25 votes

bibentry with template causes error: lonely \item--perhaps a missing list environment

In case anyone else encounters this problem - it is a clash between the hyperref and bibentry packages. The solution, from Clash between bibentry and hyperref with bibstyle elsart-harv is to use \...
Esme_'s user avatar
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17 votes

What are differences amongst conference, proceedings and inproceedings?

Since the question is tagged as biblatex, I answer with some quotes from the biblatex documentation (which you can get from here). Regular Types proceedings A single-volume conference ...
Tiuri's user avatar
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10 votes

Indicating joint first authorship through special markup in biblatex/biber

You can use data annotations for that. Have a look at §3.6 Data Annotations of the biblatex documentation. The annotation jointfirst can be attached to each name in a name list. If a name has this ...
moewe's user avatar
  • 176k
8 votes

Use bibentry with biblatex

When you are using biber as backend, it is actually not true (as suggested in the other answer) that fullcite always produces the same result as appearing in the references list. In the example given ...
Prof.Chaos's user avatar
7 votes

Canonical List of Bib Entry Types

I'm afraid there is no universal list. Each style can define its own list of supported entry types (and fields!). The core set of entry types and fields documented for the base BibTeX styles in btxdoc ...
moewe's user avatar
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6 votes

Biblatex print specific bibliography entries in bold

Since in your other question (Biblatex: Changing number of authors listed in bibliography only for one section) we used toggles to such a great extent, why not go for it again? \newtoggle{bbx:...
moewe's user avatar
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6 votes

Setting a new entrytype

You are actually pretty close. If you look at moewe's canonical answer on the topic you can get a better grasp on the possibilities and requirements of creating a new entrytype. Still, to get your ...
gusbrs's user avatar
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6 votes

BibTeX: New entry for dictionary

I suggest you proceed as follows. First, change the bib entry to @Book{DCECH, abbreviation = {DCECH}, author = {Joan Corominas and José Antonio Pascual}, title = {Diccionario Crítico ...
Mico's user avatar
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5 votes

Are \bibentry and \subfile incompatible? [! LaTeX Error: Cannot be used in preamble.]

Short answer: yes, there are incompatible. The problem is a bit tricky. The command \bibentry uses \nocite which should not be used in the preamble. The problem actually has nothing to do with ...
Eric Domenjoud's user avatar
5 votes

BibLaTeX: How to ensure to also print "publisher" field when using @misc type?

A look at §2.1.1 (Entry Types) Regular Types of the biblatex documentation reveals that the known fields for @misc are Required fields: author/editor, title, year/date Optional fields: subtitle, ...
moewe's user avatar
  • 176k
4 votes

Indicating joint first authorship through special markup in biblatex/biber

Largely drawn from the excellent answer posted here by @moewe, for the sake of completeness and future reference by others, I'd like to post the complete solution to the specific question I asked (...
Dr Krishnakumar Gopalakrishnan's user avatar
4 votes

Isolated biblography entries without a biblography

You must issue \nobibliography before any use of \bibentry. The bibentry documentation says These [\bibentry] commands may only be issued after \nobibliography, for otherwise the reference texts ...
moewe's user avatar
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4 votes

\bibentry generating error with chicago style

It seems to work if you add \makeatletter \renewcommand\BR@b@bibitem[2][]{\BR@bibitem[#1]{#2}\BR@c@bibitem{#2}} \makeatother before \nobibliography.
Ulrike Fischer's user avatar
4 votes

What is the meaning of __markedentry

unknown fields are ignored by bibtex so applications can add extra fields for their own purposes. In this case it appears to be the jabref bibtex database managing tool leaving information about ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
3 votes

Trouble using hyperref and bibentry packages together

Load hyperref after the other packages, see Which packages should be loaded after hyperref instead of before? for excpetions. \begin{filecontents}{testref.bib} @STRING{COMPSUR = {ACM Comput. Surv....
samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz's user avatar
3 votes

