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68 votes

How to remove the warnings "Font shape `OT1/cmss/m/n' in size <4> not available" and "Size substitutions with differences" in beamer?

Add \usepackage{anyfontsize} to your preamble.
Dotone's user avatar
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66 votes

What does "overfull hbox" mean? (Why is there a black mark at the end of a line?)

Quoting Phil Miller answer, for completeness: This message means that a line of your document is too long to fit within the horizontal space on the page, and TeX couldn't find a good way to break it ...
user's user avatar
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50 votes

pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (nam e{page.1}) has been already used, duplicate ignored

As requested by the comments: Another way to solve it is to disable the pageanchors for the titlepage: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[pdfpagelabels]{hyperref} \title{...
Ulrike Fischer's user avatar
49 votes

filecontents: This package is obsolete

The filecontents package was an extension to the filecontents environment already present in the LaTeX kernel for many years. LaTeX's version of the environment didn't allow it to be used outside of ...
Phelype Oleinik's user avatar
37 votes

What are underfull hboxes and how can I get rid of them?

Often, TeX outputs underfull hbox and vbox warnings when running and in the generated log file. What are these and how can I get rid of them? That's just TeX alerting you that it was unable to ...
Quuxplusone's user avatar
35 votes

Warning: a possible image without description

From the warning you quoted, I assume that you use the acmart document clss. To quote from the manual of version 1.56: 2.6 Descriptions of images Blockquote Some readers of ACM ...
leandriis's user avatar
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30 votes

'Generic hook <name> is deprecated' warning after update

Warnings of the form: LaTeX hooks Warning: Generic hook 'file/after/<name>' is deprecated. (hooks) Use hook 'file/<name>/after' instead. are due to a recent change in the ...
Phelype Oleinik's user avatar
26 votes

You have requested document class X but the document class provides Y warning

This stems from the fact that you have PhDThesisPSnPDF.cls inside a Classes subfolder. So, the way you normally include it is to use \documentclass[..]{Classes/PhDThesisPSnPDF} right? Well, there ...
Werner's user avatar
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23 votes

Multiple PDFs with page group included in a single page warning

Martin Schröder has done a wonderful job of explaining the underlying cause, so I won’t repeat that here. Other than telling pdfLaTeX to shut up, the solution would be to remove/strip the page groups ...
Rufflewind's user avatar
21 votes

Warning: "Using fall-back BibTeX(8) backend:(biblatex) functionality may be reduced/unavailable."

The warning is issued when using the BibTeX (or BibTeX8) back-ends as these are more restricted in their functionality than Biber is. As such, some biblatex features simply won't work unless Biber is ...
Joseph Wright's user avatar
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18 votes

Bad bibtex entries using InBook

The inbook entry type is designed for referring to a chapter of a book with a single author or set of authors. This is why you receive the warning in your first example: you can't have both an author ...
Alan Munn's user avatar
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18 votes

Warning when adding package minted?

The fvextra package is loaded by minted, so you should load minted before csquotes. Another thing you should do is loading hyperref last: very few packages should come later than this one and you are ...
egreg's user avatar
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17 votes

Why DON'T I get an "Overfull \hbox" warning here?

The overlay option means that the tikzpicture, or its bounding box at least, will have zero size, so as far as TeX is concerned, it doesn't stick out in the margin. However, the picture drawing ...
Torbjørn T.'s user avatar
16 votes

“warning: Text page X contains only floats.” How to suppress this warning?

The problem is explained here You may find that simply adding \clearpage before you begin with your figures will get rid of the warning.
Tina's user avatar
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16 votes

Biblatex authoryear style & giveninits options - conflicting options warning

The full warning message I get in the .log is Package biblatex Warning: Conflicting options. (biblatex) '<namepart>inits' conflicts with 'uniquename=full'. (biblatex) ...
moewe's user avatar
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16 votes

Suppress warning by unicode-math regarding mathtools

As far as I can see the unicode-math documentation does not state explicitly which warnings are predefined. Searching the code for the string mathtools one finds the lines \msg_new:nnn { unicode-math }...
campa's user avatar
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14 votes

tcolorbox package returns "missing \pdf@unescapehex" warning

Using listingsutf8 with XeLaTeX is usually not a good idea. The most option loads the tcolorbox libraries loaded by many together with listingsutf8 external magazine vignette poster and you ...
egreg's user avatar
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13 votes

Warning with footnotes: "name{Hfootnote.xx} has been referenced but does not exist"

I ran into a similar problem. Same warning, and same result (footnote links point always point to first page). Turns out, there’s some weird interaction between setspace and hyperref. The solution ...
Rufflewind's user avatar
12 votes

What, no warning when minipage overflows page?

This is "by design" the vertical size options of minipage and parbox are analogues (and share the code of) the horizontal size option of \makebox. \makebox[0pt][l]{...} hides the size of the ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
12 votes

Journal class shows 'Package hyperref Warning: Suppressing link with empty target on input line XXX'

The class stores the last page number as a reference using LastPage, written as part of \end{document} (comment added): \renewcommand*\enddocument{% \let\AtEndDocument\@firstofone \@...
Werner's user avatar
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12 votes

How to ignore "Wrong length of dash may have been used." inside \cite and \newcite

for those that are looking for it just mark the line as checked Example: \draw[-Latex] (A) -- (B)% chktex 8 More info: How can I tell chktex that I have checked the next line?
Fernando Ferreira's user avatar
12 votes

Undefined references warning for \AtEndDocument{\printbibliography}

biblatex does a lot of cleaning up (also with respect to .aux files and warnings) in the \AtEndDocument hook. You don't get the warning if you issue \AtEndDocument{\printbibliography} before loading ...
moewe's user avatar
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12 votes

Invalid ISBN in value of field 'isbn' (-1)

Biber does not only check the datamodel integrity, it also explicitly checks ISBNs for validity when in --validate_datamodel mode. As it turns out 978-92-807-3580-6 (9789280735806) as indicated on the ...
12 votes

\[ChkTeX\] 21: This command might not be intended. [21]

This is a perfect example of where -wall can bite you with ChkTeX. This warning is simply a check for any command which is doesn't start with a letter or a space. So ) counts as that. Personally, I ...
Ivan Andrus's user avatar
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11 votes

how to throw a warning in latex?

LaTeX provides warnings, which are printed to the console/.log file, both with including the current line number and without. A class has: \ClassWarning{<class name>}{<message>} \...
Heiko Oberdiek's user avatar
11 votes

Package caption Warning: Unsupported document class

In many cases, there are no problems in spite of the warning. Since subfig.sty is older then captions.sty, using caption.sty is not bad choice. If you want to understand why you get the warning, "5 ...
rkoyama1623's user avatar
11 votes

How to make \PassOptionsToPackage add the option as the last option?

Use \PassOptionsToPackage{main=english}{babel} if you want English as the main language of your document or \PassOptionsToPackage{english,main=brazil}{babel} if you want Brazil to be the main ...
Schweinebacke's user avatar
11 votes

Package amsthm Warning: The \qedhere command... in Documenta style

As mentioned in another answer, amsthm should be loaded after amsmath. As described in a comment on that answer, this warning is produced when amsthm is incorrectly loaded before amsmath.
Coby Viner's user avatar
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11 votes

What to do when an actively maintained package requires an obsolete package?

Once you are reassured that the specific warning is innocuous and will be most likely fixed in the near future, you can silence the warning: add \RequirePackage{silence} \WarningFilter{remreset}{The ...
egreg's user avatar
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