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17 votes

what \relax command means?

\relax is a tex primitive command that is non expandable but is defined to do nothing at all, it is useful in several contexts as a delimiter of various sorts. LaTeX always writes one to the start of ...
David Carlisle's user avatar
13 votes

Is LaTeX capable of detecting grammatical errors in compiled document?

The simple answer to your question is: No, LaTeX can not do that! LaTeX or TeX is desiged to typeset text, it is not designed to make a spelling or grammar correcting. It tooks the text as it comes (...
Mensch's user avatar
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13 votes

"Cannot Open DDE Link to": Problems with Adobe Acrobat Pro and WinEdt

Support for Adobe Acrobat DC 2017 has been added only in WinEdt 10.2 Build 20170413. The name of the DDE service is, in the case of Acrobat DC Pro 2017, AcroviewA17, while in the case of Adobe Reader ...
karlkoeller's user avatar
9 votes

Winedt 10 does not wrap the text

Check the status of the Wrap field in the status bar at the bottom:
Ulrike Fischer's user avatar
8 votes

WinEdt has stopped being able to close pdf files

Adobe regularly changes the names you need to call the DDE service. This name can not be guessed or extracted from the registry, so you need to adapt the configuration in winedt yourself. The newest ...
Ulrike Fischer's user avatar
7 votes

LaTeX3-sensitive editors

Visual Studio Code with the extension LaTeX Workshop (> v3.5.0) can support LaTeX3 syntax now:
stone-zeng's user avatar
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7 votes

How to Show line numbers in WinEdt?, BY DEFAULT

Yes, it´s possible!! after asking Adriana/Alex (WinEdt author) "Yes. Options –> Preferences| Appearance. Click on the Help button for details" As you can see in the iamge.
Mika Ike's user avatar
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7 votes

Make WinEdt spell-check in another language

First download the Swedish dictionary from and install it (on the same site, you can download the InstallDict macro to make it easier). Next, in the Options Interface, click on the ...
Bernard's user avatar
  • 273k
7 votes

A METAFONT character

You're running Metafont in proof mode; Metafont loves proof mode and will do anything it can to stay in proof mode unless you specifically command it to produce real font files. Notice that your error ...
dgoodmaniii's user avatar
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6 votes

How to change the default editor (TeXworks) to WinEdt on MiKTeX 2.9

The first solution is that you reinstall WinEdt over the existing installation, and, during the same, you select "Associate TeX Filetypes with WinEdt". The installer has admin privileges so this is ...
karlkoeller's user avatar
6 votes

How do I load a new dictionary in WinEdT 9?

The problem is that you have put your dictionary definition before the line [DICTIONARIES] in the file Dictionaries.ini, so when the relative configuration section has not started yet. Putting the ...
karlkoeller's user avatar
6 votes

New command buttons similar to \"o in WinEdt

Of course it is possible. Follow these steps. Show the "Options Interface" (Options -> Options Interface) Double-click the "Main Menu" item (MainMenu.ini gets opened) Just before the line END="...
karlkoeller's user avatar
6 votes

Writing report in Winedt: Forced to use "Erase Output Files" after each mistake

This will happen if you kill the compilation by clicking on some x icon, e.g. the red one here or the one in the top right: Instead of doing this type x on your keyboard and hit enter. This ...
Ulrike Fischer's user avatar
6 votes

I want to writing the matrix on the arrow from X to Y 3x3 type, from Z to Y 3x2 type ;

A simple code with tikz-cd and the bsmallmatrix environment from mathtools \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{mathtools} \usepackage{tikz-cd} \begin{document} \[ \begin{tikzcd}[row sep=1....
Bernard's user avatar
  • 273k
5 votes

How do I make my ubuntu texlive environment available to the wine emulator?

