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3 votes

siunitx dollar per hour broken going from SI to qty

As Joseph said, the syntax is unsupported for \qty. documentclass{article} \usepackage{siunitx} \sisetup{ mode=text, per-mode = symbol, } \NewDocumentCommand{\price}{O{}mm}{% \qty[input-digits=...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
5 votes

siunitx dollar per hour broken going from SI to qty

In v3, I tightened up the semantics here: the idea of support currencies was not the best plan. As such, you want \$\qty{5}{\per\hour} or similar.
Joseph Wright's user avatar
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2 votes

Why can I not specify the key "guard" only in the \SetTblrInner command using tabularray?

The placement of the guard option is not the problem. siunitx errors if you use >{€\,} on a header column. It seems to work if one adds lots of braces, but this probably fragile and relies on some ...
Ulrike Fischer's user avatar
1 vote

How to remove prepended symbol in entire column from header row using tabularray?

Instead of removing the symbol from the header, I would only add it to the cells where it is needed: \documentclass{article} % Unrelated packages \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{lmodern} % ...'s user avatar
0 votes

Getting siunitx to use text numerals, but only when it isn't in a table

Here is an updated version of Mico's solution that: Ensures the lining number style of numbers is preserved in math mode Reflects the deprecation of \SI in favor of \qty \documentclass{article} \...
Christoph Thiede's user avatar
0 votes

Using \sisetup with siunitx package for automatic unit formatting

In spirit of siunitx package, your equation should be written as follows: \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{siunitx} \sisetup{ per-mode = symbol, % Automatically handle units per ...
Zarko's user avatar
  • 302k
1 vote

How to make 'siunitx' use \textpm

As Joseph mentions in the comments, this is fixed in the current version of siunitx. Your MWE produces
mbert's user avatar
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9 votes

How to Include Mathematical Expressions like \sqrt{8} Inside \qty Command with siunitx?

You could disable the parsing of numbers: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{siunitx} \begin{document} % works $\sqrt{8}$ % works $\qty{8}{\meter}$ % does work! ...'s user avatar
3 votes

How to import physical data with units directly into latex using datatool and siunitx?

The command \DTLfetch is not expandable. But you can make a variant \DTLfetchsave that stores the result in a (local) control sequence and use that to feed \qty. The idea comes from page 104 of ...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
3 votes

siunitx \micro font problem

Declare your main text font, rather than redefining \familydefault. Next use mode=text and an appropriate text-font-command: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{unicode-math} \usepackage{siunitx} %\...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
3 votes

siunitx \micro font problem

Please note that \SI has been deprecated for at least a couple of years by now. Do start to use \qty instead of \SI. For this answer, I will assume that your document uses the default serif font ...
Mico's user avatar
  • 519k
1 vote

siunitx \micro font problem

Edit: From your first version of question I conclude, that complete units as well number quantity number should be written with in sans serif fonts as is written other text in your document. My ...
Zarko's user avatar
  • 302k
2 votes

Error : siunitx and \Trimspaces (expl3)

You should show your document as that will show where the error is, The error suggests that you have something equivalent to \documentclass{article} \def\TrimSpaces#1{} \usepackage{pst-calculate} \...
David Carlisle's user avatar
4 votes

siunitx issue when using angle-mode=arc with negative numbers

The conversion of negative angles to arcs had not been properly addressed. I have updated the code to do that, and will release it as v3.3.21. The changes needed are in a few places, so unless it's ...
Joseph Wright's user avatar
  • 263k

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