Questions tagged [xy-pic]

{xy-pic} or {xy} is a package for typesetting graphs and {commutative-diagrams} using the principle of "logical composition of visual components."

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Shift arrow tail

I have seen in the xypic guide that you can shift the tail by adding the command \newdir{ >}{{}*!/-5pt/@{>}}. However, this doesn't work if the arrow isn't to the right. Is there a way to make ...
Jolia's user avatar
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A curved arrow disappears when its end position is specified in xymatrix

I want to draw a curved arrow with specifing its end position in xymatrix. I tried the following code. \xymatrix{ A \ar@{=>}@/^/[r] & B \\ C \ar@{=>}[r]+<-5pt,3pt> & D \...
Teirflegne's user avatar
4 votes
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Diagram Problem

I need a diagram, I have attached the shape below, this is my attempt but it didn't work as I wanted, I would be very grateful if you can help me. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \...
Ali Harun DALDALLI's user avatar
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How to make a from= , to= argument work in Tikzcd in compatibility mode?

For some reason, which will probably be too much work to fix without breaking something else in my document, Tikzcd only works in my document in compatibility mode with the "Alternative syntax ...
Felipe Dilho's user avatar
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putting arrowhead in the middle of an arrow

I have the following graph with \xymatrix. I want to place arrowheads in the middle of each arrow, as you can see the result is messy: \documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article} \usepackage[all]{xy} \...
Zahra Nazemian's user avatar
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Unusual diagram of snake lemma

I want to draw the following diagram in LaTeX. This is essentially a diagram of the snake lemma, but a bit different from the usual one. By rotating the diagram of the snake lemma ninety degrees and ...
BrauerManinobstruction's user avatar
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Draw the simple graph with or without Tikz [closed]

I am trying to recover the LaTeX code of the following graph. I have basic knowledge of Tikz and can work this out. Instead, I am looking for ways to let the program bend the arrows automatically, ...
Covariant's user avatar
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Draw arrows between arrows in xypic [duplicate]

I would like to draw natural transformations like this: Is there a way to do this in xymatrix?
Sardines's user avatar
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Suppress space around inline xymatrix

An inline xymatrix is, by default, surrounded by a non-0 amount of space: \documentclass{amsart} \usepackage[all]{xy} \begin{document} [\(\xymatrix{A}\)] vs.\ [\(A\)] \end{document} produces How do ...
LSpice's user avatar
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Why can't I get the left arrow to work?

$$ \xymatrix{\ar @{} [dr] x[n] \ar[d] \ar[r]^-{DTFT} & X(e^{j\omega}) \ar[r]^-{Sample} & X(k) \ar[d] \\ \ar[r]^-{\neq} & {x_1[n]} & {IDFT_N\{ X(k)\}} \ar{l}} $$ Produces this ...
Ahsan Yousaf's user avatar
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Labels too close and overlapping with the internal symbols in xy package

I have given an answer on a question with this MWE, and I am not see an evident hole created when I insert a symbol into an arrow. The labels also overlapped to the symbols. How to solve the problem? ...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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about xypic : how to draw a turn with double line?

Here is my original code : \documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{ amsmath,amssymb, } \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[% xypic ...
Chen_zy's user avatar
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Weird interaction between xy and babel

Recently, I am having a weird interaction between xy and babel. When I run latex and dvips, the resulting ps file is corrupted and I cannot do ps2pdf. I am pretty sure it used to worked one year ago. ...
Dude's user avatar
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Problem with arrow in xy

I have some code with xy \xymatrix@C=1pc@R=2.5pc{ *+[F-]{a} \ar@(ul,ur)[] \ar@<-1.5ex>@{<-}[d] \ar@<1.5ex>@{<.}[d] \save+<0pc,1.1pc>*{\txt{$s$}} \restore \\ *+[F-]...
Lepticed's user avatar
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Align problems when using XY-pic

I want to draw this diagram using XY-pic. But I have trouble with the position of the arrows. Any help would be appreciated. The codes are as follows: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \...
mio's user avatar
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xypic and \mathcal math mod issue

