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5 votes

Remove particular characters from some string

The character in the input is U+06E6 defining that to do nothing changes the output, but I can not read either form so I can not tell if this is a good result. \documentclass[12pt]{article} \...
David Carlisle's user avatar
5 votes

Assimilated alif (arabxetex)

I have found the solution. Type humu "A"l-mufsidUna The quotes suppress the diacritics on the alif. You can find further information in section 4.1.3 of the ArabTeX manual which ArabXeTeX relies on. ...
EuklidAlexandria's user avatar
3 votes

Tanwin does not appear in the output

By default vocalization of Arabic letters is deactivated with arabxetex, you can activate it with \usepackage[voc]{arabxetex}, if you want a full vocalized text you can get it with \usepackage[fullvoc]...
Salim Bou's user avatar
  • 17.1k
3 votes

Error related to bidi or arabxetex: Command \XeTeX already defined

@cfr's comments on my question deserve to be upgraded to the answer, which I give here: The solution, as @cfr suggested, was to stop loading fontspec and bidi independently of arabxetex and removing ...
Alex Roberts's user avatar
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3 votes

Change font in a single paragraph Arabxetex

Here's two ways of doing it. The easiest way is to put your paragraphs in separate arab environments then change the definition of \arabicfont before the arab environment then back again afterwards. ...
David Purton's user avatar
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2 votes

Quran package with Hussaini Nastaleeq font

You can patch the command \qt@no which hold ayah number and use Amiri font for parentheses (the ayah numbre is also with Amiri font). \documentclass[b5paper,11pt]{memoir} \usepackage[left=1.8cm,...
Salim Bou's user avatar
  • 17.1k
2 votes

Omitting the wasla sign

The following may not suit you as it uses arabluatex, but here it is: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[fullvoc]{arabluatex} \begin{document} \begin{arab} bi-.Al"-ll_ahi. wa-.Al-yawmi .Al-...
Robert Alessi's user avatar
2 votes

How to add Arabic in-line with English sentence in XeLaTeX?

For short Arabic texts, all you need is: \documentclass[12pt]{book} \usepackage[bidi=default, english]{babel} \babelfont[arabic]{rm}{FreeSerif} \begin{document} One two \foreignlanguage{arabic}{لاثة ...
Javier Bezos's user avatar
  • 10.8k
2 votes

How to color particular portion of an Arabic text with arabxetex

Graphically clipping three copies of the word works, but requires manual adjustment of the position of the clip start/end: (based on egreg's answer at Character with two colors) MWE \documentclass[...
Cicada's user avatar
  • 10.2k
2 votes

How to color particular portion of an Arabic text with arabxetex

This is the best I could do in XeTeX. It's strange how the first joiner aligns well but the second joiner doesn't when colored. This may be a bug in arabxetex package. It may improve in newer version. ...
SolidMark's user avatar
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2 votes

arabxetex: how to write 'ayn with a long vowel fatha (dagger alif)

\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{arabtex} \begin{document} \setarab \fullvocalize \arabtrue \begin{RLtext} al`_alamiyna \end{RLtext} \end{document}
Suhari's user avatar
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2 votes

Can't write in Arabic in Latex using "arabluatex" package

arabluatex has changed somewhat since the answer you cite, and you’re missing \txarb{...}. Use it this way: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[novoc]{arabluatex} \newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=...
Thérèse's user avatar
  • 12.7k
2 votes

Coloring Arab vowels/marks without losing connection

arabluatex is able to do this. Of course, you need to use lualatex to compile your document. Please refer to the documentation (currently sec. 7 on p. 35) for more information. \documentclass[12pt]{...
Robert Alessi's user avatar
1 vote

Coloring Arab vowels/marks without losing connection

I know it is not perfect with all arabic letters and in all the situations but it is just a start: \def\red#1#2{\hspace{5pt}\char"200D #2\hspace{-5pt}\textcolor{red}{#1-}-} \documentclass[a4paper,...
Hafid Boukhoulda's user avatar
1 vote

Problem with reledmac and lemma substitution, error '\iflemmacommand@0' undefined

Version 2.38.0 of reledmac solves this issue, linked to "kind of bug" in XeTeX RTL system. bidi, RTL and \write
Maïeul's user avatar
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1 vote

Titlesec and Arabxetex

Here is my tested answer (but without arabic text): \documentclass[10pt]{book} \usepackage{titlesec} \usepackage[fullvoc]{arabxetex} \newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=Arabic]{Linux Libertine O} \...
koleygr's user avatar
  • 20.3k
1 vote

tufte-book and arabic text (bidi problem?)

Haha! % !TeX program = xelatex \documentclass[nols,justified]{biditufte-book} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{polyglossia} \usepackage{fontspec,xltxtra,xunicode} \setdefaultlanguage{english} \...
JPi's user avatar
  • 13.7k
1 vote

3-digit Quranic verse numbers in ArabXeTeX and Scheherazade

Use the included Amiri font. It solves this problem.
JohnW's user avatar
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