9 votes

Why exactly does Biber need Command Line Tools?

Summarizing the comment here, the reason the Developer Tools need to be installed comes from the way the biber unpacks itself on first run. Each new version of the binary checks to see whether it is ...
Alan Munn's user avatar
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6 votes

Package biblatex Warning: Please rerun LaTeX

Let's see, what happens while running LaTeX and Biber in your case: While the first LaTeX run, LaTeX and biblatex do not have any information about the reference smith99 and therefore LaTeX reports ...
cabohah's user avatar
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6 votes

Is “mon =” of any use in a bibtex file?

It is data that could potentially be used by any bibtex style such as the one below, it does not need a different program. file.tex \documentclass{article} \begin{document} Something about \cite{...
David Carlisle's user avatar
5 votes

Beamer theme metropolis does not allow different font size for fullcite

The difference between normal themes and metropolis is caused by metropolis explicitly setting normal size for various bibliography fonts. As a quick hack you can revert this by using: \documentclass{...
samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz's user avatar
5 votes

No `\citation`, `\bibdata` or `\bibstyle` command

If you are using LaTeX-Workshop on Visual Studio Code and you have set biber as Biblatex backend in your .tex file \usepackage[backend=biber]{biblatex} and still see errors in VSCode "Problems&...
Zitoun's user avatar
  • 151
4 votes

Display DOI in DeclareCiteCommand

You shouldn't have to use \thefield for printing. Instead use \printfield and friends or even better pre-defined bibmacros that print whole chunks of the data you want to show. You should also not ...
moewe's user avatar
  • 176k
4 votes

Package biblatex Warning: Please rerun LaTeX

rerun messages don't need to be correct. E.g. this here issues a rerun message too: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \section{test}\label{test} \end{document} LaTeX does detect here that the ...
Ulrike Fischer's user avatar
4 votes

Correct BibLaTeX+Biber sorting when the same author published using different given names

The question Alan Munn linked is relevant, but simply getting the sorting you want can be done, I think, just with sortname. The advantage of this is that it only overrides author or editor when ...
cfr's user avatar
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4 votes

Why biblatex sets the space factor fo the period to 1006?

Quoting egreg in another question related to csquotes: ...different space factors can be used to know what punctuation sign is the last character. The same strategy is used in amsthm.sty, which ...
Mane32's user avatar
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babel+newtx+superiours+stmaryrd+LS1+LS2+biblatex+biber+\cite+\mathsf+\mathit+\mathbf+\printbibliography = swallowed space after math mode

babel uses a definition equivalent to \ingnorespacesafterend to ignore spaces after \end{otherlanguage} but if someone (or some package) calls \endotherlanguage directly the ignore flag is set ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
3 votes

Why do I receive warnings after using biblatex?

I guess by "compiling", you mean "running LuaLaTeX". But what you need is to also run a second external program: biber. You need to run biber each time you add or delete \cite-type ...
Mico's user avatar
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3 votes

Switch from Overleaf to VS-Code

I use VS Code when I am finishing documents as the errors/duplicate labels functionality is really good plus source control. I believe your issue is being caused by the fact that the LaTeX extension ...
JamesT's user avatar
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3 votes

How do you disable en and em dash ligatures in a biblatex/biber bibliography?

You may be interested in the longdash option of biblatex-mla. The documentation explains The 9th edition of the MLA Handbook clarifies that dashes indicating multiple entries by one author can either ...
moewe's user avatar
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3 votes

Cannot find syntax error in bib-file

Solved it by posting here: I somehow switched TeXworks to unicode quotation marks “”, while of course Biber needs "". In TeXworks, both variants look exactly alike for me, so I didn't notice ...
Stefan's user avatar
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3 votes

How to declare a citation command that doesn't list its entry in the bibliography?

