I am a PhD in Mathematics at UFRJ (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) currently working at traffic control as an applied mathematician. You can see my webpage on IM-UFRJ here.
My area of study in my DSc and MSc was Geometry and Topology. Specifically, I studied the free loop space of globally symmetric spaces and its homology in the specific case of CROSS's (Compact Rank One Symmetric Spaces) in my MSc. In my DSc, I studied the symmetric Hofer-Zehnder capacity (defined in symmetric symplectic manifolds, which are essentially symplectic manifolds equiped with an anti-symplectic involution with non empty fixed-point set) and arrived at results related to its finiteness under specific conditions.
My main mathematical interests reside in the following areas:
- Topology
- Geometry
- Analysis
- Set Theory
- Foundations of Mathematics
- Algebra
- Functional Analysis
- Measure Theory
I also like music, and I'm a huge fan of guitarist John Frusciante.
I have a blog, on which I post something every once in a millennium: http://aloiziomacedo.weebly.com/
I have a Real Analysis book in development (mostly done), which you can see here (I've been adding some things, so the last sections are still incomplete).
You can contact me at aloiziomacedo AT gmail DOT com.