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asmaier's user avatar
asmaier's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
5 votes

Tectonic under text editors

1 vote

Why is the MacTeX distribution so large? Is there anything smaller for OS X?

1 vote

Using LaTeX to keep a diary

1 vote

Multiple signatures in a letter

3 votes

What is the status of generating LaTeX from handwriting (i.e., OCR)?

3 votes

Use LaTeX to produce ePub

0 votes

Space after comma in units package

0 votes

Why haven't any TeX->HTML converters been updated to use current web standards/style?

1 vote

Use LaTeX to produce ePub

0 votes

LaTeX to HTML: PolyTeXnic and PlasTeX

4 votes

Convert LaTeX to HTML

5 votes

LaTeX to HTML: PolyTeXnic and PlasTeX

147 votes

What are the practical differences between installing LaTeX from MacTeX or MacPorts/Homebrew?

7 votes

What is the status of generating LaTeX from handwriting (i.e., OCR)?