Perhaps I could set default options for the \printbibliography command directly in my style files, but I didn't find any documentation or implementation about this approach. \...
Max Chernoff's user avatar
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2 votes

Package biblatex Warning: Please rerun LaTeX

The information you found on this site are partly deprecated. In particular this answer dates back to 2011 and indeed testing your example with a TL2013 installation confirms at that time there was ...
user691586's user avatar
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2 votes

Package biblatex Warning: Bibliography string 'presentedat' untranslated

Bold text in biblatex-generated output usually means something is missing or otherwise went wrong. And indeed looking at the .log output of your MWE we find Package biblatex Warning: Bibliography ...
moewe's user avatar
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2 votes

Package biblatex Warning: Please rerun LaTeX

Just for comparison. If you are using OpTeX, then you need only two runs: optex-optex and no external program (like Biber) is needed. I used exactly the same refs.bib file as given in your question. ...
wipet's user avatar
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2 votes

Biber tool mode: specify output field order in config file?

Currently, this isn't possible I'm afraid as the command-line options are separate from the config file options. The latter are really so that you can set the options that usually come from a .bcf, in ...
PLK's user avatar
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2 votes

Latexmk says "all targets are up-to-date" though bib file has been changed

In the document, the command \bibliography{refs.bib} was used to specify the .bib file instead of \addbibresource{refs.bib}. In this situation, latexmk (up to its current version 4.81) does not ...
John Collins's user avatar
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2 votes

Add custom fields to biber data modell

You don't need to put the entire data model in the config file, only additions or changes. See the chapter "The Data Model" in the biber documentation: https://sourceforge.net/projects/...
PLK's user avatar
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2 votes

How to remove small capitals in citation, and keep them in the bibliogrpahy, when using biblatex with biblatex in french?

You can redefine \mkbibnamefamily just before printing your bibliography. { \protected\def\mkbibnamefamily#1{\textsc{#1}} \printbibliography[title={I want to keep the small capitals here}] } Your ...
Paul Gaborit's user avatar
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2 votes

`sorting=none` results in wrong order for ten or more references in one \cite{}

This is caused by a bug in Biber v2.18 that got resolved in v2.19. Biber 2.18 introduced the intciteorder sort field (the order of entries in one \cite{}), which has since been used for sorting=none. ...
pks40's user avatar
  • 61
2 votes

Why don't the BibTeX files care about the spacing after the abbreviation-terminating periods?

As a general rule I'd say that you should keep tex markup in a bib database to a minimum, which simplifiies re-use of the data. It's already unfortunate that bibtex's lack of real support for non ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
1 vote

Journal name not showing up with custom citation style when BibTeX field type is "journal"

journal is a bit of a tricky field. It isn't really part of the standard data model. Instead it is resolved as an alias for journaltitle via the default driver source map (ll. 1339-1371 in biblatex....
moewe's user avatar
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1 vote

Bold cite keys in biblatex

Use \AtEveryCitekey and not \AtEveryCite. The latter is appended to whenever you issue a citation command, and the manual specifically says: No bibliographic data is available at this point. The ...
Willie Wong's user avatar
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1 vote

Biblatex not working with VSCode

From your comments its clear you're missing a LaTeX distro. Thus, it cannot work since VS Code doesn't install the TeX engine itself. Look out for TeXLive or MiKTeX. I would go with the former, but ...
lukeflo's user avatar
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How do I get biblatex and biber to work with MikTex?

After some initial problems I was able to run biber from the command line and read the messages. It was consistently stopping on the first syntax error and writing a message referring to a temporary ...
shmuel's user avatar
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1 vote

Biber adding doi

Add \DeclareFieldFormat{doi}{% DOI\addcolon\space \ifhyperref {\href{https://doi.org/#1}{\nolinkurl{#1}}} {\nolinkurl{#1}}% } to your code: \documentclass[12pt]{report} \usepackage{...
hair-splitter's user avatar
1 vote

Add prenote argument in DeclareCiteCommand

Within \DeclareCiteCommand and friends the prenote and postnote arguments can be accessed as if they were fields from the .bib file. So you can test for the presence or absence of prenote with \...
moewe's user avatar
  • 176k

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