\DeclareBibliographyAlias is not working

The underlying cause of the problem here is definitely the same as in \DeclareBibliographyAlias stopped working in biblatex 3.14: Biber 2.14 produces an empty entry type field for types not known to ...
moewe's user avatar
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3 votes

bibentry does not work when bbl filename differs from tex filename

The bibentry package defines the \nobibliography command, which internally calls \bibliography. The definition of \bibliography is as follows: \if@filesw \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibdata{\zap@...
Marijn's user avatar
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3 votes

Field in @techreport

You provided no link but I am assuming you are using the BST file from https://github.com/abntex/abntex2/blob/master/bibtex/bst/abntex2/abntex2-alf.bst That has, near the start FUNCTION {bbl.no....
David Carlisle's user avatar
3 votes

Field in @techreport

The real cause of the problem you've encountered is that you're using an inappropriate entry type for the publication at hand. The @techreport entry type should be used exclusively for working papers,...
Mico's user avatar
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2 votes

Modify bibliography entries to add space-saving hyperlinks to website and local pdf file

We created a macro that solves all these problems and creates a structure like "Links: web, local", where web is a hyperlink to doi or url (depending on available fields of the related bibtex entry) ...
IMDler's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes

Cannot get bibentry to work in europecv

In the documentation of bibentry you can read: These commands (\bibentry) may only be issued after \nobibliography, for otherwise the reference texts are not known. That means you have to ...
Mensch's user avatar
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2 votes

Hyperref, bibentry & natbib conflict - incorrect hyperlink

I'd add this to the top answer's comment thread, but I do not yet have the requisite reputation for commenting. With regard to rubenvb's request in response to wrapping \bibentry in a NoHyper ...
Bruce Kirkpatrick's user avatar
2 votes

How to do inline citations?

Here is a solution I come up with ignoring the bibentry package completely: \begin{filecontents}{mybib.bib} @book{mittelbach2004latex, title={The LATEX companion}, author={Mittelbach, Frank and ...
jonalv's user avatar
  • 11.5k
2 votes

BibTeX: New entry for dictionary

I added the following to my .bst file : abbreviation as a new entry type with following code : `FUNCTION {format.book.abbreviation} { abbreviation "abbreviation" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$...
Bianca Mertens's user avatar
2 votes

Hyperref package problem

The issue with your code is that you missed to call package natbib (please note that bibentry is a part of natbib). Therefore you have to change the bib style from plain to plainnat. Package ...
Mensch's user avatar
  • 65.4k
1 vote

What are differences amongst conference, proceedings and inproceedings?

The original LaTeX documentations says the following. Required fields are shown in bold: conference: The same as inproceedings included for compatibility with older versions inproceedings: An ...
bgleb's user avatar
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1 vote

Entrysubtype not regarded any more

In the smallcaps section we find the following % smallcaps \newtoggle{bbx@journalauthor} \DeclareEntryOption[boolean]{journalauthor}[true]{% \settoggle{bbx@journalauthor}{#1}} \renewcommand{\...
moewe's user avatar
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1 vote

Reference in foot note in a single line

From your comments, it looks like you are trying to put as much content as possible into each line of each footnote. You can do this by setting the footnote mark and text font to \tiny and increasing ...
David Purton's user avatar
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1 vote

In-text citations appearing at the top of page when using \bibentry and \natbib (for astron citation style)

The first error \headheight is too small (12.0pt): Make it at least 14.49998pt. you get because your created header via fancyhdr is bigger than the currently used 12pt. So simply add \setlength{\...
Mensch's user avatar
  • 65.4k
1 vote

wrong encoding using knitr on bibentry

Welcome to TeX.SE. Nice first question. Note: This solution requires a working installation of R. Execute in RStudio or alternative editors for knitr. Step 1. Check your file encoding settings in ...
Ross's user avatar
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