line break in subfigure caption with proper "hang" alignment
Using subcaption package, it can be easily defined globally in the preamble and no need to add code within the figure command.
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subfloats × 1952floats × 591
subcaption × 367
captions × 298
graphics × 201
tikz-pgf × 154
cross-referencing × 115
tables × 110
horizontal-alignment × 107
positioning × 97
vertical-alignment × 95
subfig × 81
minipage × 80
numbering × 71
pgfplots × 55
spacing × 55
memoir × 53
beamer × 36
floatrow × 33
hyperref × 32
labels × 30
cleveref × 29
table-of-contents × 28
two-column × 26
ieeetran × 25