I am afraid the only way to properly (if possible) run TL inside Wine is to install the Windows binaries alongside with your Linux ones. In summary, Linux binaries are not seen by Wine as executable ...
Paulo Cereda's user avatar
  • 44.4k
5 votes

Change default compiler by drop-down button in WinEdt

I've implemented new compile macros for WinEdt 10.2 and the features you ask for, both in your question and in the comments, are now available in the default settings. There are two new options in ...
karlkoeller's user avatar
5 votes

LaTeX3-sensitive editors

TeXShop Beginning with version 5.27, TeXShop can color expl3 code. All of chapter 24 of the TeXShop Manual (accessed via Help -> TeXShop Manual) is devoted to this feature. It can be toggled on and ...
LaTeXereXeTaL's user avatar
5 votes

LaTeX3-sensitive editors

TeXstudio Since the commit 1f9841 TeXstudio now also has some basic syntax highlighting for expl3 code. I assume that this new feature will be included in TeXstudio 4.7.4 onward. Here an example using ...'s user avatar
5 votes

Adding a button in Toolbar in Winedt 10

I found it :) . I did it by "Options->Toolbar->Legacy Default"
asad's user avatar
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5 votes

Hide .synctex files

There's no WinEdt macro that acts on the file attributes. However we can tell WinEdt to use the attrib DOS command to achieve what you want. These are the steps you have to follow: Open the file %B\...
karlkoeller's user avatar
5 votes

How(where) to change the default directory where WinEdt save new files?

WinEdt saves new files in the currently active directory. There's no way to change it for new files. But there's a couple of options in the "Preferences" dialog (Options menu) -> "File Status" tab ->...
karlkoeller's user avatar
5 votes

Can I see the pdf of a file open with a WinEdt project but not in the project?

You cannot do this with default WinEdt settings. Nevertheless, if all you need is a shortcut for this, let's say Shift+Alt+R, simply do the following. Go to "Options" -> "Options Interface" and ...
karlkoeller's user avatar
5 votes

how to make WinEdt the default editor for `.tex` files?

You can open the WinEdt Configuration Wizard, and click on the File Types Associations tab, like this:
Bernard's user avatar
  • 273k
5 votes

! LaTeX Error: File `12pt.cls' not found

The fix here should be simple. Use \documentclass[12pt]{article} instead of \documentclass{12pt}{article} Note the use of [12pt] as an optional argument to the \documentclass command, rather than ...
Werner's user avatar
  • 610k
5 votes

\widowpenalty: the negative infinite penalty

A penalty \widowpenalty is added to the main vertical list only when TeX is contributing a multiline paragraph, between the last two lines. If a paragraph has only one line, it can generate neither a ...
egreg's user avatar
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4 votes

LaTeX3-sensitive editors

VIM with vimtex vimtex supports expl3 syntax highlighting (inside of \ExplSyntaxOn...\ExplSyntaxOff or after \ProvidesExpl...). (as you can see, above \ExplSyntaxOn the L3 code isn't recognised and ...
Skillmon's user avatar
  • 63.2k
4 votes

How to generate pdf with WinEDT

As you can see from the message captured by WinEdt from texify error stream, it clearly says: latex: unrecognized option `--synctex=-1' This means that the version of latex.exe you have installed ...
karlkoeller's user avatar
4 votes

Having the full expansion of \jobname in the WinEdt Tree

This is quite simple. Follow these steps: Show the "Options Interface" (Options -> Options Interface) In the "Options Interface", double-click the "Input Directives" item (Input.ini gets opened) ...
karlkoeller's user avatar
4 votes

WinEdt 10 forward search disabled with --synctex=1

When, in Options -> Execution Modes -> PDF Viewer, you change the field "Synctex Switch" to --synctex=1, you also have to change the field "SyncTeX Filetype" to .synctex.gz otherwise WinEdt will ...
karlkoeller's user avatar
4 votes

Set WinEdt background color as Monokai

If you are using WinEdt 10, you can choose some predefined themes from options -> themes menu. For example, the Solarized Dark looks like:
Arzigoglu's user avatar
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