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72 votes

LaTeX Editors/IDEs

Visual Studio Code with LaTeX-Workshop (on GitHub) other extensions are available Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux License: open source (on GitHub), License MIT Languages: de, en, fr, ... Unicode: ...
28 votes

Which TeX editors are able to compile just a snippet of a .tex file?

Amazingly enough, TeXShop does in fact have such a facility. The problem is that long-time users of it like myself are probably unaware of it. It can be found under the Edit Menu -> Experiment This ...
Alan Munn's user avatar
  • 221k
23 votes

Which TeX editors are able to compile just a snippet of a .tex file?

With Emacs and AUCTeX, it is as simple as highlighting the portion of the text you want to compile and then hitting C-c C-r (or M-x TeX-command-region). The command tries to be 'smart' about it, so ...
jon's user avatar
  • 22.4k
23 votes

Alternatives to Overleaf (i.e. instant TeX compiling without sign in)

I'm a co-founder at Overleaf. Thanks for your feedback. I think the underlying question here is about Overleaf requiring users to log in in order to edit, which I can comment on. We used to allow ...
jdleesmiller's user avatar
  • 1,101
23 votes

How can I enable shell-escape?

General information: what is shell escape? A number of LaTeX packages need to use external tools to function. Such a tool is called from the LaTeX source code using a system command. However, by ...
21 votes

LuaLaTeX not recognised as a VS Code tool

The issue was that I hadn't defined the tools lualatex and biber in the VS Code user settings file settings.json. The following entries should be present in said file for things to work: "latex-...
sesodesa's user avatar
  • 783
20 votes

WYSIWYG LaTeX editor for maths

This is one of online WYSIWYG math editors. You can easy use it to type mathematics without knowing latex but it also provides import/export Latex. Input is faster because it uses Suggestion Box, ...
Nhat Phan's user avatar
  • 301
20 votes

Alternative to Overleaf (realtime LaTeX collaboration) With the Ability to have Multiple Collaborators but with no Charge

With many thanks to @LianTzeLim, the solution to my problem is so simple that it is actually contained within Overleaf itself! Adding collaborators may be behind a paywall, but "link sharing" is ...
Bunji's user avatar
  • 672
19 votes

Visual Studio Code as LaTeX IDE

See extensions on the Visual Studio Marketplace. LaTeX Workshop (should be the first result in search) is an extension for VS Code aiming to provide all-in-one features and utilities for LaTeX ...
Neelix's user avatar
  • 466
18 votes

Visual Studio Code as LaTeX IDE

I stumbled upon this question right now. I have been extensively using Emacs+AucTeX for the last 4 years and switched to VSCode in September. I am doing extremely fine with the LaTeX Workshop ...
petrux's user avatar
  • 353
16 votes

Biblatex with Biber: Configuring my editor to avoid undefined citations

VSCode using the LaTeX Workshop extension First, ensure that you already have: installed the LaTeX Workshop extension, configured it properly to build and view a minimal LaTeX PDF file, a minimal ...
14 votes

Biblatex with Biber: Configuring my editor to avoid undefined citations

Overleaf Overleaf uses latexmk as the build tool behind the scenes, so bibtex or biber will be executed as needed, as well as re-running pdflatex. So there is no further action required on the part of ...
14 votes

How to use TeX in the Atom editor?

Here's my package setup: I experimented with the now disabled package, but I found the combination of language-latex and latextools much better. https://atom....
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
14 votes

How to stop Overleaf adding the ending symbols to $ and [

Click on Menu search Auto-close Brackets select Off.
CarLaTeX's user avatar
  • 65.2k
13 votes

Editor that replaces only text inside math environments

My solution using emacs (>=24) and auctex: (defun latex-replace-in-math () "Call `query-replace-regexp' with `isearch-filter-predicate' set to only match inside LaTeX math environments." (...
pavel's user avatar
  • 861
13 votes

Edit a pdf file in LaTeX?

No. This is not possible. Your coworker needs to send you the .tex file which contains the source for the PDF.
cfr's user avatar
  • 211k
12 votes

What are the main differences between Texmaker and TeXstudio?

I realize this is an older question, but in case anyone is still interested, I briefly will try to add my own thoughts on your question: What are the main differences between them? What are the ...
Bert Zangle's user avatar
12 votes

Which TeX editors are able to compile just a snippet of a .tex file?

Kile has this feature. It is called QuickPreview. I've never used it before, but I tested it in a minimal example and it seems to work. I tested with my answer to another question: \documentclass[...
cfr's user avatar
  • 211k
12 votes

TeXstudio Keep two pdf views of the same tex file

I would like to point out that the SumatraPDF viewer does not lock the pdf file. This means that you can keep your pdf file open when you recompile it. Furthermore, it provides an inverse search, ...
Tom's user avatar
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12 votes

How can I enable shell-escape?

AUCTeX (Emacs) Custmize variable TeX-command-extra-options to have value " -shell-escape ": Enter customization typing (in Emacs jargon) M-x customize-option RET TeX-command-extra-options ...
11 votes

Selfhosted collaborative webbased LaTeX editor

You can use the CoCalc Docker image as a very easy to install free open source self-hosted collaborative web-based LaTeX editor. See To test out how it ...
William Stein's user avatar
11 votes

How to use TeX in the Atom editor?

Here is another option worth of adding to the list. Atom-LaTeX Atom-LaTeX is an all-in-one package. You just really need one package to have all the main functionalities. The GitHub repo is https://...
iled's user avatar
  • 420
11 votes

Highlight footnote in the original tex file?

In TeXstudio, you can modify the Language Definition. Note: We expose the language specification to you as end-user to give you more flexibility in adapting TeXstudio to your needs. But you should ...
Tim Hoffmann's user avatar
  • 11.2k
11 votes

What are the key advantages of TeX over R Markdown?

As you know, a R markdown file can produce several formats but make a PDF is done via LaTeX exportation with pandocas David pointed, so in this case is equivalent to write what RStudio call a R Sweave ...
Fran's user avatar
  • 83.3k
10 votes

What You See is What You Get (WYSIWYG) for PGF/TikZ?

Another tool in this category is TikZit. TikZiT is a graphical tool for rapidly creating an editing node-and-edge style graphs. It was originally created to aid in ...
Henri Menke's user avatar
9 votes

LaTeX Editors/IDEs

TeXiFy-IDEA TeXiFy-IDEA is a plugin for Jetbrains IDEs like IntelliJ and PyCharm (actively maintained). GitHub: JetBrains Plugin Repository: https://plugins....
9 votes

Multiple Texmaker windows?

###Short answer: texmaker -n In recent versions (4.2+) it should be possible to launch a new instance of texmaker using the option -n. E.g. from command-line texmaker -n whatever.tex The whole story ...
Hastur's user avatar
  • 333

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