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3 votes

Tikz-cd labels not appearing when using "to path"

You need to add \tikztonodes to the to path declaration. Also, if you want to put the label on the left side, you need to change pos to 0.25. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{...
Jasper Habicht's user avatar
3 votes

referencing "modified" paragraph numbers

There's no need to go to \paragraph and \subsection is much handier. Rather than indenting all text you just need to “outdent” the numbers. You'll need to fix the title to take into account the wider ...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
3 votes

Right Bracket using `nicematrix` package

You should use the command \SubMatrix in the \CodeAfter. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{nicematrix} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{bm} \begin{document} $\begin{NiceArray}{ccccc} \...
F. Pantigny's user avatar
  • 43.8k
2 votes

Right Bracket using `nicematrix` package

Based on F. Pantigny's answer, but putting the labels with the brackets instead of as cells of the matrix works better when you have an even number of rows: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{...
racketj's user avatar
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2 votes

referencing "modified" paragraph numbers

Let's take the opportunity to have a look at Latex coding as an experienced user as a novice, using refactoring If you are an experienced user Then you know packages titlesec and parskip by heart, ...
MS-SPO's user avatar
  • 14.9k
1 vote

Add text over an arrow in tikz

You could add a node to your arrows like this: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \draw[->] (0,0) to[bend left=70] node[auto] {:2} (5,0); \end{...'s user avatar
1 vote

referencing "modified" paragraph numbers

Neglecting all your layout formatting, here's a way to do your reference formatting manually, based on this answer. Basic steps Certain structures are counted automatically in Latex, like sections, ...
MS-SPO's user avatar
  • 14.9k

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