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27 votes

Why is latex typesetting my fractions with so much vertical space?

This looks weird, right? No, it looks just fine. Why-type questions are frequently nearly impossible to answer. However, for the case at hand, it's rather straightforward to provide an excellent ...
Mico's user avatar
  • 519k
18 votes

Should one ever use \bigskip?

Never say never, but in general explict spacing in a document should be avoided. \bigskip is perhaps better than \vspace{2cm} but not much. Especially as you hint on using it every paragraph. ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
17 votes

Inline math messes up vertical spacing

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the smallmatrix environment that's provided by the amsmath package. It is straightforward to create a dedicated macro -- called \smallchoose in the following ...
Mico's user avatar
  • 519k
13 votes

Excess vertical space in \vdots

The definition of \vdots in fontmath.ltx reads \DeclareRobustCommand \vdots{\vbox{\baselineskip4\p@ \lineskiplimit\z@ \kern6\p@\hbox{.}\hbox{.}\hbox{.}}} (This is inherited from plain.tex ...
campa's user avatar
  • 32.6k
13 votes

Inline math messes up vertical spacing

Just for historical context, I note that my copy of The Printing of Mathematics, (O.U.P, 1954) has this paragraph about binomial coefficients: If I render that into LaTeX, you can see that the layout ...
Thruston's user avatar
  • 43.3k
11 votes

Inline math messes up vertical spacing

You have got many nice LaTeX answers, and hopefully resolved your problem. Let me give you one possible (partly new, tuning in progress) way to handle this in ConTeXt. (It will not help you in this ...
mickep's user avatar
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11 votes

Would it make sense to use the "plus" and "minus" components of \baselineskip?

You almost never want variable baseline spacing in normal running text, but it can be useful in some display contexts, eg to adjust the line spacing to make a paragraph match the height of an adjacent ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
10 votes

Underlining Text in Latex -- No Vertical Gap

My answer it has been, only, one very bit modification of this question at this link. \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{contour} \usepackage[normalem]{ulem} \renewcommand{\ULdepth}{1....
Sebastiano's user avatar
  • 56.8k
10 votes

Add real space between rows in a table

Here's a solution that employs \addlinespace of the booktabs package. \addlinespace takes an optional argument, which indicates how much vertical whitespace should be inserted. If no argument is ...
Mico's user avatar
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10 votes

\frac with mathpazo: bar too close to denominator

Let’s briefly go through how TeX creates a fraction (many details will be ignored for the sake of simplicity). First, TeX needs to know where the fraction bar should be drawn and how thick it should ...
Ruixi Zhang's user avatar
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9 votes

Strange vertical spacing after colored equation

This has nothing to do with amsart, but it's how LaTeX has to specify colors. If you do \color{blue} inside a group, LaTeX will issue a suitable \color instruction after the group ends in order to ...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
9 votes

Inline math messes up vertical spacing

It does not really fit: If the p on the line above had been slightly to the left it would overlap the 2. Tex makes a decision based on the whole line. You can allow overlaps in individual cases with \...
David Carlisle's user avatar
9 votes

Defining a vskip that possibly becomes vfill

Your question would have been clearer with an example but if I understand correctly \def\hugeskip{\vskip\hugeskipamount\filbreak} \filbreak is plain macro \vfil\penalty-200\vfilneg so normally it ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
9 votes

Should one ever use \bigskip?

You're describing the effect you get with \usepackage{parskip} What's most certain is that you don't want \bigskip after every paragraph not ending in a display. Remove all of them and load that ...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
9 votes

`\\[len]` is ignored for rows with line breaks in `tabular` when using `memoir`

The difference in the last column (so row 6) is due to array package (try loading that with article) to see the difference. Tthe handling of [] for the final strut of a p column is tricky, actually ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
8 votes

Fixed vertical spacing between items

A simple hack with enumitem: \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{enumitem} \begin{document} \begin{itemize}[label=\textbullet\vphantom{y}] ...
Bernard's user avatar
  • 273k
8 votes

How to change the vertical position of a horizontal line in a matrix?

With a trick \documentclass[11p]{book} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{mathtools} \begin{document} \begin{equation} R = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc|ccc} A &...
pluton's user avatar
  • 16.7k
8 votes

Allowing paragraph continuation after a tcolorbox

Appending \@endparenv, which is used by every list environment, to /tcb/after seems to work. Update: For breakable boxes, some experimental attempt is added. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{lipsum}...
muzimuzhi Z's user avatar
  • 27.2k
8 votes

Drawing absolute value bars around a fraction with different height of numerator and denominator

Here, I use \stretchleftright{|}{...}{|} to achieve it. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{scalerel,amsmath} \begin{document} \[ \cos\phi=\stretchleftright{|}{\frac{ \begin{pmatrix}1\\1\\1\...
Steven B. Segletes's user avatar
8 votes

Vertical spacing between equation and itemize environments

Here is a solution: with a patch for lists in beamer. using gather* (from amsmath package) instead of equation* Note: An equation in the last item of a list is only distinguished from an equation ...
Paul Gaborit's user avatar
  • 71.5k
8 votes

Wide equations have too much vertical space above them

Vertical space before an equation depends on its length and the length of the previous line. The corresponding skips are \abovedisplayskip and \abovedisplayshortskip. In your case, setting \setlength\...
jlab's user avatar
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8 votes

Wide equations have too much vertical space above them

(La)TeX is not really at ease when a single equation out of context has to be displayed. I suggest to define a specific environment for such cases, so you can force the “line before the display” (that ...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
7 votes

What is the behaviour of \fontsize if baselineskip is below a certain value?

If you add \lineskiplimit = -\maxdimen you get the above. TeX tries to maintain an even baseline spacing, as set by \baselineskip (which is set by the second argument of \fontsize and other places). ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
7 votes

Drawing absolute value bars around a fraction with different height of numerator and denominator

I'd like to suggest a solution that's different from either of your preferred choices. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{mathtools} % for '\DeclarePairedDelimiter' macro \DeclarePairedDelimiter{\...
Mico's user avatar
  • 519k
7 votes

eqnarray.sty (equationarray) spacing

Why not using array? And why the b argument specifier? It's a standard environment, no need for it. Now let's look at the problem. The output log shows for the line before the first display ....\OT1/...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
7 votes

How to remove the space between two macros only when they immediately follow another?

You can set the title text, then return to the vertical mode, then correct the vertical position by a set of \vskips and then put a \penalty with a special (non-breakable) number (10013 in the example)...
wipet's user avatar
  • 76k
7 votes

Inline math messes up vertical spacing

If you have many such objects in your document, I'd consider increasing the interline space. For the particular case, however, it's the exponent that gets in the way, so I can suggest lowering it. \...
egreg's user avatar
  • 1.2m
7 votes

On vertical spacing

You can think of leaders as control sequences that take two arguments: \leaders<box><glue>. The box can contain anything! For testing is best to use something that is not dots! I use ...
yannisl's user avatar
  • 119k
6 votes

Is there a shorter \dag (\dagger)? Or how could we move it a bit, vertically?

Here, \Dag is made (by way of scaling) to take on the vertical footprint of a capital X. Works across math styles. See ADDENDUM for yet another alternative. \documentclass[11pt,letterpaper,twoside]{...
Steven B. Segletes's user avatar

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