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1 vote

line break in subfigure caption with proper "hang" alignment

Using subcaption package, it can be easily defined globally in the preamble and no need to add code within the figure command. \usepackage[format=hang,singlelinecheck=false]{subcaption} \begin{figure}...
pas-calc's user avatar
0 votes

Regarding numbering of subfigure on the top left

Don't use subfigure: it's obsolete and its author provided the replacement package subfig several years ago. Use the features in subfig in order to modify the layout. \documentclass{article} \...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
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Regarding numbering of subfigure on the top left

I suggest you stop using the deprecated subfigure package, which was last updated in 2002, and start using the much more recent, and still actively maintained, subcaption package. I take it that you ...
Mico's user avatar
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3 votes

overlaying graphs in subfigure

Your diagrams width are far to wide than width of spaces reserved for them by subfigure environment. Consequently diagrams in them protrude their right borders. A remedy for your problem can be add ...
Zarko's user avatar
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2 votes

big gap and subfigure doesn't work correctly?

A blank line is a new paragraph, so you've explicitly asked for a paragraph break after the first three. Moreover, an uncommented line ending is a space, so you cannot fit 5 things on a line if each ...
cfr's user avatar
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