fbox of parbox of textwidth length is too wide
Following up on Phelype's comment:
#1 \hfill
How can I add text in the top right corner of a page _without_ using fancyhdr
An example based on this question which uses the shipout hooks available in recent kernels. Like the other solutions, this won't alter the page layout as it is written as a separate layer1. Unlike the ...
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margins × 2668geometry × 373
header-footer × 177
tables × 173
memoir × 129
koma-script × 118
double-sided × 114
spacing × 104
horizontal-alignment × 96
floats × 95
marginpar × 87
beamer × 81
tikz-pgf × 79
fancyhdr × 75
formatting × 72
graphics × 67
marginnote × 61
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indentation × 52
positioning × 51
minipage × 50
longtable × 49
paper-size × 48
titles × 46