{bigfoot} is a package that provides an all-encompassing interface to {footnotes}.

The bigfoot package is intended for texts with several layers of (apparata), as used in critical editions. It has many options; unfortunately, most "expert" options are not well documented. The package excerpt on CTAN states:

The pack­age aims to pro­vide a ‘one-stop’ so­lu­tion to re­quire­ments for foot­notes. It of­fers:

  • Mul­ti­ple footnote ap­pa­ra­tus su­pe­rior to that of the many­foot;
  • Foot­notes can be for­mat­ted in sep­a­rate para­graphs, or be run into a sin­gle para­graph (this choice may be se­lected per foot­note se­ries);
  • Things you might have ex­pected (like \verb-like ma­te­rial in foot­notes, and colour se­lec­tions over page breaks) now work.