The title is indeed correct. I want to change the diamond in the following figure with heart and star with club symbol:
end node/.style = {%
minimum size = 5pt,
inner sep = 0pt,
fill = black,
star end/.style = {%
end node,
star point ratio = 2.25,
diamond end/.style = {%
end node,
\draw (0, 0) coordinate (A)
-- ++(0, 2) coordinate (B)
node[midway, left] {$$}
-- ++(2, 0) coordinate (C)
-- ++(0, -2) coordinate (D)
-- cycle
node[midway, above] {$$};
\node[below] at (A) {};
\node[diamond end] at (A) {};
\node[above] at (B) {};
\node[star end] at (B) {};
\node[above] at (C) {};
\node[diamond end] at (C) {};
\node[below] at (D) {};
\node[star end] at (D) {};
The simple replacement
star end/.style = {%
end node,
star point ratio = 2.25,
diamond end/.style = {%
end node,
does not seem to work. How can I change diamond with heart, and star with club in this code? Would appreciate the help!