For a project I had to typeset a text conversation between two people. I ended up writing a class that recreates the look and feel of the Kik messenger app.
Source of the class file (kik-android.cls
% kik-android.cls
% by Brian Jacobs (fixes by Maximilian Noethe).
% April 10, 2018
% This document class emulates the user interface of the Kik messaging
% application running on an android Moto X.
% Start with article. Eventually this should be removed,
% because I'm not actually using it for much of anything
% Load all necessary packages
% Set up the page so that it matches phone size.
\usepackage[top=.55in, bottom=.55in,
right=.015in, left=.015in,
% Style the page
% Color Definitions
% Customization Flags
\def\@partnerName{Sample Name}
% Macros to draw the background
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(\x1 - .42in - #1in, \y1 - 0.0415in - #1in) rectangle (\x1 - .43in -#1in, \y1 - 0.1409 in);
% Background Macro
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
% Background
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let \p1 = (current page.south east) in
let \p2 = (current page.south west) in
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% Kik Top bar decorations
% Circles
let \p1 = (current page.north east) in
(\x1 -.1987in,\y1-.359in) circle (0.04065in);
let \p1 = (current page.north east) in
(\x1 -.15805in,\y1-.31835in) circle (0.04065in);
% Name
let \p1 = (current page.north west) in
(\x1 + .4647in, \y1 - .3481in) node[anchor=west] {\@partnerName};
% Arrow
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(\x1 + .1314in, \y1 - .3397in) -- (\x1 + .2179in , \y1 - .3397in);
let \p1 = (current page.north west) in
(\x1 + .1795in, \y1 - .2981in) -- (\x1 + .1314in, \y1 - .3397in) --
(\x1 + .1795in, \y1 - .3846in);
% Kik Bottom Bar Decorations
% Type a message...
let \p1 = (current page.south west) in
(\x1 + .3141in, \y1 + .5524in) node[anchor=north west,scale=.85] {\color{androidgray}Type a message...};
% Plus
\draw[thick, androidgray]
let \p1 = (current page.south west) in
(\x1 + .1538in, \y1 + .5321in) -- (\x1 + .1538in,\y1 + .4135in);
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(\x1 + .0906in, \y1 + .4728in) -- (\x1 + .2088in, \y1 + .4728in);
% Android Top Bar Decorations
% Time
let \p1 = (current page.north east) in
(\x1,\y1-0.01in) node[anchor=north east,scale=0.75] {\color{androidgray}\@hours:\@minutes};
% Republic Wireless
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let \p1 = (current page.north west) in
(\x1 + .0701in, \y1 - .0801in) to[bend left=90] (\x1 + .1603in, \y1 - .0801in);
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% Status Bars
% Android Bottom Bar Decorations
% Home
\draw[very thick,androidgray]
let \p1 = (current page.south) in
(\x1 - .1186in, \y1 + .08974in) -- (\x1 + .1186in, \y1 + .08974in) --
(\x1 + .1186in, \y1 + .1795in) -- (\x1, \y1 + .2115in) --
(\x1 - .1186in, \y1 + .1795in) -- cycle;
% Pages
\draw[very thick,androidgray]
let \p1 = (current page.south east) in
(\x1 - .4391in, \y1 + .1058in) rectangle (\x1 - .6026in, \y1 + .1795in);
\draw[very thick,androidgray]
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(\x1 - .3974in, \y1 + .1346in) -- (\x1 - .3974in, \y1 + .2219in) --
(\x1 - .5545in, \y1 + .2219in);
% Back arrow
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let \p1 = (current page.south west) in
(\x1 + .4199in, \y1 + 0.1635in) -- (\x1 + .5833in, \y1 + 0.1635in) to[bend left=90]
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(\x1 + .4487in, \y1 + .1987in) -- (\x1 + .4199in, \y1 + .1635in) -- (\x1 + .4487in, \y1 + .1282in);
% Make the background appear on every page
% Commands for use by the user.
\draw (0,0) node[anchor=north east,rectangle,rounded corners=2,fill=msggreen, scale=0.75,draw=circgray] {
\raggedright #1\\
\tiny \color{msggreen}.
\fill[msggreen] (-0.01in,-0.06in) -- (0.06in,-0.12in) -- (-0.01in,-0.18in) -- cycle;
\draw[circgray] (0,-0.06in) -- (0.06in,-0.12in) -- (0in,-0.18in);
\draw (-.6,-.3) node[scale=1.825,circle, path picture={
\node at (path picture bounding{
] {};
\else\fill[black] (-.6,-.3) circle (.12in);\fi
\draw (0,0) node[anchor=north west,rectangle,rounded corners=2,fill=white, scale=0.75,draw=linegray] {
\raggedright #1\\
\tiny \color{white}.
\fill[white] (0.01in,-0.06in) -- (-0.06in,-0.12in) -- (0.01in,-0.18in) -- cycle;
\draw[linegray] (0,-0.06in) -- (-0.06in,-0.12in) -- (0in,-0.18in);
\draw (0,0) node[scale=.65] {\color{kiktimepalegray}#1 \color{kiktimedarkgray}@ #2};
Source for the conversation:
\setPartnerName{Dave Johnson}
\you{Knock knock}
\me{Who's there?}
\me{Canoe who?}
\you{Canoe help me with my homework?}
\time{Fri}{12:03 PM}
\you{...please. I'm gonna fail calculus. :-(}