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23 votes

How do I refer Appendix in latex so as to display 'A' or 'B' in my paper

You don't necessarily need to import any packages. You can have appendices defined like the following: \appendix \section{Appendix: Rule Tables for Chapter 2} \label{appendix:a} And refer to them ...
eLeMeNOhPi's user avatar
17 votes

IEEEtran problem in Appendix

Note that \appendices appears to be unique to IEEEtrans class. \documentclass[conference,compsoc]{IEEEtran} \begin{document} \section{First Section} \section{Second Section} \section{Third ...
John Kormylo's user avatar
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14 votes

Appendix after each chapter

The (correct) answer given by @Gonzalo causes the numbering of tables and figures to reset in regular sections following an appendix. This is due to the \counterwithin command that is called at the ...
MPA's user avatar
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11 votes

'Appendix' before the appendix name

This is described in the appendix-documentation, section 2. Use the appendices-environment, and put a few arguments when loading the package. I think it looks wierd calling both title and titletoc, so ...
Runar's user avatar
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10 votes

How to end appendix?

The \appendix command is a one way switch. In article.cls it does: \setcounter{section}{0}% Resets the section counter \setcounter{subsection}{0}% and the subsection counter \gdef\thesection{\@Alph\c@...
Phelype Oleinik's user avatar
9 votes

How can I get multiple appendices to be correctly labeled A, B, C

Use the command \appendix instead of \begin{appendix}...\end{appendix}. Then follow the command with the text of your appendices. All following \section commands will be labeled with capital letters ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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9 votes

List of figures NOT showing

You have to restore the tocdepth counter after the appendix with \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\setcounter{tocdepth}{2}}: \documentclass{report} \begin{document} \tableofcontents \listoffigures \...
Ruben's user avatar
  • 13.5k
9 votes

Issue with using \onecolumn with ReVTeX

revtex disables \onecolumn use \onecolumngrid
David Carlisle's user avatar
8 votes

How to write Appendix and its name on the same line in IEEEtran?

That's the default behaviour for IEEEtran - adding a line break between the section heading and title within the . A quick fix would be to grab the forced line break - \\* - and insert a : instead: \...
Werner's user avatar
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8 votes

Custom labelling of equations in appendix section

I suggest you add the instructions \counterwithin*{equation}{section} \renewcommand\theequation{\thesection\arabic{equation}} immediately after \appendix. The former instruction tells LaTeX to reset ...
Mico's user avatar
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7 votes

Appendix - Adding PDF

Alternatively, I add the PDF as follows: \usepackage{pdfpages} \includepdf[pages=-,offset=75 -75]{myfile.pdf}
Tshilidzi Mudau's user avatar
7 votes

Include the word Appendix before A in table of contents

Use the appendices environment and the title and titletoc options: \documentclass[12pt]{article} %% Language and font encodings \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \usepackage[...
Bernard's user avatar
  • 273k
6 votes

Prepend 'Appendix' before 'A' using scrbook

Update using LaTeX version 2021/06/01 and KOMA-Script version 3.34: \documentclass[ oneside, numbers=noenddot ]{scrbook} \usepackage{blindtext}% dummy text \usepackage{biblatex} \usepackage[...
esdd's user avatar
  • 86.2k
6 votes

Change figure numbering for appendix

I added - hbAppendixPrefix to change prefix easily - equation numbering, too \newcommand{\hbAppendixPrefix}{A} % \renewcommand{\thefigure}{\hbAppendixPrefix\arabic{figure}} \setcounter{figure}{0} \...
haluk.bingol's user avatar
6 votes

Appendixify: Move selected slides to appendix in Beamer

The beamersubframe package provides a convenient way to move frames to the backup without moving the actual code around: \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage[append]{beamersubframe} \begin{document} ...'s user avatar
6 votes

Replace \part of the appendix of Legrand Orange Book with letters of the alphabet instead of arabic numbers

Undo the changes in structure.tex from your previous question regarding part numbering or use the original structure.tex. Add this to your preamble or at the end of structure.tex: \documentclass[...
Ulrike Fischer's user avatar
6 votes

Appendices in Latex and Numbering

From amsart.cls we find \def\appendix{\par\c@section\z@ \c@subsection\z@ \let\sectionname\appendixname \def\thesection{\@Alph\c@section}} Thus, we can see that the command \appendix resets the ...
Sigur's user avatar
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6 votes

Renaming appendix numbers to S1 and S2 instead of A and B

Appendices must follow the naming format “Appendix S1,” Appendix S2,” and so on. The elsarticle document class contains the following, rather ill-conceived instructions regarding appendix sections ...
Mico's user avatar
  • 519k
6 votes

Why does \appendix reset the counter of the level below the main sectioning level?

It's not documented but it's been that way forever. I assume it's because otherwise the section counter would only be reset if there was a numbered \chapter but often you only have one appendix so ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
5 votes

Remove last dot in title numbering

Since KOMA-Script version 3.20 you can use \DeclareTOCStyleEntry. So here is a new suggestion: \documentclass[ %appendixprefix=true,%<- removed 11pt,a4paper, numbers=noenddot% <- added ]{...
esdd's user avatar
  • 86.2k
5 votes

making appendix for thesis

\begin{document} \bibliographystyle{phBYU} \bibliographystyle{unsrt} \maketitle \begin{abstract} % add abstract \end{abstract} \begin{acknowledgements} % add acknowledgement \end{acknowledgements} \...
Asif Kazmi's user avatar
5 votes

Do not want Appendix to appear as a chapter

Typical \chapter representations include a heading as well as the chapter title. As such, issuing \appendix \chapter{Appendix} may seem awkward since the repetition of Appendix seems redundant: ...
Werner's user avatar
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5 votes

Option clash from another class emulating package

Not really, you can use \DisemulatePackage{appendix} to stop memoir claiming that appendix is loaded, but then if you try to load it \documentclass[titletoc,header]{memoir} \DisemulatePackage{...
David Carlisle's user avatar
5 votes

Formula numbering in the Appendix

A bit of overhead is required, as shown in the code below, especially if you want to (a) retain the ability to create cross-references to section-level headers in the appendix and (b) have numbered ...
Mico's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I change 'A' to 'Appendix A' in both TOC and title?

Add the following to your preamble: \newcommand{\appendixnumberline}[1]{Appendix\space} \let\oldappendix\appendix \makeatletter \renewcommand{\appendix}{% \addtocontents{toc}{\let\protect\...
Werner's user avatar
  • 610k

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