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How can I set an inserted float object to go over the bottom of the page?

How can I set an inserted float object to go over the bottom of the page? For example, if I insert an image, it is not a problem that it goes over the left or right margin, but if it is in a float ...
test's user avatar
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Capitalize "ibid." produced by \runcite biblatex-chicago

"id." is not properly capitalized when produced with \runcite from biblatex-chicago. MWE \documentclass{article} \usepackage[notes, backend=biber, useibid=true]{biblatex-chicago} \...
Harriet's user avatar
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How to draw leftright arrow in a table

I have no idea how to draw a leftright arrow in a table, this arrow should look like here Here the code for the table \begin{table}[] \caption{} \label{tab:arrow} \begin{tabular}{llllll} ...
niru1's user avatar
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How to color text after pausing in beamer?

I want to highlight a particular text in a list after all the text has appeared. So for example, I want the slides in this order: \begin{itemize} \item this is text 1 \item this is text 2 \end{itemize}...
thewizard's user avatar
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how to separate the structure and style of a table in a .cls file, and pull the contents to populate the table from another file?

I have the file 'poscomp.cls', which contains the table: \begin{table}[hbt!] \ifthenelse {\equal{\@nivel}{mestrado}} {{\textbf{CRONOGRAMA DE ELABORAÇÃO DE DISSERTAÇÃO – ANO 1}}} {{\textbf{...
Anna Luiza's user avatar
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luatex tex.sprint'ing \SetCell produces different result

I will be making a wrapper around tabularray's \SetCell macro using lualatex. Using tex.sprint to produce \SetCell[c=2]{c} however produces a different results than typing it in out directly. Any ...
likethevegetable's user avatar
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How to know for certain in expansion-contexts the moment when the result of a fully expandable expl3-function is there?

There are a lot of functions provided by the expl3 programming environment that in interface3.pdf are marked with a black asterisk (fully expandable) or with a white asterisk (restricted expandable). ...
Cattleya's user avatar
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page numbering order for table of content, list of figures, list of tables, and nomenclature

I don't know how to fix the order of page numbering for table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, and nomenclature. I use \renewcommand to change the Arabic numbers to Roman; however, for ...
Hossein's user avatar
3 votes
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ConTeXt: Switching font for both `\title` and `\subject`

I am trying to change the font for two levels of headings, \title and subject in ConTeXt. Although the code for changing the font for titles is not different from the one for changing the font for ...
guemax's user avatar
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List of figures Appendices

I succeeded in making a separate list for the appendices for the table of contents, as follows: \usepackage[titles]{tocloft} \newcommand{\listappendixname}{Contents Appendices} \newlistof{appendix}{...
Lea Steinbusch's user avatar
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Dealing with 3D-plots: change the numeric range

It's the first time I've dealt with 3D plots. I would like to reproduce something that is as similar as possible to the one in the picture. Since I'm not very expert, I don't know the equation of the ...
user3204810's user avatar
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How to set a image in the header via fancyhdr?

I am veeery new to LaTeX but I am encountering a very weird issue, because I need to have the header, on only the first page, as shown in the screenshot. And the Univeristy provided a rectangular ...
ANunzi's user avatar
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macro to change line color in tikz

I am new both to tikz and macros in latex and appreciate your help. I have a simple code for two similar diagrams as follows: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \newcommand\tpdrrr{ \tikz{ \...
lhz157's user avatar
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Add to TOC some section of table

I use a long table "longtblr" which spreads on 5 pages. The table is under \section. The table has several topics with many parameters : that means 10 rows about ITEM_a , and 30 rows about ...
ikif's user avatar
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vertical align text in tabularray with tikz node inside

I would like the text in cell vertically center but it stay at the bottom. The rowspec looks like not take effect. The m should be vertically center. \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tabularray} ...
beetlej's user avatar
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Mind maps not letting me have more than 6 siblings

I am trying to make a mindmap but it only seems to let me have 6 siblings no matter what angle I put in or even make the distance bigger to make more room: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \...
Paul A's user avatar
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Strange result in \left \middle \right

the code \left(1_Q\middle|\right) gives the result shown below. Shouldn't the construction \left, \middle, \right produce the parentheses and the vertical bar of the same height?
ThomasS's user avatar
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Why is dehyph a required package?

