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Thai word not breaking properly between lines, in LuaLaTeX

You can add patterns with \babelpatterns to prevent (or to allow) ‘hyphenation’ points (in this case, linebreaking points). For this particular combination, write in the preamble: \babelpatterns{...
Javier Bezos's user avatar
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6 votes

Clash between package -- nomencl and possibly polyglossia

This is a bug in polyglossia. It uses \ifdef{\KOMAScript} as a test, whether it should redefine \autodot or not. But this is not a suitable test, because \KOMAScript is just a logo macro like \LaTeX ...
cabohah's user avatar
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3 votes

Clash between package -- nomencl and possibly polyglossia

The nomencl package, by default, loads tocbasic which is part of the KOMAScript suite. The file gloss-russian.ldf checkes whether \KOMAScript is defined in order to make some decisions dependent on ...
egreg's user avatar
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3 votes

How to use two different bold variants of a variable openfont with fontspec in beamer?

As a quick hack, maybe something like this could do the job: % !TeX TS-program = lualatex \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage{fontspec} \setsansfont{Work Sans}[ BoldFont = *, ...'s user avatar
2 votes

Xelatex: missing character, but character is present in the font file (tbsp)

Make the character into a command that produces a thin space, if U+202F doesn't exist in the font. \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[french]{babel} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{...
egreg's user avatar
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2 votes

Bad clash between biblatex, polyglossia and fontspec

You seem to have an outdated version of Polyglossia, because the message I get is ! Package polyglossia Error: The current main monospace font, (polyglossia) lmmono10-regular, does not ...
egreg's user avatar
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1 vote

How to use Consolas and Helvetica in Overleaf?

I have uploaded the Helvetica.ttc into your project folder and it works well under xelatex and lualatex. Code Changes The font configuration under xelatex and lualatex should be something like \...
Stephen's user avatar
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1 vote

Thai word not breaking properly between lines, in LuaLaTeX

I get the same problem as you have. But if I didn't use the babel setting and instead \setmainfont I get another linebreak: %\babelfont[thai]{rm}% \setmainfont[Scale=1.15]{THSarabunChula-Regular.ttf}
user187802's user avatar
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