I'm curently trying to write a simple commutative diagram through xypic, which works on one of my files, but I can't make it work on a new one : \documentclass{article} \usepackage[french]{babel} \...
user269676's user avatar
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Using xy-diagram to create an asymmetrical triangle

I would like to create an asymmetrical triangle like in this picture : Unfortunately so far it only works when I add another label in the top left corner like this: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[...
Paul Joh's user avatar
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Circle and colored-arrow in xypic

I'm using \usepackage[all,cmtip]{xy} and I'd like to create a circle for $\overline{D_1^n}$, I'd like to color in red the $f\circ\pi$-arrow, I'd like also to shade the $S^n/\mathbb{Z}^2$. I inserted ...
Puck's user avatar
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Compile xypic diagrams into html

Does anyone know of a way to compile latex files into HTML (as opposed to pdf), in a way such that that commutative diagrams done with xypic are correctly displayed? (EDIT: and moreover that formulae ...
Joao Faria Martins's user avatar
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Inside arrow in xy package: steps

Given the image taken from this question here How do I deal with these scaling and positioning issues in Tikzcd, how is it possible to obtain an arrow inside a segment using only xy package? \...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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Typesetting Subgroup Lattices in LaTeX

Trying to figure out the easiest way to create a subgroup lattice in LaTeX. Looking to create something like this one for `$D_4$'.
Semi-confused math major's user avatar
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can anyone explain me why my grid is offset in XY graph?

So I'm trying to making a simple tree like graph in XY-pic, but it is very strangely shifted: . The shift is strange as from a guide I've found that & signs are used only when there are still non ...
Nikolai Savulkin's user avatar
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Graphviz Record-like Structure with XY-Pic or Tikz

I sketched the following graph with Graphviz, but I don’t know how to do it with XY-Pic or Tikz. The thing here is that I used record style node. Is there a way to do it with the other two?
Lepticed's user avatar
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Crossing over method with xy package for one or more arrows

Related on this question, considering the original image, adding my MWE: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[all]{xy} \begin{document} \xymatrix@R=2pc@C=2.8pc{ & b' \ar@{~>}[ddl]|...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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Circle label of xymatrix

Related from my answer where I must put the | to have the label into the arrow considering \ar@{.>}[d]^*+<8pt>[o][F]{\ell}? \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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3 answers

xymatrix arrow changing directions

In an \xymatrix environment, how can I get an arrow going down, then two steps right and then up again, as in the picture? In the good old days there was LAMSTeX to do this kind of things, but not ...
yannis's user avatar
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Coloring curved arrows in Xy-pic

I have created a recalcitrant object in Xy-pic. The intention was to color two curved arrows, but the expected code does not quite accomplish this: \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{mathpazo} \...
jdc's user avatar
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Increase the thickness of an arrow in xy and tikz-cd package

We start from these simples MWE. The first is done with xy package, with your tips: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[all]{xy} \begin{document} \xymatrix{A \ar[r]& B} \end{document}...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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How can I create PDFs which maintain figures using XeLaTeX?

I want to be able to use the fonts of my OS when creating PDFs. After reading a but, I've come to understand that this requires me to use XeLaTeX (instead of plain LaTeX) and the package \fontspec. I ...
Espen 's user avatar
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A commutative diagram created with xy package for an old question

Starting from this question with this first image, I wanted to reproduce the drawing with xy package as training. \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[all,cmtip]{xy} \begin{document} \[\...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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xy-package: two parallel arrows and clarifications

I have this little MWE taken and modificated from the documentation from pag. 6/16 of the guide xyguide: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[all]{xy} \begin{document} \xymatrix{ A \ar@&...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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2 answers

Shifting curved line downwards in xymatrix

In the following MEW I have two problems Only due to the MWE: stackexchange is having some problem highlighting my code (due to the back upper coma) The real problem: I would like that the snake go ...
Agyla's user avatar
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How to draw this commutative diagram

