I am a Full Professor with Glaciology as my primary research field and work mainly on ice dynamics and glacier-climate relationships. I teach at all university levels. In my department I am responsible for teaching research methodology to PhD students including ethics. I have also been Editor-in-Chief of an international ISI listed journal for nine years.
For Tex.sx: My history with LaTeX essentially started when I was introduced to TeX as a graduate student. I produced my thesis in a home (some would say half) baked TeX format. After a hiatus of some Word years I returned to LaTeX and have never looked back. I now try to implement all my documentation in LaTeX including university versions of beamer, beamerposter and letterheads (the U does not provide anything but Word templates).
LaTeX spawned my interest in type setting and I have spent time type setting books among others a popular science book on Glaciology. As Editor in Chief of an international journal I am working in collaboration with a professional LaTeX expert on implementing a LaTeX template for manuscripts and proof-ready layout. As head of graduate studies I am also trying to influence graduate students to work with LaTeX.
Contact? firstname dot lastname att natgeo dot su dot se