Since my document is not written in German, I thought I would uninstall the dehyph package. But apparently this package is required when running pdfLaTeX. Why? What does it contain that it is so ...
ltcomdata's user avatar
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How to separate words in TeX without a space? Can I mark word boundaries without spaces?

I want to be able to tell TeX that here is a word boundary without using spaces. And I want TeX to decide on adding space at the designated word boundary or not. For example: I want to remove spaces ...
bliako's user avatar
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Error in a table : "Missing number, treated as zero"

when I compile my table, I get the error "Missing number, treated as zero." I looked, it tells me I added a zero but I can't find it in the table so I can't see what's wrong in my code. \...
Nicolas's user avatar
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How to Code Adjacency Matrix

do you know how to code this in latex?
Ryl's user avatar
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How to change sidenote's fontsize in kaobook

The title pretty much says it, how could I change the sidenote's fontsize in kaobook? Is there a parameter for it on documentclass or something? Thanks a lot, Rodrigo
Rodrigo's user avatar
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How to add a custom ToC entry with a page number outside the document using memoir?

How can I add custom ToC entries that refer to pages after the last page of my document? The company that prints it requests the appendices as separate PDFs, but I'd like the ToC to refer to them ...
Anna's user avatar
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How to make the numbering non-italic in a theorem environment?

A typical theorem in my document looks like I would like to have the labels (A1) and (A2) non-italic. IMHO, this would be more aesthetic because these label would align with Assumption 1.1.. Thank ...
Akira's user avatar
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pgfplots: only integer numbers and only ticks at integer places on the x-axis

I want to create xbar-diagrams like this, but I want to set only integer numbers at the bottom x-axis (no 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, ...) and only ticks at the places of integer numbers (no ticks at 0.5, 1.5, ...
cis's user avatar
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Getting Date from week number automatically for a specific year

Is there a way to automatically output the date based on the week number? More precisely: I enter the week number for a specific year and as an output I get the date from Monday to Sunday? There are ...
No Name's user avatar
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Rendering jupyter notebooks to PDF using LaTex generates unwanted characters?

Cross-posting on SO: I bring this question over TeX sub as it may be also relevant and ...
NonSleeper's user avatar
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`xdvipdfmx:fatal: Unrecognized paper format` after upgrading to TeXLive 2024

Can anyone tell me where to look to start diving into this situation? I upgraded my TeXLive and noticed that it's getting a big update (TeXLive 2024) and suddenly everything stops compiling. The log ...
Andre's user avatar
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Repeat \maketitle with exactly the same style and parameters

I am trying to create a document that will, at some arbitrary point, repeat the title from the front page. \documentclass[a4paper,anonymous]{lipics-v2021} \title{My Paper} \titlerunning{paper} \...
sxt643's user avatar
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Problem with reaction mechanism in chemfig

Why these two arrows aren't in their places? First two chemmoves lines are in properly positions, and other two are something else and I can't find a problem in code. I compiled it few times. Also I'd ...
Michał Szymankiewicz's user avatar
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tikzpicture doesn't fit into table due to "?" symbol inside the object

I'm trying to get a table in a diagram to look decent, but the object\tolabel seems to overflow the radius of the circle, which makes the table look unaligned. If I change the last object for another ...
Javier Castro's user avatar
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How to position mdframed environment at the top of a page, without topmargins being decreased?

