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28 votes

Which TeX editors are able to compile just a snippet of a .tex file?

Amazingly enough, TeXShop does in fact have such a facility. The problem is that long-time users of it like myself are probably unaware of it. It can be found under the Edit Menu -> Experiment This ...
Alan Munn's user avatar
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23 votes

Which TeX editors are able to compile just a snippet of a .tex file?

With Emacs and AUCTeX, it is as simple as highlighting the portion of the text you want to compile and then hitting C-c C-r (or M-x TeX-command-region). The command tries to be 'smart' about it, so ...
jon's user avatar
  • 22.4k
19 votes

I need to cite a classical author

If you have an entry whose author field currently reads author = "Plinio el viejo", BibTeX and biblatex (biber) will interpret "el" as the "von" component of the person's full name, and therefore ...
Mico's user avatar
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12 votes

Which TeX editors are able to compile just a snippet of a .tex file?

Kile has this feature. It is called QuickPreview. I've never used it before, but I tested it in a minimal example and it seems to work. I tested with my answer to another question: \documentclass[...
cfr's user avatar
  • 212k
11 votes

How Can I compile my tex file in PDFLatex, using TexShop on MAC?

When TeXShop is active, there is a Typeset menu, in which you should mark the pdftex option (see also the Typesetting panel of TeXShop's Preferences to make this choice permanent). Once this is done,...
Franck Pastor's user avatar
11 votes

Increasing font size in TexShop 4.3

I'd say this is a “hidden feature”. In version 4.23 the behavior is the same: when pressing ⌘=, nothing happens unless the first character in the document is selected (with any number of following ...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
10 votes

Sudden error in TeXShop: "I found no \bibdata" and "I found no \bibstyle"

This happened to me. Turned out I had updated the figure PDFs and one of them was corrupt. Since the compiler got stuck here, it wouldn't read some of the commands including the bibliography ones. ...
Miguel's user avatar
  • 109
9 votes

TeXShop and Mac preview crashing when opening latex/beamer built pdfs

To solve, remove the PDF file from the source folder. Then open the source in TeXShop. Check the header. Did you \usepackage{pstricks}? Comment out this line and typeset again. (Or, leave the line and ...
Richard Koch's user avatar
8 votes

Vertical Spacing Before and After "Cases" Environment

That's the normal \abovedisplayskip used by amsart, which is about 41% of the value used in the standard classes, 4.9pt against 12pt. The difference is really noticeable, but it's the AMS house style. ...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
8 votes

Why does the autocompletion in TeXShop put •?

That’s traditional. In the late 80’s the best editor for TeX (plain, AMS-TeX, LaTeX) on the Mac was, at least in my opinion, AlphaTcl, that offered interactive compilation via Command-T, switching to ...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
7 votes

Getting started with Greek and Hebrew in LuaLaTeX

As of 2021, definitely it’s up to the task. Here is an example with babel, which switches the font based on the script: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[bidi=basic, english]{babel} \babelprovide[...
Javier Bezos's user avatar
  • 10.8k
7 votes

Shortcut for making pdf in Texshop

Typeset: CmdT New to LaTeX myself, so I was surprised that converting to a PDF (or another document) is called "Typeset".
Atav32's user avatar
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7 votes

How do I run Biber on TeXShop?

Assuming you have the .bib file place the line % !TEX TS–program = pdflatexmk at the top of your .tex file. Then typeset using Typeset->Typeset (Cmd-T). That will automatically run biber when ...
Herb Schulz's user avatar
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7 votes

Is there a suggestion feature command for label names in TeXShop?

When typing in TeXShop, you can get a list of existing labels for various things using F5. For example, if you have the following document, and you start typing \eqref{ (minimally including the ...
Alan Munn's user avatar
  • 221k
7 votes

Why does hyperref refer to the wrong place when I define a new theorem?

If the structure is always \section{Title} Text for the section \clearpage \section*{Problems} Problems then you can just define problem as numbered within sections. \documentclass{amsart} \...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
7 votes

How to combine multirow and multicolumn in simplest example?

Probably one of the following suggestion helps: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{multirow} \begin{document} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline \multirow{2}{*}{R} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{C} \\ \...
leandriis's user avatar
  • 63.2k
6 votes

Editing the Templates menu in TeXShop

From the Finder The reason you didn't find the ~/Library folder using the Go menu was that you left out the ~. This symbol denotes your "home" folder, whereas without it (what you typed /Library is ...
Alan Munn's user avatar
  • 221k
6 votes

How do I add a .sty file to my MacTeX/TeXShop installation?

If you're using mactex, just follow the instruction you have provided in the description, move the relevant file into the directory, e.g., move *.sty file to /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/...
Hanchen's user avatar
  • 61
6 votes

hide console window in texshop

Currently I use macOS Mojave, v. 10.14. As addressed by @layman, the currently accepted answer no longer works (at least it did not work for me). The workaround I've used is the following: Open ...
Quotable's user avatar
  • 176
6 votes

How to install the simpsons package on MacOSX?

On a mac you have to first create the texmf-tree under ~/Library (Alan Munn has a nice little script for that: Then you have to create the ...
DG''s user avatar
  • 22.2k
6 votes

Export TeXShop macros

To move all of the macros copy the ~/Library/TeXShop/Macros folder from one computer and replace the one on the other system with that folder. Note: ~/Library is the Library folder in your HOME folder....
Herb Schulz's user avatar
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6 votes

Which versions of TeX do I need?

If you install a full MacTeX installation, a number of very useful GUI programs are also installed. They take up very little space, so it's not very worthwhile to delete them anyway, but mainly you ...
Alan Munn's user avatar
  • 221k
6 votes

How can I align this system of equations?

With cases: \[ \begin{cases} 2x-5y-z=2\\ 2x^2=y \end{cases} \]
Bernard's user avatar
  • 273k
6 votes

How can I align without spaces

You want to use alignat, but with the right spacing. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{alignat*}{3} A &= (2n-1)^2 + {} && 2(2n-1)k \\ B &= ...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
5 votes

TexShop does not save my file when compiling

I am the author of TeXShop. TeXShop always saves the source before typesetting, whether you use Auto Save or not. The "dirty file" indicator is unreliable in recent systems, and seems to have been ...
Richard Koch's user avatar
5 votes

no border around hyperlinks with hyperref

To simply resolve this problem put this in your document after the "\usepackage"es \hypersetup{pdfborder = {0 0 0}}
Pouya Demokri's user avatar
5 votes

texshop 3.62 sync not working with Mac OSX 10.11.5

"Alternatively, adding a line \synctex=1 in the preamble of a tex file triggers the synchronization with SyncTeX, not only with pdflatex, but with other TeX commands too." (
Git13's user avatar
  • 51
5 votes

Mac Texshop - How to Use Arara (Potential Bug)

Although this is conceivably a bug, its cause is quite clear: you have created a filename that is almost guaranteed to confuse most command line programs, since you have multiple . and spaces. If you ...
Alan Munn's user avatar
  • 221k
5 votes

Texshop: Jump back to the editor after compiling

Under the Typesetting tab of TeXShop->Preferences choose Continue Editing in the After Typesetting section.
Herb Schulz's user avatar
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5 votes

How to get source code on texshop?

A simple my-file.tex file in TeXShop will generate the following five files: my-file.tex my-file.aux my-file.log my-file.pdf my-file.synctex.gz The source file is my-file.tex. You can probably ...
Alan Munn's user avatar
  • 221k

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