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35 votes

How to get rid of the almost invisible faint lines in the Olympic rings?

Version, which uses uninterrupted circles (without faint lines), where the gaps are created by clipping. This solution does not use any white background color. The measurements and colors are taken ...
Heiko Oberdiek's user avatar
19 votes

How to get rid of the almost invisible faint lines in the Olympic rings?

This seems like a perfect problem to use the tikz library knots on! The current solution is improved from the original, which had some minor "clipping issues" (for more info, see here). I consider ...
Danu's user avatar
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19 votes

How to Sharpen a PDF Drawing

As David writes, this is best done in a bitmap editor. If you really want, you can use a blend like this: \documentclass[tikz, border=1cm]{standalone} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \begin{...
hpekristiansen's user avatar
16 votes

How to bend a word around the circle

You could do something like the following with decorations.text TikZ library. I find it more simple to remove your macro, but it could be used with another \ifthenelse or \ifnum exception. Update: ...
Juan Castaño's user avatar
14 votes

How to give a name to \pic

I dig a little bit and this is what I found: When TikZ encounters \draw(A)to(B), this is what will happen \def\tikztostart{\tikz@pp@name{A}}; usually this is simply A; \def\tikztotarget{\tikz@pp@...
Symbol 1's user avatar
  • 37k
11 votes

making a diagram like this picture

Please always read manuals first. That helps a lot, especially since you are asking for tikz basis knowledge. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \begin{document} ...
TeXnician's user avatar
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10 votes

Tikzpicture scope background image

You need to place the \includegraphics inside a \node, as in the code below. I added some comments, but it's quite straightforward, mostly just place the node at the correct location, and set the ...
Torbjørn T.'s user avatar
10 votes

How to bend a word around the circle

The decorations.text library with its text along path is the absolutely the right approach. (You could try to manually place each letter along a curve but that's no fun.) However, you can simply keep ...
Qrrbrbirlbel's user avatar
9 votes

To draw a graph like this, what code do I need?

Have a look at the following code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=5] \draw[blue] (0,0) circle (1); \node[circle, fill=orange, label=above left :$...
Denis's user avatar
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9 votes

Nested tikz pics?

This question is somewhat related to Why does the pic option get passed through to the entire object? Drawing a pic is essentially drawing a node, so everything you know about node applies. For ...
Symbol 1's user avatar
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9 votes

making a diagram like this picture

I don't think you need a sledge hammer like tikzpicture for this diagram: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{rotating} \newcommand\longvertarrow[1][]{\rotatebox{-90}{$\...
Bernard's user avatar
  • 273k
8 votes

TikZ: Bug (?) with `.pic`: misalignement of nodes

I don't know the cause for this problem, it's probably related to the path construction with .pic. But if you explicitly say that the node should be in the path midway it works normally: \...
Guilherme Zanotelli's user avatar
8 votes

To draw a graph like this, what code do I need?

A version in Metapost, wrapped up in luamplib. Compile with lualatex. \RequirePackage{luatex85} \documentclass[border=5mm]{standalone} \usepackage{luamplib} \begin{document} \mplibtextextlabel{...
Thruston's user avatar
  • 43.2k
8 votes

How should I prevent a .pic definition inside a document environment, but outside a tikzpicture, from adding a space to the typeset output?

This is how .pic is defined in tikz.code.tex line 4636-4640 \pgfkeysdef{/handlers/.pic}{% \edef\pgf@temp{\pgfkeyscurrentpath}% \edef\pgf@temp{\expandafter\tikz@smuggle@pics@in\pgf@temp\pgf@stop}% ...
Symbol 1's user avatar
  • 37k
8 votes

How can I draw this figure about Hidden Markov Model?

For exercise (how to draw dashed line and use empty cells): \documentclass[margin=3mm]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz-cd} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{tikzcd}[nodes in empty cells] ...
Zarko's user avatar
  • 302k
8 votes

How to use xcolor color names in tikzpicture style?

The package tikz (by way of package pgfcore) loads the xcolor package. In your case, the standalone class with the option tikz also loads the tikz package (and configurates other settings so that it ...
Qrrbrbirlbel's user avatar
7 votes

Various questions on the pic command from the Tikz angles library

It seems to me that you must use coordinate names. My guess is that the internals use \pgfpointanchor or some such, which requires a named node. It's probably good form to name your coordinates anyway!...
Emma's user avatar
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7 votes

How can I make scaling affect TikZ-pics within a tikzpicture?

transform shape is your friend. Usually, stuff like nodes (and obviously pics) are not scaled. With transform shape, you can enforce this. Note that this also scales text. \documentclass[tikz, border=...
pschulz's user avatar
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7 votes

Tikz Payoff Matrix

Just to show you don't need a TikZ matrix to draw your table, some nested tabulars are enough. For convenience, I used a macro for the couple of payoffs, as in marmot's answer. \documentclass[12pt]{...
CarLaTeX's user avatar
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7 votes

Tikz and lines with the Q letter

You need to define nodes anchors, for example anchor=center: \documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{matrix} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \matrix (m) [matrix of ...
Zarko's user avatar
  • 302k
7 votes

Drawing an angle between two vectors?

The reason for this is that you wrongly define the coordinates for the angle. If you write \draw (0,0) -- (-2,2) node (a) [anchor=north east] {$a$};, then you define (a) as reference to the node for ...
Jasper Habicht's user avatar

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