defined as Infographic Box with Arrow at this link. I would like to update the following figure to generate a top-to-bottom diagram. \...
ball_jan's user avatar
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How to define a custom axis attribute to reuse multiple axis settings?

edit: This post originally was named "Why is siunitx throwing an \endcsname inside newcommand?", but the rename does reflect the intention of the question better I think. Why is this code (...
VanC's user avatar
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Drawing one branch of hyperbola with asymptotes in tikz

I am trying to draw a single branch of hyperbola with tikz and I found in this forum a wonderful script here in this post (@DouglasMencken) : this post \documentclass[tikz, margin=10]{standalone} \...
Waxler's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

macro to change line color in tikz

I am new both to tikz and macros in latex and appreciate your help. I have a simple code for two similar diagrams as follows: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \newcommand\tpdrrr{ \tikz{ \...
lhz157's user avatar
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