Please, I want to draw the below diagram in latex and don't know how to go about it.
alex jagboro's user avatar
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Labeling two different parts of one equation with two arrows with different start and end points

I want to write a formula, like the attachment picture, with two different arrows for two parts of the formula. I could write the below code by \xymatrix finally. But the starting point of the second ...
Reza's user avatar
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How to have the bold tip using xy package

From this old question Commutative Diagrams and TikZ, I have seen that there is an implies with the bold tip done with TikZ. Is it possible to replicate with xy package to have the same tip or others ...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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Turnstile arrow in.....xy package

Following the previous question Turnstile arrow in tikz-cd, now I am curious how I can increase the left tail with the xy package. In the documentation I haven't found anything. \documentclass[a4paper,...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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How to redefine the hook in XY-pic?

I want to add an empty space before the hooked arrow the way it is done in the barr package. \newdir{ (}{{ }*!/-.5em/@^{(}}% But instead of defining a new \dir{ (}, I just want to redefine \dir{(}. \...
FR09's user avatar
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AR quiver with shaded regions

I wonder how I can shade regions of a diagram like in the following picture (taken from p.186 of "Elements of representation theory of algebras I") I guess people would come up with ...
Pooyan Moradifar's user avatar
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bigsqcup too small with xypic

I have the following issue with xypic: \bigsqcup looks too small (I tried to put @R=10em to make it bigger but that does not work :-)). \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{amsart} \usepackage{xr-hyper} \...
Philippe Gaucher's user avatar
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Why does iftex report incorrect package info when loaded via xy package?

I've encountered the following strange phenomenon. First, the following test indicates that my system is running a recent (2020) version of the iftex package: \listfiles \RequirePackage{iftex}[2020/03/...
Ari Brodsky's user avatar
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Beginner trying to use \usepackage[all]{xy} command

I've been using LaTeX for a while now (all throughout my undergrad in math) but now my graduate professors/coauthors are sharing LaTeX files with me via dropbox and I can't get them to compile in my ...
MathManiac5772's user avatar
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Inline vertical diagrams

Is there a package that allows for vertical in-line diagrams, like the one below? I've tried the following code inline using xy-pic \documentclass{article} \usepackage[all,cmtip,2cell]{xy} \begin{...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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Rounded corner in xy package and ellipse shape

This question very hard for me. xy package have also the shapes, circle with [o], or other forms using this table: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[all]{xy} \begin{...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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Drawing a circular graph using xypic

How can I draw a circular graph, as in the picture below, using xypic?
Pooyan Moradifar's user avatar
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3D perspective mode using xy package

Starting from this code where I have used xy package: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage[all,cmtip]{xy} \begin{document} \xymatrix@!0{ & \alpha \ar@{-}[rr]\ar@{...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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Xypic compiling error with auctex

I have a problem with the following piece of code: $\xymatrix{ {X_{2}} \ar@<0.6ex>[r]^-{p_{0}} \ar@<-0.6ex>[r]_-{p_{1}} & {X_{1}} }$ is made into a LaTeX macro as: \newcommand{\arrp}[...
Partha Pratim Ghosh's user avatar
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Increase distance between a formula and the arrow and to change the tip/arc of the hook arrow

My question is the following: for exercise I was drawing the 2nd figure of this question using xy package and I have found some difficulties that I have marked with the red rectangles: How can I ...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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Horizontally misaligned labels in xy package

I have answered to a this question, Long arrows in a commutative diagram with transform canvas with this MWE: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[cmtip,all]{xy} \labelmargin-{1pt} \...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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How can I label XY pic diagrams, to cite in other parts of my LaTeX file?

I am writing up a project on knot theory, using overleaf, and decided to use XY Pic instead of Tikz as it feels more intuitive. Is there a way to either attach a label my diagram (to recall/...
Max Procter's user avatar
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How do I set the grayscale values for arrows in xypic?

I am trying to set the grayscale values of arrows in xypic. From a brief perusal of this document it seems like I need to do something like this: \documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \...
MRicci's user avatar
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