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50 votes

remove sections numbering

Add \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} to preamble.
A. West's user avatar
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48 votes

Making the bibliography appear in the table of contents

Another simple solution with Biblatex is found at \printbibliography[ heading=bibintoc, title={Whole bibliography} ] \...
SDrolet's user avatar
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35 votes

Formatting section titles

I'd like to take a crack at this question, because 5 years ago I landed here and thought titlesec was the best way to do this. That may or may not be true. The class settings are perhaps obvious to ...
Jonathan Komar's user avatar
34 votes

What is this symbol in LaTeX? And where do I get it?

It's hard to judge the scale of your fleuron, but you can design something similar using the TikZ calligraphy library. In the code below, the \pen command defines the angle (30°) and width (2mm) of a &...
Sandy G's user avatar
  • 46.8k
29 votes

How to get default formatting for \chapter, \section, etc.?

The standard classes are defined as follows (copied from titlesec reference, section 8.2) \titleformat{\chapter}[display] {\normalfont\huge\bfseries}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{20pt}{\Huge} \...
Miotto's user avatar
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28 votes

The correct way to perform a section break in LaTeX

Edit: I've put the package on Github and released it on CTAN. I also added new package option asterism and a new command \asterism, which will print the asterism symbol. You can try the following ...
michal.h21's user avatar
  • 51.8k
24 votes

How to add an extra level of sections with headings below \subsubsection

I know this is an old question, but I found it with Google and I think the solutions are too complicated. For me this is the easiest way for a subsubsubsection: \newcommand{\subsubsubsection}[1]{\...
Daniel's user avatar
  • 385
24 votes

How can one keep a \section from being at the end of a page?

You should use the option \usepackage[nobottomtitles*]{titlesec} This will prevent your heading titles to be displayed at the bottom of the page and it will place your heading in the next page.
Palamos's user avatar
  • 241
24 votes

Footnote in sub-section title

I think "don't do that" is not a helpful answer. Section footnotes are often very useful! According to: The correct thing to do is the following: % in the ...
jsinglet's user avatar
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22 votes

beautiful section styles

If you're using LuaLaTeX, use the version below with lua-ul. soul based solution Answer based on titlesec and soul: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage[...
Skillmon's user avatar
  • 63.3k
22 votes

Why is \paragraph treated as level below \subsubsection?

Historically speaking this is inherited from Scribe (designed by Brian Reid in 1979 or so). This system heavily influenced many decisions that Leslie made and you can trace a lot of LaTeX back to ...
Frank Mittelbach's user avatar
21 votes

''subsubsection''-level headers not numbered by default

I'm guessing that your document class is either report, book, scrreprt, or scrbook -- or a document class that's based on one of these four classes. These document classes have the following setting ...
Mico's user avatar
  • 519k
20 votes

Start new chapter on same page

I have used this whenever I needed to add one chapter to the previous page: \begingroup \let\clearpage\relax \chapter{My Chapter} \endgroup It doesn't change the rest of the chapters, or anything ...
Tvde1's user avatar
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19 votes

Is it possible to create a new sectioning level?

Sure. There’s no reason you can't go infinitely in any direction. In book, the section level of \part is -1. You just need to define a level which has level -2. Dig into book.cls and you'll find the ...
Don Hosek's user avatar
  • 14.2k
18 votes

Remove bibliography part in table of contents

To avoid thebibliography from setting a section-like entry in the ToC, wrap the following around it: \let\oldaddcontentsline\addcontentsline% Store \addcontentsline \renewcommand{\addcontentsline}[3]{...
Werner's user avatar
  • 610k
17 votes

Continuous v. per-chapter/section numbering of figures, tables, and other document elements

Patryk's answer works perfectly. But you need to reset the counter of tables, figures, equations, etc. manually every time you want to start your object labels at "1" again. So it would be more ...
Nightingale's user avatar
17 votes

Inserting a table in a two column document

Use table for single column floats and table* for double column floats. \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} \usepackage{booktabs,chemformula} \begin{document} \section{Electronic Structure} \input ...
Henri Menke's user avatar
16 votes

Empty lines or not?

Just use blank lines where logically you want a paragraph break. Section headings naturally form paragraph breaks already so a blank line before or after them makes no difference. For other constructs ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
16 votes

\subsubsubsection for scrbook

Update (needs KOMA-Script version 3.26b) The original answer below is still correct. But there are the new command \RedeclareSectionCommands, the new options runin and afterindent. And there are some ...
esdd's user avatar
  • 86.3k
15 votes

Start new page with each section

With an uptodate TeX distribution you can use \AddToHook{cmd/section/before}{\clearpage} Example: \documentclass{article} \AddToHook{cmd/section/before}{\clearpage} \begin{document} \tableofcontents ...
esdd's user avatar
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15 votes

paragraph style - how to force line break? \paragraph{} \\ - make paragraph a header?

I have seen many hacks for this, including \mbox{} and other approaches but this one is the most convenient! \paragraph ~\\ Source for the answer
Shubham Sharma's user avatar
15 votes

How to add an extra level of sections with headings below \subsubsection

The are two good answers to show how to add a new level section or modify an existing one. But both are assuming some basic knowledge of LaTeX and typography. Maybe these remarks can help to new ...
Fran's user avatar
  • 83.4k
15 votes

Define new section

There really are a number of different ways to achieve what you want. Some are simpler than others and may work just as well. Use existing levels if possible It really only makes sense to add a ...
Alan Munn's user avatar
  • 221k
14 votes

How to add an extra level of sections with headings below \subsubsection

This very excellent answer can also very easily be expanded to add \subsubsubsection and \subsubsubsubsection commands: \documentclass{article} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{5} \setcounter{tocdepth}{5} \...
finefoot's user avatar
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14 votes

How can I make a command like \tag, but for chapter numbering?

One needs to redefine both \thechapter and \thesection immediately before the chapter in question, and one needs to revert to the default definitions immediately before the next chapter. If you have ...
Mico's user avatar
  • 519k
14 votes

Frame whole sections in ConTeXt

You can use the textbackground environment to put a frame around the content of a section. With the beforesection and aftersection keys you can start and stop the frame at the begin and end of a ...
Wolfgang Schuster's user avatar
13 votes

KOMA-Script: change font of sectioning headings to serif

As was suggested here, there is also an option that can be set that also modifies the size of the headings slightly to match that of the standard classes. \documentclass[headings=standardclasses]{...
Johan Larsson's user avatar
13 votes

Section numbering in biblatex

Add [heading=bibnumbered] to your \printbibliography command.
Alan Munn's user avatar
  • 221k
13 votes

How can I change the font color of entire subsection?

Put \color{red} at the start of the section and \color{black} at the end. In the standard classes at least, section headings pick up the current colour. This of course requires the color or xcolor ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
13 votes

The correct way to perform a section break in LaTeX

The memoir class has various commands for producing what it calls "anonymous divisions". For example \plainbreak{2} will produce 2 blank lines while \fancybreak{{*}\\{* * *}\\{*}} typesets a centered ...
Peter Wilson's user avatar
  • 28.4k

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