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4 votes

Use another parameter for tikzset

When TikZ executes the preactions nothing else is setup, especially not the options you give, e.g. the line cap. Here's a first idea to sneak the options inside the preaction-ed path: Basically, \path ...
Qrrbrbirlbel's user avatar
2 votes

Placing a fully defined picture absolutely at any point inside a path picture

Your code has some errors I want to adress first: The anchor=center; in the path picture does nothing but generate warning messages. You're placing a node, that has a path picture with a node that ...
Qrrbrbirlbel's user avatar
0 votes

Generate math plots and put them properly inside tikz node

Here is a way to do it. Kindly watch my comments in the code, especially in the beginning. The benefits are: you'll gain much more freedom to operate, and reduce unwanted interactions, e.g. among ...
MS-SPO's user avatar
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3 votes

using chapter style in latex (book)

The package titlesec will help you to customize the chapter and section headings. You can try this: \documentclass{book} % \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[explicit]{titlesec} \newlength{\mywordlength} ...
mas's user avatar
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2 votes

Custom table of contents in beamer

I wouldn't use a toc for this. The beamer toc isn't very flexible. Instead I would use a similar approach as in but replace the mindmap with markings along a ...'s user avatar
5 votes

\input not loading tikzset definitions from standalone

You can include the sub-preamble in your main document with subpreambles=true like this: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[subpreambles=true]{standalone} \begin{document} \title{...
hpekristiansen's user avatar
2 votes

TikZ: filling rectangle with random dots trouble

In the code below, the distribution of the points is specified with rnd^2. Another function can be chosen for a different result. The radius of the dots is determined by \r. The size of the rectangle ...
matexmatics's user avatar
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