8 votes

Quantikz not compatible with tikz-cd?

The quantikz manual says: I'm not an expert of quantikz, but setting \setwiretype{n} at every row or wire types={n,n} in the optional parameter it works. By the way, you don't need to load tikz-cd ...
CarLaTeX's user avatar
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7 votes

recreate a figure with TikZ from an entrance exam

Please note that I think I ought not answer do-it-for-mes, but sometimes I do what I believe I ought not. I'd use Forest. Others would use something else. MetaPost, plain TikZ, tikz-trees etc. The ...
cfr's user avatar
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7 votes

Conceptual diagram in LaTeX

Don't know if this one comes close to your intention. Changes made: put a few missing lines summarized your options as a style bx made height equal changed arrow tip hat to replace unknown \Sha ...
MS-SPO's user avatar
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6 votes

recreate a figure with TikZ from an entrance exam

A version with tikz alone. Update: A tip to remove the small vertical line under the root To do this, I build the nodes without tracing the edges. I then build them manually. \documentclass{article} \...
AndréC's user avatar
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6 votes

Draw several cars with TikZ and and special style arrows

Update I used the tikz ducks library because, as you will see, it has a very picturesque variety of results and commands to obtain them randomly; If you see its documentation you will see all the ...
J Leon V.'s user avatar
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5 votes

Quantikz not compatible with tikz-cd?

I have seen very well the documentation of quantikz remembering that of tikz-cd. Reading carefully the manual of both packages we observe that they use the command \arrow[r]. I think that quantikz ...
Sebastiano's user avatar
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5 votes

Draw a $\epsilon$ neighborhood

I know that some time has passed since the question was asked. I'm trying to bring a different point of view in the construction, and to prolong the discussion between @SebGlav and @Black Mild. I'm ...
Daniel N's user avatar
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4 votes

how to draw a figure eight curve using tikz?

Here's something: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} % Figure Eight Curve \draw[domain = 0:360, samples = 200, variable = \...
Miloop's user avatar
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3 votes

recreate a figure with TikZ from an entrance exam

Here's a way to do it in elementary steps in Tikz, which may be easier for a beginner. Let's arrive here in small steps: start simple and refine. I suggest: to have a look into the turtorials of the ...
MS-SPO's user avatar
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3 votes

How to draw the following diagram with rectangles using tikz?

Something like this: \documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \draw[->] (0cm,.5cm) -- (0cm,-2.5cm) node[right] {$\gamma$}; ...
Jasper Habicht's user avatar
3 votes

Thin diamond shape in tikzcd

Similar to @CarLaTeX's answer, but using column sep={2cm,between origins} instead of column sep=-1.5cm. That way the spacing between cells is set by their centers. Then diagrams with different length ...
Sandy G's user avatar
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3 votes

ER diagram with empty boxes as a worksheet

Here's the second version, using \TextField[options}{} from package hyperref. For further configurations see Ch. 9 in its manual, e.g. to change border colors. (You may also want to set inner sep=0pt ...
MS-SPO's user avatar
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3 votes

ER diagram with empty boxes as a worksheet

Here's a way to do it, once tikz-er2.sty is downloaded e.g. into the documents directory, from github. Some remarks: I reduced code-noise beforehand ;-) use the shapes.callouts library (and look it ...
MS-SPO's user avatar
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1 vote

Conceptual diagram in LaTeX

Here is a possibility with tikzcd. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz-cd, amssymb, amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{tikzcd}[cells={nodes=draw}, column sep=1cm] \parbox[c][10mm]{4cm}{\...
Sandy G's user avatar
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1 vote

How to draw this sort of diagram: Line plot with vertical error indicator

I made a try doing it manually, resulting in this plot: ..using this code: \documentclass{scrbook} \usepackage[dvipsnames,table,xcdraw]{xcolor} \usepackage{float} \usepackage{pgfplots} \pgfplotsset{...
Fantastic MsFox's user avatar
1 vote

Doubt about \pgfplotsinvokeforeach

The point ({#1 + \ArrowLength}) was missing an y coordinate. The code inside \pgfplotsinvokeforeach works if #1 is used directly instead of defining \ArrowLength which is replaced by abs(#1)*0.27. For ...
matexmatics's user avatar
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