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Can cells in a matrix be merged? (Something like colspan in HTML.)

Use array. In order to ease input, I (locally) define column types for display style material (type C) and for operations and relations (type O). Setting \arraycolsep to zero lets TeX use its standard ...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
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Can cells in a matrix be merged? (Something like colspan in HTML.)

Here's my solution for this particular case. What I do is, knowing that the terms above are longer, is to put them in boxes, measure those boxes, and then give those measurements to the boxes where I ...
gxono's user avatar
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How to align rows within cell in Latex?

Something like this? \documentclass{article} % or some other suitable document class \usepackage{tabularx} % for 'tabularx' environment and 'X' column type \usepackage{calc} % for '\widthof' macro \...
Mico's user avatar
  • 519k
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Left-aligned and centered text on same line (not equations) when text is too long and overprints elements

Something like this? The macro \newdatefeast takes three arguments: The event's number, the single widest line in the event announcement, and the full text of the event announcement. Observe that you ...
Mico's user avatar
  • 519k
4 votes

How can I align this figure with the page numbering?

There are two ways to absolutely center the tikzpicture w.r.t. a given point, in this case (0,0). The first is to add extra space to the left or right to equalize the sides. \documentclass[]{article} ...
John Kormylo's user avatar
  • 82.2k
7 votes

How can I align this figure with the page numbering?

To find the source of the problem, you can warp the whole tikzpicture into a \fbox{...}. This way you can see exactly how big the picture is. From there, you can comment/uncomment your code to find ...'s user avatar
3 votes

Displaying a text in the center of the page

You can use vertical fills: \begin{document} \vspace*{\fill} \centerline{Example.} \vspace{\fill} \end{document}
invictus's user avatar
3 votes

Displaying a text in the center of the page

To display the text in the centre of the paper, you could use tikz (compile two times): \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] \...'s user avatar
1 vote

Even horizontal spacing in enumitem inline lists

To use enumerate*, you need to give the inline package option to enumitem. However, I don't think enumitem is the tool you want here. Instead, consider tasks which is designed for this and uses a ...
cfr's user avatar
  • 211k
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add images in \longtable and remove justification

Regarding your question about change the language of the 'Continued on next page' phrase? translation (an table label) in your comment: Another possibilities is to use package tblr-extras which ...
Zarko's user avatar
  • 302k
8 votes

Centering tikz graphic in OpTeX

If you compile the following document: \fontfam[Fira] \margins/1 a4 (3.5,2.5,3,3)cm \typosize[12/18] \load[tikz] \centerline{\tikzpicture[domain=-1.045:5.25] \draw[very thin,color=gray,step=.52]...
Max Chernoff's user avatar
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line break in subfigure caption with proper "hang" alignment

Using subcaption package, it can be easily defined globally in the preamble and no need to add code within the figure command. \usepackage[format=hang,singlelinecheck=false]{subcaption} \begin{figure}...
pas-calc's user avatar
3 votes

add images in \longtable and remove justification

I also can't get the text to not be justified, I want it to be left aligned. I would like to suggest that you switch from a longtable to an xltabular environment. The latter combines the capabilities ...
Mico's user avatar
  • 519k
3 votes

add images in \longtable and remove justification

Something like this? Package tabu is obsolete, many of its features can be find in tabularray package (but not with the same syntax). I assume, that all images have equal size. For inserting of ...
Zarko's user avatar
  • 302k
1 vote

How may source text, after epigraph text, be left justified?

You can redefine \sourceflush to use environment flushleft instead of the default flushright: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{epigraph} \setlength{\epigraphrule}{0pt} \renewcommand{\sourceflush}{...
cabohah's user avatar
  • 15.6k
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How to modify the length of an underline

The rule is not too long; the issue is that your tabular* environments are too short. You use 0.99\textwidth or 0.97\textwidth, but you should remove the 0.99 in the first case and use \linewidth in ...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
1 vote

How to resolve this message, Package microtype Warning: Unable to apply patch `eqnum'

If you want the warning to go away, you can use \usepackage[nopatch=eqnum]{microtype}.
backpropper's user avatar
1 vote

How to shift/center a tikz grid?

This positions the grid relative to (current It uses a scope to move the origin. Note that this tikzpicture has no bounding box. If you remove the overlay option, the bounding box ...
John Kormylo's user avatar
  • 82.2k
1 vote

How to change vertical spacing between two minipages?

Your code is unnecessarily complicated. First, there's no need to encase the images in separate minipage environments; placing both images in a single minipage suffices. Second, the center ...
Mico's user avatar
  • 519k

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