I have a document which uses a simple custom environment for algorithms, using the mdramed package. Some times I want an algorithm to be placed at its position in text, and other times I would like an ...
Naysh's user avatar
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I have an array inside of equation and aligned, not recognizing math mode

I am trying to create a bracket enclosed matrix where the rows and columns are labeled. My attempt is: \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} &\begin{array}{*{7}{p{.8cm}}} \...
akb427's user avatar
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Image float to next page keeping margin rule in tufte-book

I am using the tufte-book template and I am having a certain issue when images float from a page to another, as I am using the raggedouter option for marginals in the document class. I already tried ...
ruieduardolopes's user avatar
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incorrect cross-reference to an item in an enumerated list with bespoke labels

This posting is inspired by a recent query that asked a related, but not identical, question. Suppose that one wishes to display the labels of an enumerated list as if they were equation numbers (with ...
Mico's user avatar
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How to plot a function in integral with ln function with TikZ?

how to plot the function $f:x\mapsto \int_0^{x}\frac{1}{\sqrt{1+t^2*ln^2(t)}}\, \textrm{d}t$ with TikZ? tnx
smail065's user avatar
5 votes
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Quantikz not compatible with tikz-cd?

I want to draw quantum circuits and commutative diagrams, so I want to use the two packages quantikz and tikz-cd. But somehow quantikz overwrites tikz-cd. Take a look at this code: \documentclass[11pt,...
Blau's user avatar
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Text above bonding and bond angle

Taking this pictures as example, how can I display r_1, r_2 and theta_1 in my 'ABC' molecule in a similar way? \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{chemfig} \begin{document} \begin{figure}...
user3204810's user avatar
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How to create hyperlinks in Plain TeX that points to exact positions of labels in another file?

Problem Cross-file hyperlinks always bring me the first page of another file, while I expect the links to bring me to the exact label position (or text) in the target file. Reproduction Steps ...
zacque's user avatar
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Separate table of contents Appendices

For my report, I need a separate table of contents for my appendices. After contacting the helpdesk, they provided me with this code, which indeed works :) ; \usepackage[titles]{tocloft} \newcommand{\...
Lea Steinbusch's user avatar
4 votes
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Change the font size of siunitx output

When writing numbers with units using the siunitx package, \SI{1064}{\um}, the numbers and units are noticeably smaller than the text, however the mu seems to be the correct size. I am using Verdana ...
SockPile's user avatar
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Putting an enumerated list on an equation counter

I would like to put certain enumerated lists on the same counter as my displayed equations. Can anyone suggest how I can do this? Close to minimal working example below. \documentclass{amsart} \...
user1931's user avatar
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Fix first (two) questions with McExam package

I am writing an McExam with the McExam package with multiple versions. The first two questions are supposed to read \documentclass{article} \usepackage{mcexam} \begin{document} \begin{mcquestions} \...
abq254's user avatar
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customized marker (pgfdeclareplotmark) with color as argumeent

I am trying to customize the shape+color of a marker for a scatter plot. Everythink works when I hard-code the color (e.g. red): \documentclass{article} \usepackage{pgfplots} \usepackage{xcolor} \...
Simon's user avatar
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How to change font size **only** for \lstinline{}?

At first sight, this may look as a duplicate of another question already closed as a duplicate of this one. But it isn't ;-) How do I set globally the font size of all \lstinline macros, independently ...
Pedro Sánchez Terraf's user avatar
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Multiple columns with different widths - complex layout

I am having troubles typesetting more complex layout that consists of multiple columns with different widths and vertically rotated text. Layout image I've trield multiple packages such as \multicol \...
jakubosd's user avatar
3 votes
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Separate columns in matrix by bar

I would like to create something similar to this in my document. I have tried using nicematrix so far but cannot get it to work. Thanks in advance:)
Trommelpeter's user avatar
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How to use hyperref new color scheme?

In a previous question on this site (better default colors for hyperref links), Ulrike Fischer said that a new colorscheme option will be provided for the hyperref pacakge, four years ago. It is also ...
richardIII's user avatar
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File ended while scanning use of \next. Exam format

I have a problem in my LaTeX file that I wasn't able to solve with my google-fu. Most answers to the same error say that \end{frame} may not be indented. I do not use \end{frame}. My goal I want to ...
cultrarius's user avatar
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Compilation and output.lof errors when Figures are inserted

I am currently writing my thesis and all was going well until I reached a chapter that required a lot of pictures and little text. The majority of the pictures were placed next to each other with the ...
yv3s's user avatar
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