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Issue/explanation request: \vskip inside maketitle definition in one or two columns article

in the class I am writing (imeko_acta.cls), which is based on article.cls, I have redefined the \maketitle command to have a specific title area. This is always a onecolumn, full text width section at ...
TrAmA's user avatar
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Expex \vskip before example does not disappear at a page break

I have a book document with \flushbottom. I use expex for linguistic examples. When an example is the first item on a page, the previous page ends with some spurious whitespace, as can be seen in the ...
Keelan's user avatar
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How to undo the extra vertical gap at the start of an enumitem enumerate but maintain elasticity?

Let's say we have a piece of text that introduces some vertical spacing of its own at the end (say, the head of some environment). After that space, an enumeration comes, which also introduces a ...
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Two blank lines between figures

I am working on a project. The space between two figures if placed one below other is required to be 2 lines. my documentclass line is: \documentclass[12pt,a4paper,twoside,fleqn,openright]{book} So I ...
CH4's user avatar
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Preserve vertical lastskip over \write

Is there a way to save a vertical \lastskip over \write, or, more generally, is there a way to program a "vertical version" of \@bsphack … \@esphack? In the following minimal example \...
Lupino's user avatar
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How does addvspace handle rubber components?

My understanding is that \addvspace defines "addition" as maxᵢ{vspaceᵢ} (fixed). What happens to the stretch and shrink? Here I'm adding a large inflexible vspace to a small super-stretchy ...
Douglas Myers-Turnbull's user avatar
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How do I get the rubber components of an l3skip?

Related to my question on l3skip to \setlength. \ExplSyntaxOn \skip_const:Nn \c__par_skip { 1ex plus 0.2ex plus 0.1ex } \skip_gimme_the_stretch:NN \g__par_stretch_fp \c__par_skip % 0.2ex \...
Douglas Myers-Turnbull's user avatar
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How do I use l3skip as an argument to setlength?

How do I recover send l3skip expressions to setlength? Or: How do I convert length + stretch - shrink to length plus stretch minus shrink\relax? \ExplSyntaxOn \skip_const:Nn \c__par_skip { 1ex +0....
Douglas Myers-Turnbull's user avatar
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Subtitle after the chapter title

I am trying to create a subtitle using the following: \newcommand\Chapter[2]{ \chapter[#1: {\itshape#2}]{#1\medskip\smaller\itshape#2} } But, the vertical space is a bit big. I tried \smallskip, ...
e0238015's user avatar
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Why an \hskip Command Following the Standard Linebreak Command \\ Does Not Work

Could someone explain why something like \\ \hskip 15pt would result in a linebreak with no indentation? I know that one could use \par (seeting the indentation at 15pt), or even \vskip 0pt \hskip ...
DDS's user avatar
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How to Insert Blank Line(s) in a Tikzpicture; Ordinary Methods Not Working Properly

I have a tikzpicture: which was produced by the following code. \documentclass{book} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{tikz} \newlength\drop % To drop the ...
DDS's user avatar
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\midchapskip spacing in memoir chapter style

I am creating a custom chapter style using the memoir class. It is defined by the following: \makechapterstyle{balloon}{% \renewcommand{\chapterheadstart}{\vspace*{\beforechapskip}} \...
Phineas Greene's user avatar
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vskip and unskip after section heading

I've defined a macro that puts images and text in a table and puts some whitespace around it like that: \newcommand{\iec}[3]{% \unskip \vskip 0.5cm \begin{tabular}{cl} \adjustimage{width=1.5cm,valign=...
Dschoni's user avatar
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Locating \smallskip Correctly

Does the location of \smallskip matter in the following three examples? Version 1 applies \smallskip at the end of the previous paragraph. \documentclass{article} \begin{document} This is a sentence. ...
Junyong Kim's user avatar
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Consistent spacing before section (KOMA)

I'm using the KOMAscript classes and notice that the space before each section heading depends on the previous environment. (I doubt this issue is exclusive to KOMA, I just thought I should mention it)...
likethevegetable's user avatar
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Is there a good practice for when to use `\smallskip`, `\medskip`, or `\bigskip`?

Is there a (scientific) standard in articles or books for when to use \smallskip, \medskip, or \bigskip?
Manuel's user avatar
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How to set caption skip for longtable

I tried \belowcaptionskip and \abovecaptionskip. No effects. Here is the MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{longtable,booktabs} \setlength\abovecaptionskip{10pt} \setlength\belowcaptionskip{...
jiewuza's user avatar
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Adding toprule and bottomrule to the glossary

I figured out how to add the toprule to this glossary, but I failed to do the same for the bottomrule. So, for this MWE, I have two questions: How can I add a bottomrule at the end of the glossary? ...
Diaa's user avatar
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How to add a space between two paragraphs within the column text?

I am trying to add spaces between paragraphs when I start a new section of my document. \vskip and \bigbreak didn't add empty lines inside Parcolumns. Is there a proper way of doing this? I am using ...
Claud's user avatar
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Is it possible to reduce whitespace around a maketitle command without modifying it?

Consider the following sty file and note the two lines that are commented out, which I'll put in a file called sample1.sty. \if@twocolumn\else\input twocolumn.sty\fi \usepackage{mathptmx} % times ...
merlin2011's user avatar
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