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49 votes

No `\citation`, `\bibdata` or `\bibstyle` command

There are two engines to read .bib files: BibTex. This is the old one and is the default engine used by TeXmaker Biber. This is the new engine and is used in my example I find there are three ...
Ooker's user avatar
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43 votes

How to adjust the line breaking in the bibliography?

This is a general problem of automatically generated bibliographies. Some bits of the bibliography entry may turn out to be unbreakable and if they happen to occur in the wrong place, overfull or ...
moewe's user avatar
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40 votes

How to cite one bibentry in full length in the body text?

If you are using BibLateX, you can just use the \fullcite command. for example: \fullcite{kumar_exploiting_2010} produces from the bibtex: @inproceedings{kumar_exploiting_2010, title = {{...
Micah Stubbs's user avatar
35 votes

How can I use BibTeX to cite software?

This answer is an adapted copy of the original one provided by Pascal on SuperUser. It is copied here as a community wiki for archival purpose. If you use the package biblatex, you can thus use the @...
26 votes

What is the impact factor of TUGboat?

We submitted TUGboat to Thomson Reuters (hope I'm remembering that right) some years ago, and got (as expected) no response whatsoever. Therefore I can only suppose that TUB's "impact factor" in ...
Karl Berry's user avatar
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24 votes

\citep vs. \parencite

When you are using biblatex with the natbib compatibility option (natbib=true,) to ease transition between biblatex and natbib (or vice versa), \citep is a compatibility alias for \parencite and \...
moewe's user avatar
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22 votes

Place cited references into the footline of slide

If you want to stay with your manual bibliography, you could do something like \documentclass{beamer} \mode<presentation>{ \usetheme{default} \usefonttheme[onlymath]{serif} \setbeamertemplate{...'s user avatar
22 votes

latexdiff with \cite commands gives output with apparently mismatched braces

Germot already provided a good answer. However, it was not entirely satisfactory. The -t CFONT option changes the formatting (it only uses colour, removing strike-out and underlining). And while ...
Arcturus B's user avatar
21 votes

How to change a color of a specific citation?

... \hypersetup{citecolor=yellow}\cite{eg}\hypersetup{citecolor=blue} ... should do.
AlexG's user avatar
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20 votes

latexdiff with \cite commands gives output with apparently mismatched braces

This year (2020) LaTeX underwent some internal changes that introduce incompatibilities with some packages. It seems that ulem.sty is one of them, with the current version ulem 2019/11/18 pre-dating ...
gernot's user avatar
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18 votes

How to get title of a citation?

The \citetitle in biblatex prints also markup, if you just way the raw title printed use \citefield: \citefield{my-referenc}{title}
ziima's user avatar
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18 votes

Bad bibtex entries using InBook

The inbook entry type is designed for referring to a chapter of a book with a single author or set of authors. This is why you receive the warning in your first example: you can't have both an author ...
Alan Munn's user avatar
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18 votes

How do I cite author in LaTeX with BibLaTeX?

Biblatex yields the \citeauthor and \Citeauthor commands, and starred variants. From the package's documentation (§ 3.8.5, p.97): These commands print the authors. Strictly speaking, it prints the ...
Bernard's user avatar
  • 273k
18 votes

A design question: citation commands

Design question and especially why questions are always a bit tricky to answer unless you are the developer or there is extensive documentation about the decision process during development. Without ...
moewe's user avatar
  • 179k
17 votes

Finding errors in a large book

As Phelype says the error is on line 171 (almost certainly the last line) of PaPCh11.aux as that file is re-created every time you run latex, you can delete it and just run latex again. By far the ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
16 votes

Citation Style Language (CSL)

Edit: citeproc-lua now contains it's own LaTeX package, it added support for BibTeX files and it uses the normal LaTeX citation commands. It is available on CTAN, so you can install it using tlmgr. ...
michal.h21's user avatar
  • 51.8k
15 votes

How to change color of hyperref?

Use following. You can change colour as per your choice. \usepackage{hyperref} \hypersetup{ colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue, filecolor=blue, citecolor = black, ...
Ahmed Arif's user avatar
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15 votes

Citation Style Language vs. biblatex (vs. possibly other "citing-systems"?)

Update People who are interested in using CSL with LaTeX may want to have a look at See for example ...
moewe's user avatar
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15 votes

\cite without bibtex

The argument of every \cite instruction -- the "citation key" -- in the body of the document must correspond exactly to the mandatory argument of a \bibitem instruction in the thebibliography ...
Mico's user avatar
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13 votes

Cite Author's Full Name

Define your own command where the labelname, the one printed by biblatex on \citeauthor, becomes given-family, that is, the first and the last name. \newrobustcmd*{\citefirstlastauthor}{\AtNextCite{\...'s user avatar
13 votes

Twin reference in wrong order

You can fix the issue without changing the bst file (and making the copy editors happy, if you're submitting the paper and apalike is the required bib style). The sorting order, when the same list of ...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
13 votes

Citet command not an option for Biblatex

Most biblatex styles offer a variety of citation commands. You can find what all standard styles and therefore most contributed styles do in §3.8 Citation Commands and its subsections, pp. 100-110, of ...
moewe's user avatar
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13 votes

How to generate a bibliography with pandoc?

I was able to generate the bibliography by adding --citeproc: pandoc --bibliography=test.bib --citeproc -o test.pdf
Jimmy2027's user avatar
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12 votes

Selectively turn off hyperref links for citations

Heiko's answer is great. However, it doesn't work inside captions, for instance. To make it work, use: \newcommand*{\nolink}[1]{% {\protect\NoHyper#1\protect\endNoHyper}% } The curly braces inside ...
Normadize's user avatar
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12 votes

utmthesis error: You can't pop an empty literal stack for entry

The bibliography style needs the month field. It erroneously calls skip$ instead of pushing an empty string literal in line 538. The function should be: FUNCTION {format.month} { month empty$ {...
Martin Nyolt's user avatar
12 votes

Formatting et al in biblatex

Probably the simplest way is to define: \DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{% andothers = {\textbf{et al}\adddot} } MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[maxcitenames = 2]{biblatex} \...
karlkoeller's user avatar
12 votes

How to change a color of a specific citation?

I like my option slightly better because you don't need to worry about the previous colour: \newcommand{\citeColored}[2]{{\hypersetup{citecolor=#1}\cite{‌​#2}}}
Andreina's user avatar
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12 votes

How to customize bibtex numbering in a document?

You can first prepare your bibliography in the usual way. Then you can set the numbers you prefer in the way shown below, by adding the code between %%START and %%END. The filecontents environment is ...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
12 votes

How to write "(e.g. Surname, 2018)" with apacite?

The apacite package supports two sorts of citation commands, its own version, or the natbib versions (loaded with the natbibapa package option.) The citation commands support both a pre-note and a ...
Alan Munn's user avatar
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12 votes

Finding errors in a large book

I have another thought. Did you mean that if you search for \cit, the editor will show you \cite together which you don't want. However when you write \cite, it often follows a par of curl bracket {......
Syvshc's user avatar
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