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How can I fix the !Missing number... error on documentclass{facsimile}?

you could try to get the package updated to match the new (copied from hyperref) \pageref structure. Failing that you can roll latex back to 2020. \RequirePackage[2020/01/01]{latexrelease} \...
David Carlisle's user avatar
1 vote

Why is this usage of the package MnSymbol raising an error?

As David mentions in the comments, defer making boxes until fonts are set up. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{MnSymbol} \AddToHook{begindocument/end}{% \newsavebox\aeaesigbox \savebox{\...
mbert's user avatar
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/hrule error, but there is no such command?

Okay, I messed around, and got it to compile correctly. I had the order like this: \begin{table} \parbox{ \begin{tabular} \label{} \caption{} } %end parbox \parbox{ ... } I moved the \...
Plum Rapson's user avatar
5 votes

Blank export using Garamond fonts

It makes little sense using XeLaTeX for a document using garamondx, because the fonts used by the package are only available in Type1 format. You can install them with getnonfreefonts, but they have ...
egreg's user avatar
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2 votes

overleaf error code to be rectified

You have not shown your input or the main text of the error message, only the final lines of the message with some help text. However you have a bad option to the geometry package. The full message ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
2 votes

Switching to wrapfig2 causes: ! Argument of \@gobble has an extra }

Following up on the comments: with TeXlive 2024, your example no longer errors. With TeXlive 2023 and before, switch the loading order of circledsteps and wrapfig2.
mbert's user avatar
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Font U/mthrb/m/n/10=mt2hrbt at 10.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found. How to fix this?

The documentation of mathalpha mentions that the option mth will choose Mathtime Pro 2 Holey Roman. However, it doesn't tell that this font is part of the full mtpro2 suite, and doesn't appear in the “...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
1 vote

Problems with Overleaf bibtex

On Overleaf, you need to use the recompile from scratch option. If you are not on Overleaf, you need to delete generated files (at least the .aux and probably any bibliography-related files such as ....
cfr's user avatar
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In my Tex file, this type of error show. So what i do to resolve it

No error at all. You're using txfonts and LaTeX just informs you that the default assignments for math fonts are overridden by the package. The key is LaTeX Font Info. Messages in the log file can be ...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
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Why did TeXstudio suddenly highlight some commands with red background?

I work on TeXstudio and use 'import' pacakge to import in custom preambles, and other sections of my file. And everytime I restart, the editor showed bunch of highlighted errors on the imported file, ...
ReddishRadish's user avatar
8 votes

I have two identical LaTeX files, with different file names. Only one yields "undefined references." Why is this happening?

(I'm just summarizing the essence of some of the previously-posted comments, so that this query can be considered to have received a valid answer.) When compiling a LaTeX document that contains a ...
Mico's user avatar
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spreadtab & odsfile : TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [parameter stack size=20000]

UNnfortunately, my problem may have no solution, as mentioned by @michal-h21 in the comments of the original post (spreadtab & odsfile : TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [parameter stack size=20000]).
bricebou's user avatar
4 votes

ms option in memoir class

Don't use ms if you don't want warnings about bad boxes. If you just want the font (why?) you can put \ttfamily at the start of your document or \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{cmtt} in your preamble. From ...
cfr's user avatar
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3 votes

when runing the LMS template and get an error

As far as can be seen the London Mathematical Society no longer distributes or uses the lms class and there is no reason to use it in a new document however there is still a copy available from an lms ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
3 votes

texstudio_ojwqxY.tex: error: 163: Bad math environment delimiter. \[ \begin{equation}

\[ \begin{equation} is an error. \[ starts display math, then \begin{equation} would start display math again, so it's an error. Use \[ if you just want the math, use \begin{equation} if you also want ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
2 votes

How correct redefine itemize environment

With tagging support enabled (guidelines here) lists are automatically tagged. \DocumentMetadata { lang=en-US, pdfversion=2.0, pdfstandard=ua-2, testphase={phase-III,title,math,table,...
mbert's user avatar
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error: could not load module 'unicode' in MikTex for asymptote

Asymptote does not ship with a module called unicode.
John Bowman's user avatar

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