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99 votes

"The LaTeX Companion", 3rd Edition

The (publishing) world is a bit strange in this regard. Sometimes internal tentative dates end up in xls sheets that in turn end up in places like Amazon and become real before they are. The 3rd ...
Frank Mittelbach's user avatar
55 votes

The definitive guide to ConTeXt MkIV and LMTX documentation

Introductory material This is the part of the documentation where ConTeXt is indeed seriously lacking. There does not exist much in terms of good and complete introductory books for ConTeXt, while ...
Henri Menke's user avatar
37 votes

Math book: how to write Exercise and Answers

Here is a solution with exercise package. Its option answerdelayed allows you to print the answer where you want with \shipoutAnswer. lastexercise means that if you don't put anything as answer ...
CarLaTeX's user avatar
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30 votes

The LaTeX Companion, Third Edition

Guess I can answer some of them. (1) I have no idea when the epub comes out, it isn't out because I rejected the current quality. We haven't produced the epub ourselves (we have done so for the PDF) ...
Frank Mittelbach's user avatar
19 votes

What are good learning resources for a LaTeX beginner?

For an online approach to learning LaTeX, see The site is current in beta (so the design is not ready), but the core content is there. It's been developed by several '...
19 votes

"The LaTeX Companion", 3rd Edition

Frank Mittelbach addresses the upcoming third edition of The LaTeX Companion in this interview from TUG2021. The link should begin at 39:09 into the interview.
LaTeXereXeTaL's user avatar
17 votes

Add a picture before book title

The issue here is, that you try to add a picture befor the \begin{document}. Your commands only set the content of \title but don't typeset it. You might use the following: \documentclass[a4paper, ...
Skillmon's user avatar
  • 63.3k
17 votes

Knuth's 5 volume TeXbook A,B,C,D and E

No, you cannot. All the books in Computer and Typesetting are copyright of Addison-Wesley and cannot be distributed without permission. Knuth, however, has made all the sources to these books and his ...
Phelype Oleinik's user avatar
16 votes

Math book: how to write Exercise and Answers

Following this answer, I used the newfile package to write the solutions to a separate file and read them in afterwards. The import lines are: \newoutputstream{solutions} \openoutputfile{\jobname....
Tiuri's user avatar
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15 votes

Where can I find LaTeX and its package installation guide in details?

The full TeXLive installation comes with the documentation of its packages, usually under the path /usr/local/texlive/2016/tex-dist/doc/. The full installation takes about 4Gb, and is easiest done ...
jjdb's user avatar
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15 votes

What TeXBook version has built-in bookmarks?

That is not CTAN and the pdf copy is illegal. As Knuth says on his webpage The source file texbook.tex for The TeXbook has been available for many years, and it begins with the following lines: ...
Caz Sandison's user avatar
14 votes

Electronic version of Knuth's "TeXbook"?

The publisher Pearson started selling the TeXbook as a watermarked PDF, so now you can finally buy an official version. A 30% discount code can be found on the TUG book page.
Marcel Krüger's user avatar
14 votes

Change "chapter" to "Chapter" - How to do this using autoref?

The manual of the hyperref package explains how to achive this on page 17. Edit: This answer assumes that you actually want to use the babel package. If this is not the case, just redefine \...
GuM's user avatar
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13 votes

theorems and definitions boxes (numbering should be chapter-wise)

\documentclass{book} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{cleveref} \usepackage[most]{tcolorbox} \newtcbtheorem[number within=chapter]{Theorem}{}{ enhanced, sharp corners, attach ...
Georg's user avatar
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12 votes

How to make my own professional book step-by-step (there is a course or a book that I didn't find?)

I suggest reading Robert Bringhurst's The Elements of Typographic Style which is the best book I have come across on the subject. Then there is my A Few Notes on Book Design (> texdoc memdesign) ...
Peter Wilson's user avatar
  • 28.4k
11 votes

Change "chapter" to "Chapter" - How to do this using autoref?

Whether you use babel or not, this works (no problem if you only use the English language – otherwise @Gustavo Mezzeti's answer is more appropriate): \documentclass[english]{book} \usepackage{...
Bernard's user avatar
  • 273k
11 votes

new versions of fancyhdr break caesar_book class

It's not the fault of fancyhdr, but of caesar_book.cls which has 74 \RequirePackage{fancyhdr}% helper package 75 \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}% The running heads and feet do not have ...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
9 votes

Add a picture before book title

The titlepage environment is not meant for use with \maketitle. However, the titling package offers a half-way house which allows you to use \maketitle within the titlepage environment, along with any ...
cfr's user avatar
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9 votes

openright option for \part and not for \chapter

simplest, assuming you don't have many parts is to use openany and start each part with \cleardoublepage \part if you do not want the \cleardoublepage to be explicit then just use \part and put \...
David Carlisle's user avatar
9 votes

How to make my own professional book step-by-step (there is a course or a book that I didn't find?)

First of all, this is a very big time effort in my opinion. Let's say 200+ h. There is the so-called KOMA-Script bundle that is similar to the memoir class. It comes with a extensive documentation (...
Dr. Manuel Kuehner's user avatar
9 votes

How to NOT reset section numbering after a new chapter?

It can be achieved using counterwithout EDIT. A couple of remarks. The package chngcntr is required before Apr 2018 of LaTeX (see LaTeX2e News Issue 28). \counterwithout* has an unstarred version \...
Celdor's user avatar
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9 votes

LaTeX no hyphenation and justification in book class like in Microsoft word

If you disable hyphenation then naturally you will not get publication quality typesetting, but you can make some adjustments to compensate. Add \sloppy to allow horizontal white space to stretch more,...
David Carlisle's user avatar
8 votes

How to insert a pdf page at the very last page of a book?

\AtEndDocument can be used to place the included page a little later after the possible additions of other packages: \documentclass[12pt,twoside,a4paper]{book} \usepackage{chapterbib} %% Required \...
Heiko Oberdiek's user avatar
8 votes

Reproduce a ConTeXt book cover with LaTeX

In fact, using luamplib and just a handful of definitions, you can directly copy the MetaPost code from the Units manual and paste it into your LaTeX document. \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \...
Henri Menke's user avatar
8 votes

When is textwidth 4.5in in latex?

bk is a doctsrip guard. If you look at the file classes.ins in the latex base distribution then you will see \file{bk10.clo}{\from{classes.dtx}{10pt,bk}} showing that the book 10pt option ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
8 votes

How to achieve the equivalent of the MS Word "1.15" Line Spacing option with the LaTeX 'book' document class?

Don't modify the low-level parameter \linespread directly, as doing so will also affect how material in footnotes and tables is spaced. (Of course, if your document has neither footnotes nor tables, ...
Mico's user avatar
  • 519k
8 votes

Clash between packages: lastpage, babel and microtype

Ulrike pointed out the issue that lastpagehas and which should be corrected by its author, so perhaps you should file a bug report with him. The LaTeX Companion, 3rd edition, suggests the following as ...
Frank Mittelbach's user avatar
7 votes

How can I export the Table of Contents to Text?

Here is a LaTeX-based solution, worked out for chapter and section entries in the table of contents. First, generate the toc file, say myfile.toc. E.g., if myfile.tex contains \documentclass{book} \...
gernot's user avatar
  • 50.3k

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